What’s the consensus on Okami?

What’s the consensus on Okami?

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incredibly slow scrolling text/10

The port was so underwhelming people were suggesting emulation as a replacement on the forums. And Capcom deleted those threads.

10/10 game cursed to sell poorly.

"The game that no one played... is finally released again! Now you too can ignore it... but this time on PC!"

and next-gen


Mouse drawing


>nobody played
But it was a great ps2 game? It was a staple exclusive

that literally no one bought

Wait for the mods that fix it

I have nothing against the game itself, but who really wanted an Okami remaster out of all the Capcom IPs?

>crashes on startup
Saw a couple other people having this problem in the bug reporting thread on steam. It's surprising, Windows 7 Ult SP1 usually plays fucking anything with minimal to no flaws, but this is the one game I've come across where I seem to be in the minority for this.

So what version you guys are playing ? how's hat new port ?

I like the bark button

What's wrong with the port? Or is it just Sup Forums whining over nothing again?

pretty good on pc

Replaying it recently, the cutscenes are unbearable. You can't go 5 minutes without being interrupted.

Works really well when I put the folder so that Avast doesn't think its a virus. Getting stable 30 fps, except when I swim in the river when it dipped to 20, but runs on literal toaster so that is nice. Also can't choose higher than 1280x720 resolution but I guess they will patch it.

1.) most annoying "talking" sounds in video game history
2.) incredibly easy, no challenge whatsoever: I you won't die once in 35 hours
3.) gameplay is a repetitive chore, including boss recycling

>Have best buys gamer club thing
>can get it for $14.99
>local best buy is garbage and never has anything in stock.
>can do it online but it wont get it to me for a week.

thinking about just buying it digitally.

1. correct, though i rather take that than shit voice acting
2. so its like doom, never died once and played on ultra violence
3. sounds like dark souls, but with non-rage-inducing bosses

Sup Forums, the worst place in the history of mankind where people whine about everything and 90% of threads derail into console war

A million times this, it's like people come here not to have discussions but just to vent

Welcome, welcome. You can go pick up your pamphlets at Sup Forums

there is no consensus on Sup Forums ever

At least it is only $20 and not the $40 they plan on charging for Shadow of the Colossus port.

one of the best games of all time easy

good ass zelda game.

V's whining about a good game, diffrent day, same board

>Bad port
On PC maybe. I've been playing on PS4 since yesterday morning and it runs like a dream. No lagging, no frame cuts, and not a single bit of motion blur. Its gorgeous

>and not a single bit of motion blur
I know consolefags are blind but I didn't know they were this blind. Okami is one of the smeariest games out there.


It's an incredible game, with some obvious flaws, that bother a lot of people. Mainly a really easy game, bad pacing at the start, boss reusing, and some poor dungeons.
It gets some hate, as a knee jerk reaction, because it's easily considered as the best game ever made by the people that love it., for the aformentioned flaws.
Still my favourite game

Thats my point. The PS4 version got rid of all the Ps2 blur, it's completely sharpened now.

Favourite game of all time. Plaed it own PS2 and bought it on Wii, PS3, PC and soon on the PS4. No game can make me as happy as this one.

Resolution is motion blur now? Stop posting any time.

I'm in the exact same situation, had to cancel three orders because they didn't have the item in stock on release day.

I've honestly had more luck with their shipping, gotten a few games a day before release

I never said resolution. I said motion blur, as in the blurring that PS2 had when Ammy runs, or the effects on the flames, and ghost characters. Its hard edge instead of transluscent.


The only difference is the resolution and textures. The motion blur is still in every version except the Wii port and the PC port if you use the mod.

I'm stuck in the game and don't want to look up a solution

I fixed the 2 Guardian Sapings and Issin said to go back to the village you started in but I can't find Sakuya

maybe bring all the trees to life i forget

or go through the gate to her tree.

It's definitely not in PS4. The motion blur of the PS2 version used to make me sick when when I was young. This is so crisp and clean that you don't have any form of blurring even in combat.

If you're so interested, I can show you, I'm streaming right now anyways.

should I just emulate the ps2 version?

Bring all trees in kamiki village to life. Every single one. and then talk to mr orange again.

Lazy port compared to other efforts like Vanquish

ok ill this thanks

I'm currently playing on the PS2 on a 32 inch CRT, [/spoiler]went into the ice cave place. Truly great game.

You're drunk user. You're mixing up resolution with motion blur somehow. The blur is still alive and well.

Vanquish is from the PS3/360 era. Bad example.
The only other PS2 game that had its framerate doubled broke the game (KH collection on PS4).

