What went right?

What went right?

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5 months since the lost soul arts of demon souls... what the fuck is this shit?
Why did he put out more videos when he had a job but less after making this his full time occupation?
That crazy potato.

He has industry experience. That's his main leg up, compared to other 'critics'. He also has a significant work ethic combined with the intelligence and creativity necessary to unpick games and what 'goodness' means in a vidya context.
He has some kind of autism regarding getting his videos just right, now that he's paid for it. You see it a lot, actuallly; Pannen went dark on his main channel as soon as he realised he'd have to make stuff to the same standard as le Parallel Universes, and that Oblivion guy never made another video.

the constant shilling on Sup Forums surely helped

At this point? Nothing.

the DeS vid made me buy DeS with the impression that it was gonna be the best in the series

it wasn't


I watched him play dark souls 1 for 6 hours straight and was thoroughly entertained



I've watched his 6 hour dark souls video, almost 3 hour demon soul video and most of his reviews/critiques multiple times.

His point was DeS was the most innovative in the series. Though I find the gameplay to be faster and more responsive than the dark souls series, even DaS3 (only falling short to BB), the quality of life improvements and boss design+level design built off of DeS in the later games make it hard to go backwards.

I unironically love listening to his potato accent

>le stop engaging with my fans as soon as they start paying me man

>gets paid to make videos
>hasnt uploaded a video in 6 months

great content creator, what a fag

Set to "per content created". He's not getting paid shit.

>He has industry experience.

What? What does he do?

Bugger all right now. But he got a degree in game design God knows why and IIRC has done SOME stuff related to it.

He literally says the opposite.

Yeah but one would think he could at least shit out one a month to actually live.

>degree in game design

I always thought this was bullshit because the few people i've talked to that were majoring in that didn't have a clue about videogames.

But I really like how matt thinks about vidya so maybe that degree isn't absolutely useless.

>Niggers and Anglos are the lowest form of beast; nay, not even beasts, but more akin to rocks. Not a single one of them should disgrace the Pope's green earth with their existence.
Not sure I agree with Matt's opinion on this matter

I always got the impression he had a comp sci degree.

DeS is my favorite of the series, granted I haven't played bloodborne.
Is bloodborne just demon's souls 2?

His is the best review of Ocarina of Time. He doesn't put it on a pedestal and lays out the flaws, but still praises the many things it gets right.

It's so rare to see a level headed review of that game. Far too many people ignore the flaws. Then you have morons like egoraptor literally inventing flaws that don't exist.

Not really. It's more similar to DeS than DaS but DeS is more similar to DaS than BB if that makes sense.
It's a good game though and if you've got a ps4 already you should probably get it if you enjoyed DeS.


no bueno, that's why I haven't played it

Because it's not DeS2 or because its on ps4? The latter is understandable if you don't have the money but the former is retarded, it's its own game.

I agree, I misunderstood the message, but I also think he misrepresented the ideas DS and BB brought to the table

this is the only good video vaati has made

>have extremely similar tastes to MM
>am also Irish
what did I mean by this


On the whole though, the individual variations to the DeS formula are still built from the DeS formula.
I think BB and DS1 brought some things to the table that DeS definitely didn't have and are good games in their own right, but ultimately I think MM was just saying both DS1 and BB made concessions in their design out of concern for their audience or pressure from outside sources.

will he do BOTW next


He always said Dark Souls was the best one idiot, he was being critical about the series becoming more conventional over time and soulsbabbies wanting more generic spam roll boss fights instead of anything creative.

Actually it's A N G L O you dirty taig

>muh creative bosses

Yeah I too enjoy Bed of Chaos, Shitless Shitcharge and other shit that was gimmicky but at the same time frustrating and boring as hell.

The truth is only BB and DaS3 got great bosses, even if they are not that creative. It's just fun to play with them. Gimmicky bosses are trash.

even if he was he said he didn't want to start in earnest until all the dlc was out, so it'll be a long time

the thing that's actually taking him so long to get out is about some indie metroidvania

What? Is he actually irish?
He doesn't even have a Boston accent

>t. larping shart


>he needs YouTubers to constantly reassure them that his opinions are valid and his feelings matter
People like you are the reason Joseph Anderson spends 30 minutes of every one of his videos apologizing for having a controversial opinion.

