A high-level World of Warcraft player has been kicked from his guild after it was revealed that he was DDOSing...

> A high-level World of Warcraft player has been kicked from his guild after it was revealed that he was DDOSing team-mates in order to get himself a spot in raids.

> Adois apparently spent some of the time ahead of the raid “begging a healer to click” a shortened URL. That link redirected to an IP scraper, and it was later revealed that Adois had posted the healer’s IP address into a different Discord server. The only healer who had clicked the link disconnected from both World of Warcraft and Limit’s servers on Mumble and Discord. Meanwhile, Adois had arrived to fill in for the missing player.


Why do co-op game modes produce this level of next-generation cancer? It feels worse than anything I've ever suffered in PvP.

Also, pretty obvious that you shouldn't click on strange links just because a stranger asks you too. Guy who fell for it was a moron, but the guy who set up the trap was an asshole too.

Imagine being so autistic that you DDOS someone so that you can have a spot in a raid.

>you shouldn't click on strange links just because a stranger asks you too.
This was a guild mate though

How is this news?

Next he's going to tell us you shouldn't have sex with a 40-year old cougar guildmate.
We all did it, right?

>I'm trying

It never fails to get a chuckle out of me.

that hasn't meant anything for over a decade

Imagine being so autistic that you unironically play a cuck aka a healer.

I mean, what sort of man would do such a thing? Tanks are okay, but only soyboys play healers.

somebody in you own guild

I'll still be laughing at this image in 20 years, I guarantee it.

It's a historical artifact. It'll age well.

Someone has to be the healer, might as well be you.

>Why do co-op game modes produce this level of next-generation cancer?
Besides afk players I haven't had any trouble in SC2 coop. In fact some people even saved my skin when I left my base undefended to get some bonus objective.

Not going to be me. Any MMO which REQUIRES a player to be a submissive bitch healer is objectively a bad MMO. Yes, that means nearly all of them.

Anyone knows if Blizzard ToS has anything against this shit? Could he be perma banned for this?

Tanking > Healing >>>>>> DPS

Imagine being that much of a soyboy that you accept zero responsibility whilst hiding your gyno behind damage meters.

I highly doubt it.

Even so, he could have achieved a similar effect just by knocking out the other player's connection to whatever chat server (TeamSpeak, Discord, whatever) that they use to coordinate with voice chat. If a guy can't coordinate as effectively as everyone else, then he would have been booted off anyway by default. That's without touching anything WoW related at all.

It's this really underhanded shit that's not illegal or necessarily in violation of any ToS. Just because something's not illegal doesn't mean that it's good or ethical.

Objectively false, see attached diagram for proofs.


>Not going to be me. Any MMO which REQUIRES a player to be a submissive bitch healer is objectively a bad MMO
Imagine being THIS much of a cucked, insecure soyboy that you refuse to play argueably one if the most valuable classes in an MMO.
Look at him, look at him and laugh.

And? This place would have applauded this guy a few years ago...

the fuck is this androgynous red nose tumblr shit

I am converted with this irrefutable evidence user

re-rolling retribution and enhancing my iq as we speak

I believe there is, DDosing is also a crime

I dont think there's a sufficient level of proof to do anything beside outing him and blacklisting him from HL guilds anyway


Well first off, DPS only uses like 3 to 4 abilities, second, you retards always ignore the lava/poison/whatever spots, and then I don't even remember if any DPS cunt has ever cared about their threat level and lastly the healer didn't forget you it's just some of them have become so jaded that they have a strict 'I don't heal retards' policy.


Not sure how true that is...


>DPS cast attack!
>DPS cast attack!
>DPS cast attack!
>DPS cast super attack!

Claim your humie before the roleplayers do!

fucking americlaps

Depending on the country ddosing is a crime

In GB it can net you 2 to 5 years prison time.

Fucking moralfag cuckolds, all of you

>you shouldn't click on strange links
>posts a strange link expecting me to click on it

OP here.

Smart lad. Trust is a weakness.

Why are WoW players such colossal faggots?

>This is what DPS actually believe

Not that it matters. They're literally all the same anyway: using abilities to make the numbers go up. Damage, health, threat. All the same. From a gameplay perspective, is there any difference between pressing 1 to cast a fireball that hits for 100 and pressing 1 to cast a healing spell that heals for 100?

Don't know. I tried to get into normal ToS some days after release. It took me an entire day to get into groups because faggots demanded you to have an achivement which you can only get if you completed the raid in the first place. Fucking faggots want it to be like a real life job application in order to get into the stupid raid.

Waiting for the next raid to release fully on raid finder this time as I can't be bothered with sitting up an entire day applying for groups just to be denied for not having a shitty achivement.

