Aight, so you use this thing on PC

Aight, so you use this thing on PC.

Which games do you play with it, though?

I emulate

mainly 3rd person and shit like that, used to for fighting games now i got a stick, platformers and racing etc

I use the Xbox One Controller.

Tho I just bought a PS4, should I use its controller as well with the pc?

Correct answer.

Most 3rd person games that involve driving, I switch from KB+M on foot.

All the ones thst allow it, if i prefer it with a controller, like rocket league

>buys a stick for fighters when they are just fine with a controller
>doesn't buy a wheel for racing games instead

How do you use it? Just steam?

DS4 is the best controller ever made, so yes.

play mgs on epsxe

any game I would've played with a 360 controller. Third person action games for example

A game from 1996.

scp toolkit


>never went to arcade

when you play 1 racing game a year you don't buy a wheel, i play fighting games all day and I play with both a stick and controller depending on the game, stick is better.

you can use wired DS4s with PC right?

Wonder Boy The Dragons Trap

As long as its the new DS4, yes.

Ds4 windows and then I emulate as xinput wired works or u can buy a bt adapter

DS4 Windows

Just Cause
shooters (come at me bro)
red faction