>Too stupid to understand the concept of satire and sarcasm, but not too stupid enough to find his way here
Can't you fuck off and go some where else?

Anderson is a fucking retard

>no one to compete with that was actually relevant
>doing it on the side so had excuses
>videos were only like an hour long

>multiple competitors some of which now have more subs than him
>does it for a living so has to meet some standards
>has released 6 hour videos and now has to live up to this standard and having OCD or autism whatever the fuck it wrong with him doesnt help

I honstly don't understand how people can like most of his stuff. I watched the Zelda and first dark souls "reviews" and just felt like he is telling me stuff I know but with a few "out there" points just to "wow" some fucking nerds.

That too.

>He has some kind of autism regarding getting his videos just right
Same thing happened to me with fansubbing, as I learned how to do shit correctly it became so tedious I just stopped/stalled projects because I couldn't bring myself to lower my standards.

Anderson is a dog thief

>He has some kind of autism regarding getting his videos just right, now that he's paid for it.

There's the big problem here. Not just with Matthew but MANY previously good youtuber critics, that tried to make it into a job failed and died off. You might think because they suck, but no my american friend, they died because once you make something into a job it becomes an obligation, and obligations are not fun. Jobs are not fun; jobs causes people to put pressure on themselves to meet goals and that doesn't work in the HOBBY of video games. A hobby is something you do outside of work for fun, to relax and unwind. When you make your hobby into your job, it stops becoming a hobby and turns into a job aka not fun.

I know that's pointing out the obvious, but there's a worlds apart difference between the two. Anyone that has worked for a living and loved a hobby, understand that they don't mix. You can have them both and only few people can pull this off successfully. When people are left to their own designs, they become super lazy and apathetic, it's a real state of the human being. That's why overwhelmingly, lonely people tend to be fat and lazy.

Never call me American or your friend again.

Also it's not that he finds it unfun, it's that he spends more time dithering over which word in particular would be the perfect one to use in such-and-such a sentence, because the whole thing needs to be perfect.

This. I honestly don't get how so many people are falling into this trap when something like a minor change in Patreon or Youtube policy will completely fuck them over.

>No Halloween stream this year

>No streams for the foreseeable future

His latest video on Souls series is very good.

It's not always that bad. Regardless of my own thoughts on them, Joseph Anderson and Noah Gervais kept a consistent schedule after going to Patreon.

Why is this e-celeb allowed here? Does he have a Sup Forums™ partnership?

He was declared halal by the 5th ecumenical eceleb council, you need Sup Forums gold account to participate

oh yes

>he spends more time dithering over which word in particular would be the perfect one to use in such-and-such a sentence, because the whole thing needs to be perfect.

Let's take a moment my white american friend, and think this through. If he really did spend so much time perfecting his script, that's a 5 month period of "dithering" as you say, on a four page script, but most likely, that is just an excuse for his inability to produce projects. If he really was an autist, he would be methodically playing video games at a set and predictable pace cause autists love stability and predictability. In america, the land of which we both reside in my friend, freedom to do what you want also means you have the freedom to fail and Matthew is ignoring or being burdened by the thought of failing, which in turn only strengthens the apprehension he feels about having to play video games for a living.

I think Matt has an unbudgeable sense of duty, and possibly a mild martyr complex. You can see it in his decisions to "pause" patreon; 'Because I have made you wait so long, I will not accept your money; nay, I only hope my content will serve as some measure of apology', he seems to say.

This duty and martyrdom -- which naturally turns to guilt -- is of course a symptom of Catholicism, an affliction which many of his kind have been unable to shake off. A purely European phenomenon, and one I'm sure both of us are well acquainted with.

post it

I don't think his script are 4 pages long. He writes giant scripts, and then scrap them when he thinks they aren't good enough.

I think the thing with a game like OoT is that there are a shit ton of glass that are completely natural to being among the first devs making full 3D games. There is a certain bubble that can be placed around certain games because while yes they are indeed flawed and aren't perfect, they were so innovative at the time and pushed forward into unknown territory so successfully that many of those flaws don't detract much from the overall good the game did. If you took someonr who only started playing games 2 years ago, they would go back to OoT and scratch their heads.

