Ace Attorney Investigations

So this thing just came out for phones
Is it any good?

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Its ok.
Worst game in the series tough.
Characters are good and only the last case is really good.
rest of the cases are mediocre to just ok.

It'd not very good, I'd put it on par with Apollo Justice.

Investigations 2 is the best game in the series, though.

AA3 - AAI2 - AA6 are best games in the series.

Its worth playing. It may not be the best in the series but there is still some fun to be had.

Like best Waifu in the entire series and more screentime for Gumshoe.

It's by far the worst game in the series. The last case will make you wanna rip your hear out.Since Investigations 2 never came out in English, there's no reason to play it. Avoid it if you can.

It has a pretty solid fan translation

Power Rankings:

>Top tier
Investigations 2
Trials and Tribulations

Ace Attorney
Professor Layton Vs Ace Attorney
Spirit of Justice


Dual Destinies
Apollo Justice

Justice for All

I want Gumshoe to sit on my face

>AAI2 gets ported to phones
>no western release this time either
It's pretty much a given, but it's still annoying.

The fan translation has been around for years, user.

Love the work they did on it.
Justines and Raymond's are my favorites.

Oh god no, Kay sucks.
>dumb as a rock
>won't stop LARPing
>always trying to confront people and getting in the way
>writers had to give her a god-machine that can recreate crime scenes just so she isn't totally useless

It's worth playing solely as a setup for Investigations 2. Recurring characters are flanderized even more (Gumshoe becomes a bumbling retard who unironically thinks Edgeworth's basic logic is a lawyer superpower, Kay the new and worst sidekick never shuts the fuck up about being a thief, it's in almost every line of dialogue!). The cases are boring with shit antagonists. Case 3 is in the running for worst case in the entire series. Case 5 is pretty good because it's basically a biting self-parody of the series, especially with the 'character bursts in at the last second with new evidence' trope which happens no less than six times in a row. The localisation is pretty sloppy, with typos throughout, if that bothers you. The only worthwhile characters are Detective Badd who is a cool mentor figure for Gumshoe, and loli Fran who is cute cute cute!

Investigations 2 on the other hand improves in every way. The characters and writing are better and given more depth, every case is closely tied to the overarching plot without filler, the fan translation is actually somehow BETTER than some of Capcom's efforts, and it's arguably the best game in the series (unarguably in the top three).

Where do the DGS games fit in?

You forgot the best character of them all.

Lang was so bad at his job, if he didn't have so much charisma I would hate him.

They are japanese only without any fan translations.
besides the first game got the first caste done I think.

I cried during the Forgotten Turnabout in AAI2. 1 was shit though.

The first one ranged from okay to good while the second one was amazing

>without any fan translations.
Is no one working on it?

>great cast, especially holmes
>joint reasoning and closing argument are great
>best soundtrack of the series
>dynamic camerawork and good animation does a lot to liven up investigation

but the cases themselves are pretty bad and the overall plot goes nowhere because "sequel hook lol". Only the first case has anything resembling a satisfying conclusion and even that leaves a plot thread just hanging for the entire game.

Some group on youtube has a full fansubbed playthrough. I thought it was fine but I've seen posts hinting at some retarded drama that happened with it. Dunno if it's still up.

>the overall plot goes nowhere

That's why you need to play the second one. It ties up everything by the end and is a much better game than the first.