So we all agree this is the best Tony Hawk game right?

So we all agree this is the best Tony Hawk game right?
>inb4 THPS2 plebs

Underground 2 is the best one

>inb4 THUG plebs

yeah I enjoyed thug 2 more


Pro Skater 4

how about I like all of them fuck nut

Bam Margera literally ruined that game. It was more like Jackass: the Skating Game.


I started a file last night after not having played for years and it's still my favorite.

I like THUG2 for the gameplay and levels, THUG1 for the career and options for park creation.

Am I the only one that finds THPS4 weird? There's something... Off about it. Idk what it is. The first three games are fine and perfect as a trilogy but THPS4 is like the autistic, weird cousin of the series. It's still a good game though.

I gotta be honest at the time I fucking loved that skate-heaven you built.

It was the inbetween hybrid of doing missions whenever you want with the arcade style of the previous games, and it seemed pretty.. 'clean' for what it was. Not necessarily paint-by-the-numbers, but less crazy and stand-out than THPS3.

Underground 2 is the best!

thug 2 is best bc it has thug pro

played this shit day in day out as a kid. wonder where I put the disc

Underground is the best

>fucking doomguy as an unlockable skater
goddamn when did games stop being this self aware and fun?

hey hey yo yo the use of wool has got to go

>tfw you will never Ollie the Bum

holy shit I can hear the voices again. make it stop.

seriously, that chant was annoying. loved beating the shit out of those hippies

Ah yes, Bam Margera's Underground 2

If I wanted to play jackass: the game, I'd play jackass: the game

Project 8 was the best

Bam Margera is no good, but the levels and gameplay mechanics were top fucking notch.

I stopped at THUG2. I've only seen American Wasteland get ignored. Why is that do you think?

I used to masturbate to the character creation

This, but I liked Jackass so i'm biased

like, the menu itself or what

THUG2 and THAW are garbage. I'd much rather play Project 8 or Proving Ground.

>cant jump, can move and spin fast

THUG 2 was the pinnacle of the engine, soundtrack.

>Project 8 was the best
it was a fucking joke

Best character coming through.


I liked that McTwist Eric did over the helicopter.



THAW was one of the fucking worst
>do a trick on thing so we can take it
>do a trick
>mission over

>play the game again on Sick, expecting utter fireball hell
>fucking punch his lights out instead
>still gotta do the mission inevitably for 100% completion

I don't know how many times I rewatched that cutscene just to deck him