Thanks for beta testing

Thanks for beta testing

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Isn't that game 10 years old?


You know we also have this game, right ?

Consoles have no games confirmed

Consolebros win again

it's the most boring ARPG to date, enjoy ;^)

hmm why doesnt it include the 2nd ragnarok expansion

>doesn't have the new expansion
>graphics are worse than PC version

what's the most fun one?

>helmet replica
Lmao, this will look good on a baby along with MGSV prosthesis and Dead Space plasma cutter.

Ragnarok is nom-canon, practically fanfic.

I mean sure enjoy a 10 year old game that everybody and their mother owns on steam.
Not to say it isn't great but who in the fuck decided to port it over


The fuck? I understand being annoyed by the helmet and cutter but you really expected a fucking life size arm?

So does that mean this one is a beta test for the Switch version?

Bloodborne is a WRPG, not ARPG.

>owns on steam
You don't own anything on steam.

We get it you pedantic fuck

u mad lol

Switch can't run Titan Quest, too weak hardware-wise.

Not that guy and I get you're trolling but Titan Quest runs on shitty notebooks from 2003

I got this game for $1 in a humble bundle years ago. I'm glad the console kids can enjoy it too now


He's going to say something like "like I said, switch hardware is too weak" and think he's a comedic genius
Do your research net time friend. :)

I'm actually quite happy. I remember having some fun when this game came out on PC. Might play it on Switch, I always tried finding the same fun RPG running around for loot I had with BG: Dark Allience on PS2.

Consolewars shitposting aside I would love to play this on the switch if I ever got one.
As long as you could do side-by-side lan of some kind it would be pretty cool

And? The Switch is weaker than most notebooks from early 00s. It runs games on sub-HD resolutions 99% of the time, with frame drops.

user is a prophet

Called it

You are a bit retarded, its announced on switch too


Doom was released for the Switch, doesn't mean the Switch can run Doom. It ran a slideshow presentation of Doom only, with graphical settings stuck at lower than PC's low.

>Includes: Titan Quest + Immortal Throne

Wait, what about Ragnarok?


not canon and not fun.

Diablo clones need to be separated from normal ARPGs.

Never played this. Is it a Diablo clone like path of exile?

Yes. It's also one of the slowest playing ones

yes because the japs got it

We got it too, it just cost $200

Imagine Diablo 2, but it's non random.

I'm sorry you never played Doom on Switch, user. I had tons of fun, try having fun sometimes.

Not him but I'm pretty sure that consumers would pay extra for the boxspace, materials, and logistics for their actual life sized plastic trinkets if it meant they can actually use them. Ripoffs like those and the Fallout 4 pipboy that was just a phone case make an argument that there's a demand for them.

just play it right now on the pc you are using to type this shit

>I would love it if they ported it to-

WHY?! Just play it right now. Fuck, pirate it. The devs are long gone.

Does anyone still care about that game? Why are they rereleasing an 11 year old mediocre game?

How would people use a fucking prosthetic arm?

You know that most ARPGs are WRPGs right?


Titan Quest is mechanically outdated, the gameplay is just too fucking boring most of the time. Good thing Grim Dawn is also coming to consoles, so consolecucks will be able to experience the true h&s ludo.

>a fucking notepad

This whole hack and slash genre is so fucking repetitive and boring

Does PC version has gamepad support?

big berry

>but muh fun
every fucking time AHAHAHAHA

Yes, how awful, how can people play games and enjoy them without 4k and 60 or more fps. Be glad you were just a kid during the PSX and PS2 days, when little to no one gave a shit about both and we still had fun.

tell me more about grim dawn

How do you play it without keyboard and mouse

with controllers

It's life size for japs

>people actually pay extra for all these plastic toys

jokes on you the actual appeal is to have the box sealed and intact

That's not real, right? I mean why and how.