Video length just over 10 minutes to get that YouTube money

>video length just over 10 minutes to get that YouTube money
Why has James been so money hungry as of late?


What does 10 minutes do

Minimum length for premium ads

Didn't he shill some mobile game?

You're right, he probably should have made the /right/ decision and just not made money on this video

The fuck do you think youtubers make videos for? MONEY. Of COURSE all videos are gonna be over 10 minutes unless they have a huge patreon

He knows his relevance is fading faster than ever and wants enough money to retire on after wasting so much on that shitty movie.

His daughter has a golf ball size hole on her head and her brain fluid's leaking out, he needs money to treat her while simultaneously support her lifestyle of debauchery and hedonism

Tell that to Murdoch Murdoch.

> people aren't allowed to make money doing something they like

Memes aside, his channel was probably hit hard by the adpocalypse.

No they aren't, everyone has to pretend that manual labor is gratifying like me

What, really?

His wife has a black dick sized hole between her legs and he needs money to get it filled with premium cock meat.

>Murdoch Murdoch
literally who

>Why has James been so money hungry as of late?
>most important project of his life fails horribly
>nobody wants anything to do with him film wise
>has no other backup plan
>no other skills
gee I wonder

>people still watching avgn

>fuck this is stupid fuck!
>its like these people made a bad videogame fuck!
>so mad i'm gonna take a swig of beck's

Jesus is that true? Shouldn't we be feeling sorry for the guy?

>people still post anime images


>feeling sympathy for an e-celeb
>complaining about anime on Sup Forums

Yes, every post on Sup Forums is 100% truth, always

Eh, I still enjoy his content. I like the movie reviews and his other random reviews. His Avgn character has gotten tired but they’re still watchable. Mike and Ryan though, I can’t stand them.