Damage mitigation mechanics, swapping mechanics, raid hazard mechanics, contributing to dps, minor if any resource management
Healing standard damage from boss (autos, unavoidable mechanics), spot healing from boss (avoidable mechanics), damage mitigation mechanics, raid hazard mechanics, possibly contributing dpsing if phase needs it, resource management
Most heavily contributing to dps, raid hazard mechanics, utility mechanics that widely vary from class to class that can't really be summarized generally
That really sums up the roles. Honestly I think healing is the most interesting because you're fighting boss mechanics like everyone else but also have the variables that change up the fights, but it's a minor one. All the roles share the same role of kill the boss, so I don't understand the pretend X is better than Y other than favoritism

Meanwhile EVE has people DDoSing entire teamspeak servers to ruin the enemy fleet's communication in a battle

Blizzard's and WoW's ToS all have the generic blanket clause: Access to Services may be suspended, temporary or permanently, at any time with or without explanation from the service provider [BlizzardActivision]. You then click "I accept" to this.
So yes, you may be banned at any time and they don't need or have to give you, the user, a reason why. It's standard now for almost any service that offers user to user interaction.

This is what single-class faggots actually believe. Every role in wow is fucking easy. Encounters are what actually hard and for the most part they are equally hard for everyone.

I used to freekill css jailbreak servers and ddos the server when they banned me

Boss is always statically there, damage can often be random, meaning the healer has to at least switch targets every fight

Just yesterday in FFXIV I had a tank bitch at me for using a group heal instead of just single heals, despite the logs showing I wasn't, which anyone can freely check, the amount of retarded tanks out there can drive any healer mad and at this point I don't blame a single one of them

Shit I read somewhere people were sabotaging actual landlines to stop certain players from connecting before a big strike.

>resource management

Is that still a thing? Last time I played WoW it was like being on autopilot. The only way you could fuck up was if you did it intentionally. This was on a free trial to lure me back so I never touched raids, only dungeons/heroics. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but I remember even regular dungeons requiring some thought with CC and carefully pulling the right mobs. When I played last you could just run through the things without a care in the world, pulling practically all the mobs before a boss and AoEing them down in a minute.

I think Gearscore was the first major trend that brought raiding down. If you didn't have enough points, you wouldn't get into raid.

In theory it should've helped people socialize as guild raiding would've been the only way you could see content and get upgrades but deteriorated into shitstorm. Thankfully on private vanilla servers the situation is a bit better - you're still 'gear checked on entry but it's not as punishing, especially later on when there are 5-10 people carrying the rest.

You're not wrong, Vanilla was a lot tougher and required a lot more thought.
I'm still thinking of trying modern though because they've done some really interesting things with some of the specs.

>tfw you can easily solo Hogger while being lower level than him.

The joke here is that he got benched despite being the only restoration shaman main in the guild. For a mythic prog guild to bench a fucking resto shaman the guy must've been exceptionally bad and was probably only there because they literally couldn't find anyone else.

Wait, no, the joke is the game. The game is the joke.

>faggots demanded you to have an achivement which you can only get if you completed the raid in the first place
This is only because so many fucking morons play MMOs nowadays. They don't want to learn fights by doing research and they don't want to learn fights by actually doing them and paying some fucking attention. There are some people who just never learn, you can wipe over and over again with them but they'll still fuck up the same mechanic.

And they're the vast majority of MMO players.

Remember to take into account specific mechanics in fights. In Wow right now, Heroic Aggramar requires the use of banish and long form cc on the flame mobs, and careful pacing and teamwork to get each flame mob into the boss before the boss reaches a certain percentage of hp.

I don't play WoW, but you would think that if such a guy is so valuable that he'd be in high demand in some other guild instead of sabotaging other players for a spot himself.

Furrikane, the silent judger

A mage just wants to cast fireball to make the bosses hp drop. There's no reason to not cast it as often as possible unless there's some better spell or you need to reposition. Tanking and healing are more dynamic

Healers need to time things, you don't want to over heal because that wastes mana. You also don't just heal the same target. Sometimes you need to switch targets and ultimatly you sometimes need to make tough choices. Say the tank and DPS are both at low hp. Do you heal the dpser and let the tank sit at critical hp just let him die?

Agro is dynamic too. Because burst exists sometimes other characters pull threat and than you need to taunt. Some stages of the fight it's more importaint to have threat than others and so you want to ration your threat.

This stuff actually gets most complex in dungeons, not raids. In dungeons you fight more than one enemy at a time. So there's targeting priority and deciding when to aoe vs single target. There's also oppourtunies to use crowd control.

MMO mechanics are pretty brain dead even at their deepest point and it needs to be that way for the game to function because the average raid group or dungeon does not communicate. No communication means each person needs to have 1 fucking job so they don't ever need to plan anything. Same reason MOBAs have the meta, it's not that you ca CAN'T make non-meta teams it's that you could never organize with PUGs.

>having morals is bad
go fuck kids somewhere else

>healer switch targets

Last time I raided was Emerald Nightmare but even then Interrupts were important on some fights and certain adds had to be killed immediately, etc

> It feels worse than anything I've ever suffered in PvP.

I somehow doubt you ever did well in any of the pvp game modes of WoW if you are saying this. DDoS has been standard practice for YEARS now and before discord got popular you were forced to get a VPN because people only used skype for that shit.

dps does one complicated task
tanks and healers do multiple simple tasks
it's balanced

>Do you heal the dpser and let the tank sit at critical hp just let him die?
This is a no brainer. The tank cannot die or threat will spill everywhere. If he used mitigation then dps.