The absolute madmen

The absolute madmen

fuck off already

>saying happy hanukkah but omitting saying merry christmas

hm epic

so why did they retcon the white British woman to be Indian?
Like how can they just retcon a character's race like that?
Also since when is some South African colored woman a kike?

Literally a worse Sony couple than Spikat

She's Australian. And they never changed her race to Indian. She said she knows of Indian history. Jesus user. How bout you actually play the games?

>that shitty ohm/aum symbol

Every fucking girl who actually has anyhting regarding this symbol is just a fucking junkie and hide themselves with the "capitalism is bad" bullshit.

In Lost Legacy she's suddenly half Indian

canada is a fucking embarrassment.


>when is some South African colored woman a kike?
Oh user, if you only knew the truth of this world.

Isn't that the muhammed symbol? If anyone fucking hates each other it's the muslims and the jews. I wonder how this will play out for Naughty Dog.

Wait, why did they turn into men?

it's the symbol for Hinduism

>Normal people use reindeers, snowflakes, red&green as holiday symbols
>kikes and allahs just HAVE to shove in their disgusting religious symbolism

not even christians shove in their little crosses during the holidays

Fixed your propaganda for you.

Why can't most libshits draw noses correctly?

Nobody likes Spike Kat!

most people period can't draw noses correctly you moron

draw a nose, if you're so great

>everything I don't like is propaganda

She went from British to Quintessentially British. They have to accurately portray the UK now. Its all part and parcel.

It is propaganda though.

>anything I do like couldn't possibly be propaganda.

Why exactly is it propaganda?


This seems like a back handed passive aggressive tweet to the people celebrating Christmas and love their shitty games.

>accept this!
>if you don't accept and like it, you're a homophobic shitlord

its the first day of the jew holiday. i'm sure they'll say merry christmas when it's actually christmas

Can you show me where their tweet says that?

literally shaking

>Gay agenda
There is zero reason to focus on their sexuality when their sexuality cannot and does not alter gameplay in any way
>Anti-Christian values
Omitting Christmas in lieu of Judaism and Hindoo faiths is blatant.
>Tumblr artstyle
Tumblr is a hotbed for seditious acts against democracy and meritocracy.
>Making a general appeal to emotions instead of logic or reason
Simply barbaric in essence.
If you do not see the corrosive element of even 1 of these notions on display, let alone the bevy of them in compound, you are just a lost cause.

I am prepared for your non-argument rebuttal.

Wait until Christmas to see what they'll say then.

dude minorities lmao

Pretty much legitimately right. Companies can do shit things to consumers, fill their games with propaganda, and people think its fine. But point out that it's there and they condemn you to death.

>Simply barbaric in essence.


soon you'll be one

>Choosing the enemy you know over the enemy you dont
You can chalk it up to stockholm syndrome but in a capitalist society these things are to be expected, its the potentially morally bankrupt opportunist the average person doesn't trust. Why do you think Jews run everything, or government? Nobody trusts the individual.

>Anti-Christian values
Inclusion and the promotion of other sometimes even opposite values and faiths doesn't mean a direct attack of another unrepresented demographic, I'm sure ND sells games to everyone.

>No Cutter

>didnt do a crash and cortex thing

>making a holiday greetings drawing is politicizing video games and politicizing is bad cause.....uh...

>Christmas is a Christian holiday
>let's show our respect to those celebrating it by rubbing LESBIANS, which are condemned in the bible, celebrating it!
When will game devs start publishing "Happy Ramadan!" with a picture of Mohammad fucking a pig?

Not an argument

Things like this make me feel dirty, regardless of whose politics are being propagandized. It's just one of those hideous - and all the more hideous because it's done so crassly - reminders that the people you pay to entertain you aren't content to just create entertainment with whatever unavoidable portion of their opinions bleed into every product. No, they want to go out of their way to both take your money and push you to agree with their opinions.

>>let's show our respect to those celebrating it by rubbing LESBIANS, which are condemned in the bible, celebrating it!
Tale off your tinfoil hat champ

>omitting the largest most traditional denomination in the west doesn't mean it was on purpose.
>During december
>Involve Hindu faith when they don't have a christmas proxy event. No Deepavali does not count.

>Asks for how it is propaganda. States how it is propaganda
>nuh uh you bigot those are alternative facts.
Suck start a revolver.

I had a similar logic with saying all lives matter but I got accused of being a racist

>UGH religion is so dumb right?
>n-not jews and muslims though