>Manly Tears goes to the arcade


*muffled whiiir sound in the distance*

thats a kind fun little assesory for young kids
Please don't tell me its anything else

Quality thread, not.


why... are they... doing this... to us....

That's cute

That pretty neat, whats the problem exactly?

nintentoddlers will unironically buy this and post pictures of it with their soy grins

b-b-b-but sony

That's kinda cute.

Please tell me this is just a homemade thing and not being sold

Oh no, some third party made a useless accessory! whatever will i do!

it's a third party accessory

It's cute
Whats the problem?



This is pretty cool. Fuck yourself.

Whats the issue here?

uh no
PCmaster here

your ALL soyfaggots, all you console fucks together

none of you are better than the other, your ALL shit compared to me. i represent ALL pc players, i am supreme.

wad dfvvfEradasefetrsetfgrxserwfeder

Looks cute and kinda neat to have. If it wasn't most likely overpriced I don't really see the problem with it. The Switch already has a stand, this one's just an aesthetically different looking one.

What the fuck is going on in this thread

8/10, would insert coin.

Its the fucking WHIRRRRR faggot as usual


So whats going on here? Can someone without mental retardation explain it to me?

That looks pretty neat. I wish it also had a vertical mode.

Shitposting. You see it all the time.

So what exactly is the problem?

neat idea

izzat some GOLGO13?

It's not okay when the platform I can't afford does it.

>Switch is the only console that can play games comfortably in both portrait and landscape

More games need to make use of this.

Looks like Baskin Robbins.

It's clearly Baskin Bobbins

All those classic SNK Neo-Geo arcade games on the Switch tho

>mfw this thread

no it's golgo31

I don't get it

me either!

the hell did I do!?

I'm also PCMR. Ninty can stay, they are fine. Their games are fun and end up on PC real soon anyways.