Kojima hard at work

>Fans have been to hard on me, I'm working I swear
>While 300 people slave away at his incoherent bullshit in Japan; Kojima along with his SJW slut "assistant", Ayako, and the producer Kenichi Imaizumi all flied to Germany for the holidays since The game awards & have been shit posting ever since

There's no way he's going to fail unless the game is literal shit and the shills they have turn against him

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Why do you let internet celebrities affect your life like this, user?



I'm happy for him. Guy make good games.

Imagine being OP and being so assblasted about celeb lifestyles that you make constant anti-kojima threads.

Lmaoing @ ur life desu senpai

He is fucking rich. Who is going to forbid him?

kojima works very hard. he truly suffers for his art

He goes out for lunch or dinner at a nice place what the fuck is wrong with that? Do you expect him to be working 24/7?

Damn dude really? Has he been doing this since the game's announcement?

i like who nu/v/ is finding out just now how easy is to be a director

Doesn't he own his studio? This is what most owners do. The fact that he's involved in the product at all is what's hard to believe. And that's not a credit to him, I really think he's either taking credit for work he's not doing or the product is vaporware.


Do you think they

fucking this
based kojimbo

Wait so you're telling me we're supposed to work 24 hours a day and have zero days off?

lmao at that image

I thought the Japanese couldn't be SJWs though

is he sensitive about his shorter leg?

I literally have 40 bucks to my name lol

he probably had to work like a slave under Konami

>SJW slut "assistant"


>being this much of a martyr
OP get off Sup Forums and back to work! You don’t want people on the internet to accuse you of being lazy do you?

fucking kek

Why does nu-Sup Forums hate this little man again?

She’s not an SJW or a slut, I think OP just hates women.

goddamn it


Does Kojima force her to hang out with him just as he does with Reedus?

Is he the literally most sympathetic game producer on the world?

Definitely. It's funny how people call him pretentious.

What work do you expect him to do exactly? He's the textbook definition of an "ideas guy". Like any visionary, his fame is built from the work and input of those under him

this looks like a JAV opening scene

>she is Hideo after hormone


What the hell, you lied Sup Forums kojima is great!


>living under a rock and not knowing how company ceos and executives spend their holidays

Lmfao Kohima cracks me up


Obviously he's making a tongue in cheek racist joke disguised as poor grammar/spelling. Flied as in "flied rice" like how a guy who takes your order at an asian restaurant might say.

kojimble retweets this
really makes you think

Your culture and country only exist because one guy in some river valley had the idea to delegate labor to other people.

Who cares, Kojima is a hack. Check how awful MGS became after Tomokazu Fukushima left.

>oh man some guys goes on vacation after 20 years of fucking hard work
>cry like a baby because he is not working

Ahhh... people are dumb, just turn off your internet for a while OP, it makes you dumber.

>the fukushima meme

Did Kojima ever apologize to David Hayter


Is that from fucking pic related

Wow, where's this clip from? I need to know. It summons a vision of child nostalgia I haven't felt in ages.


every character hes been shown us is a fucking white male! and that is fucking awesome!

you people are fucking psychotic, you need to get the fuck off the internet for your own good

*crawls from your monitor and into your body, moving it like a flesh suit* I have left the internet and now i'm in you.

Whatever happened to Miyazaki tweets?

How the fuck does Mads look so fucking cool no matter what he does?

>that grotesque twitter meme

that video with the Nvidia cards cracked me up