Couldn't have summed it up better.
You'll find a lot of flaws on the surface level.
But when you get into it and play through it, its an experience.

XB1 or PS4 controller? Which works best for this game.

PS4. XB1 isnt supported at all.

MGS3, presumably that .hack game that just came out, Tales, and Resident Evil come to mind. It doesn't matter what generation the original was from either, that's just excusing laziness. Most PS360 games were also built for 30fps and most of their remasters got 60.

Yes it is.

>Kh collection for ps4
Wrong. PS3 was broken for some fights like Xemnas and Sephiroth, but they patched that out on PS4.

>ctrl+f crashes on startup

Me too user, me too. I have no idea what is wrong at all.

you havent even played the ps4 version and that user has. why are you so convinced youre right?

Those ports are still broken but not due to FPS(after handful of patches).

Let's assume that support isn't an issue since I have an XB1. Which controller feels the best for this game.

Ignore him, he's just fishing for a reason to start console wars.

You can see it in videos and people on the internet talk about it.

>controller still wont work even with joy2key

>says this poster
>clearly fishing for a consolewar
You got one, and you lost it.

>Basing your information on other accounts instead of your own

This generation is doomed.

Nice to hear that the ps4 version is that clean, gonna get my copy tomorrow

You have to use steam's controller stuff. It works VERY well but it's something you have to set up.

>You can see it in videos
So wait, I should base my information on a consolewar shitposter?

How do I set it up?

>Clearly fishing for a console war

Um, Excuuuuse me? Whoa whoa slow down there bronco. This entire thread has been whining about the PC version ahving flaws, which have been proven in threads that I ran yesterday, and today. I simply made a point that PS4 isnt having those same issues, so people like: know what they're getting into. Thenb you come along and attack me? You're either jaded, or too used to the hostility of Sup Forums if you think every poster here is out to get you dude.

Launch Big Picture and go to controller settings.

Did you pirate the game cuz it only works for legit.

I can't imagine being as autistic as you lol.

I want to praise the sun! I want amatarasu to feed me for extra faith!

Does it matter? Just use whatever you want.

Explanation is now autism now? Gee, just last week it was stupidity. what will autism magically transcend into next week, guillibility? You call me a shitposter, and yet when you get corner in a discussion all you can resort to is "autism haha".

You're just deflecting. The blur is still in the game.

/gioyc/ - Get It Off Your Chest.

Of course I pirated the game

>Shit dungeons
>Piss easy difficulty
>Horrendous pacing
>Annoying partner who won’t shut the fuck up
>Padding out the ass
>Mind numbingly slow intro

It’s ok.

Then why even bother replying after being told to use "steam's controller stuff"?


Except it's not. If you're so sure of this pull up one of your precious videos that shows this "blur" you speak of. Since that seems to be your only source, While I on the other hand am Enjoying my actual game as we speak.

Anyone could watch any video and see it. I'm sorry you're blind and retarded.

Press square or circle. That said, certain scenes will still have slow text speed.

>Mind numbingly slow intro
>Horrendous pacing
>Padding out the ass
So you admit to having adhd, cause NONE of those have been a problem for me.
t. 50 hours in first run as of now.

Square or triangle skips faster.

Not going to prove it then? You're all talk and no action. Show us this supposed blur in the Ps4 version you've supposedly seen.

I'll wait.

>Delicious wolf anus

only in important cutscenes you mongoloid, you can speed it up everywhere else.

I see you can't read.

>important cutscenes

Sup Forums was a fucking mistake.

Does anybody have a video where i can see all the comparisons and shit ?

Post the video. You're clearly sure of yourself and yet you have no evidence to your claim shitposter. You've done nothing but muck up this thread with your lies all because you can't concede to fact. You say your fact is absolute and then when push comes to shove you cower. Get the fuck out of here you yellow bellied flounder. Nobody is going to listen to a whisperer like you.

Especially at the beginning. I remember trying to play it on Wii back in the day and you spend literal hours trying to get through all the fucking cutscenes and dialogue to get to the gameplay.

>even thinking about skipping cutscenes in a story focused game

Press Start, ya mook. Every single scene is skippable if you dont care about them.

The absolute state of PCbros

Did you miss that part where I said "any video"?

I'm sorry your blind and retarded. I really am.

Not them but I skip cutscenes in every game, even ones where I like the story. If it can't be told without taking control away from me I don't give a fuck. Okami, LoZ, Kingdom Hearts especially, shooters, idc