Name a more Chad-looking developer. protip: you can't

Name a more Chad-looking developer. protip: you can't.

Looks more like a Brad desu...



The one who developed Cuphead. He's even called Chad.

Literally named Chad.




Real Chads don't make games. Fares first and foremost a film director.

Beat me to it

that is a beta cuck

I remember Kojima giving him the awards at TGA.

But does Drukmann breathe style?

Wow you can remember something from less than a week ago? Nice!

mongrels can't be chads

Thankfully, neither A Way Out or Cuphead devs are Americans.

Nah, this guy has too cucky a face to be Chad. His too negative canthal tilt. His lips too thin. Mouth too horizontally narrow. He's a budget Chad at best. Close but no dice.

fuck off /fit/

>they don't even know what "Fares" means
you have yet to see a true meme

Toby Fox

(on the right: Yoshiro Kimura)

>budget chad

It is what it is. I'll admit that he looks like a good guy but his face does not exude the kind of sex appeal needed to be Chad. Not being obese or ugly =/= Chad.

I bet a got laid more in high school than both these 2 faggots in their entire lives put together

lol it can mean migrate

and he's a migrant haha XD

try again

easy. meet my husband.

we're talking chads here not numale cuckolds



>this whole post


Is jesus good lookig

>athletic, aryan face
>now he's a whiny, pudgy fat SJW

what went wrong?


Doesn't really look like a chad. His features with that style makes him look more like someone who sells you hot dogs.

>implying he's not more of a true chad than the faggot op (you, also a faggot) posted

found the virgin

You Can (Not) Beat Todd

He stopped doing Kung Fu.



He's Persian isn't he?

>Then make throttling illegal if NN dies. Problem solved.
1. You say that as if it were easy to do.
Do you know how much money ISPs pay politicians to lobby for laws to pass/not pass?

2. Making throttling illegal doesn't fix what repealing net neutrality does, since what net neutrality enforces is ALL IP packets be given equal priority.
Even if throttling is illegal, the base transfer rate for specific services will be diminished even without throttling in favour of services that:
a) paid the ISP for better service
b) are owned by the ISP

Therefore Comcast can push Comcast content on you much faster, while everything else (that Comcast isn't being paid for) is slowed down. And if it's not slowed down then the services would probably become more expensive, since Netflix would have to pay Comcast for having their packets transported with a priority for Netflix customers, and this cost will almost be guaranteed transferred to the customer.
So your $9.99 Netflix bill will become $19.99 for the costs incurred by Netflix from Comcast.

And Netflix is just one of many services that would be affected.

Literally the only way to fix it is to make NN alive again if NN dies.

he looks like a rat

Wrong thread you fucking idiot.


>implying there's a wrong thread when spreading a message

It's the wrong thread because it's not the topic of this one, you annoying attentionwhore.

As long as someone is reading it, it's right.

No it isn't, take your delusional Sup Forumsbabble back to Sup Forums.

He's tall and fit though which is more important.

Fucking hell, one of Del Taco's legs is wider than all of Kojima.

As if there's any contest when is a thing.

>A Chad
Pick one and only one.

The one and only chad




is this man white?
this is important


He's Assyrian.

>budget Chad


No I'm not going to visit your place of birth.
You can't stop the signal, Mal

How tall? Under 6 foot can't be a chad.

Are you down with him Sup Forums?

the guy on the left looks like a typical Indian/Turk yuppie opportunist.
Let me guess, he works at EA too?

That pic is like 12 years old.
Post a more recent pic.

This guy, this literal guy too fucking perfect

He's Arab (Lebanese).

>Greasy long-haired hippy


Kojima is for sure a gay

What a handsome man no homo

it actually means Knight.