Matthewmatosis will do a face reveal in this year's Mechagamezilla christmas video
Screencap this post

I recently rewatched the Zelda reviews, and I laughed when I noticed that a common flaw in most of the games he wanted addressed was the empty overworld. Some things never change really, that's almost begging to drudged up again for the BotW critique.

Why are Sup Forumsermin so obsessed with e-celebs?

>a degree in game design
That means absolutely nothing. I'd say most of his knowledge simply comes from a continued interest in learning more about video games. Most of us will have a passing interest in it, we might take the opportunity to learn some more if we happen to come across an article or video that catches our eyes, but for the most part, we just like playing games. Matthew I believe is actively interested in learning more about them and getting a deeper understanding of them. For one thing he probably looks into how games work behind the scenes / in the studios, figuring out various design philosophies and what not, but also, he just plays a fucking shitload of games. Probably way more than the average NEET on Sup Forums. I don't know what exactly it was he said in one of his FAQ vids, but I believe the gist of it was he felt he didn't have enough knowledge about a certain type of game or games from a certain era, so he just started playing a bunch of games of that type or from that era and that alone gave him a ton of perspective and knowledge about games and how they've evolved.

I can't believe this sham cancelled Christmas. I voted for that box of safety matches and this is what Democracy gets me?

listening to matt and joe steam a game is like night and day

His Dark Souls 2 video is absolute autism and retardation.

have the rumors of his girlfriend actually being his sister ever been confirmed?

I thought all irish were related close enough to be genetically like siblings

What's the difference? Never watched an Anderson stream.

He puts a lot of effort into getting a good impression of a game. He avoids any previews, trailers, and any other media before playing a new release, and he plays the game without recording or streaming too. He also replays a game before giving any sort of verdict.

Anderson constantly outs himself as a chronic liar and namedrops reddit often because the truth is Hamboy is a redditard who tries to use Sup Forums for attention


Nah we have just enough foreign vaginas to mix things up enough.

For one Anderson is a complete retard when it comes to games, and streams games on his first playthroughs. He seems normal enough in his videos but his streams literally makes me lose all respect for him


butthurt das2 apologist

Pretty sure he was a programmer before he quit his job.

Watch his Nier or RE7 steam. He barely pays attention to the game on his first playthrough or saying retarded shit like Mario Galaxy having better movement then 64 and Odyssey. He also revealed his weeb power level by saying he wanted to make a Etrian Odyssey review but decided against it because of his normalfag fanbase.

>He also replays a game before giving any sort of verdic
If the reviewer you are watching doesn't do this, his opinion is 100% irrelevant even if he happens to be 100% correct.

How is Etrian Odyssey even weebshit enough to alienate the kind of audience that are into fucking vidya video essays to begin with? It's not even THAT niche of a series

What the fuck is his and why should I care no

He made a terrible mistake
>Quits programming job to do youtube full time
>Decides to move out of the city for some cheap housing in the countryside since he works from home now
>Only realize that this place doesn't have decent internet after you are already moved in
>Now can't stream or effectively make videos

it's hentai to his stream of skyrim babies

because he never touched the franchise. He is just looking for brownie points because one of the rare moments he wasn't on reddit and instead skimming the catalog he seen an SQ thread around the time of EOV's release.
Confront him on absolutely any question about the franchise and he will not be able to answer it

Galaxy has better movement than 64 and if it wasn't for cap toss double dive, it'd have better movement than Odyssey as well

sir I'm gonna half to ask you to lay off the memes alright?

hmmm, yeah, maybe it actually is worse

Yeah Matt would never reveal his weeb powerlevel by, say, being a massive SMT fanboy.

Reminder that Jo literally said he likes anime on stream.

Somewhere there is a parallel universe where mechagamezilla is content in life and making videos on the regular. But it is not this one.

It doesn't at all. Sandbox Mario has superior movement to course clear. Objective fact.

I've had enough of this.

That fine though. Jo pusses out of making video because of his faggot fanbase.

E-celeb cancer is not vidya

It is.