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What do you add first? Milk or cereal?

What kind of retard puts milk first

adding milk first allows you to better judge how much milk you will be drinking if that somehow matters to you. Adding cereal first just makes more sense otherwise

Milk, it's the only right thing to do.

cereal. what kind of uncultured barbarian puts the milk in first?

who eats milk and cereal over the age of 12?

roll em


cereal first and then pour the milk until it makes the cereal rise.

Milk, so I can heat it up first

Yeah, wtf I only drink Scotch and light a cig for breakfast.


ban these faggots
this guy's ok but only because he explained his logic


At least with toilet paper orientation there are actually people who do it the wrong way. Literally no one pours the milk first.

I like a very specific milk to cereal ratio so I always put cereal in first.

If I am trying to make a midnight bowl, milk first.

what kind of fucking retard puts milk first

>soy milk

The absolute state of Sup Forums

I prefer to use water

Soymilk first

You disgust me

>ceral fags falseflagging


Milk is a sauce so it always goes second
You don't put pasta on your plate second do you?

Do they still put stuff like this in cereal boxes?

cock up your ass second

The same people who put milk first in tea


the only sensible people in this thread

Here comes Sup Forums to ruin the thread

i eat cereal w/o milk

>He puts milk in his tea

I eat a bowl of hard nails every morning


Yeah so?


I take two pieces of rye bread, and butter one side on each. Then I load it up with pork and put it in the pan. Once it's done, I pull it out and add thinly sliced pickles and horseradish sauce.

That has been breakfast for me since Thanksgiving, because I have like 17 pounds of thick cut pork brisket

I almost never use milk when instructions call for it. Boxed powder mac n cheese I just use water instead. Same for powdered mashed potatoes. It's barely worse and I don't have to buy milk.

Milk then cereal? Do you also put ice after you poor your drink? Do you like making messes?

>oh no le pol boogeyman is gonna ruin this perfectly fine videogame thread

If you put milk in first you are literally retarded


Oatmeal with water is the patrician breakfast

Who the fuck eats cereal in the morning how old are you?

this makes sense if the bowl has measuring lines which I'm betting you don't have unless you already used a measuring cup before and you just remember the line of the bowl but that would mean you poured the milk first after using a measuring cup which leads me to believe you're totally full of shit or just a moron who think they can eyeball measure milk in a bowl

you're not fulling anyone

>pork everyday

Gee user, it's like you hate living.


Cereal first, then yogurt.
Cereal with milk is disgusting

>adding milk

Who the fuck pours a clump of cereal into a bowl of milk?

>videogame thread

>perpetuating vegan lies

It's good.

i pour milk first becuase i dont want to bring the milk into my room when i can just pour it first at the kitchen then add cereal later. no reason adding it before hand since it makes the trip back to my room a lot harder trying to not spill any overflowing cereal.

Have we gotten to the point now where people are feigning superiority because they only eat mature breakfasts for mature people, such as themselves?

>videogame thread
cereal isn't video games.

I couldn't imagine cleaning cum off a camera. I also don't shoot into the open like that so obviously that savage doesn't give a fuck and just had died cum covering everything.

Milk -> cereal -> eat -> more cereal -> eat -> more cereal -> eat -> drink remaining milk

This is the only way to keep your cereal crispy. You people pouring milk onto cereal end up eating soggy bog milk half of the time.

Fuck you

Or you could just eat it faster.

Milk first
Pineapple is great on pizza and burgers
Pokémon > digimon

It's cereal, not scrambled eggs.

>Pour in cereal
>Take bowl, spoon and milk to eating destination
>Place spoon in hand
>Pour in milk
>Eat as fast as possible while not spilling to keep the crunchiness to a maximum
>Put the milk in the fridge ASAP

Roll please.

Yeah, but often times the cereal ends up too crispy if you do it that way

>not making the best breakfast food of all time

I eat cereal without milk, I'll never understand why people enjoy eating it soggy. Crunchy is best, you can actually taste the flavour.



What's the matter? Got weak, pussy gums that can't handle the Cap'n?

Thats 2 trips to the fridge. Not worth pouring cereal first when you can pour before heading to your destination.

>Pineapple on a burger
Why haven't I tried this? I love pineapple pizza.

might as well

> Fischer
Is this grammatically correct? Shouldn’t it be fisher

It's a typo. It should be Fisther.

I always come into these threads just before deletion.


I do

The fridge is on the way to the kitchen sink. Just carry bowl and milk with you at the same time.

Nah, but you gotta find the correct balance of milk and crunchiness

Maybe she's a hockey equipment merchant

>milk in tea
I tried this once and almost threw up.

Only fags eat cereals. As a teen I liked to eat them but instead of eating shitty cereals I rather eat some ice cream instead.

Oeatmeal with milk, honey and apple is the correct answer

yes we are on Sup Forums after all.

Hope you never get hospitalized then

No such thing

My grandfather had a huge lump on his arm because he couldn't stop eating meat.

Yes it is, but too much of one thing is never good.

What? Do you keep cereal in a room that isn't the kitchen?

Without any soy

OP here and this is what I do because I'm not a retard.

>adding dry to wet for anything other than dry doughs

It's objectively wrong and there's nothing your opinion can do to change it fuckers. Besides, here's the 100 CEREAL perk

>fill bowl 3/4 with cereal
>place open over the bowl
>pour milk between thumb and index finger to fill bowl
>cereal hits your hand and stops there as you fill the bowl with milk
>once milk is at the same level as cereal, let go
>perfect bowl of cereal every time

Get on my level.

Which is significantly earlier to do when you are adding cereal in increments. If you try to perform the same function by adding milk to cereal only the cereal at the bottom of the bowl gets any moisture and you can't reliably fish that shit out while maintaining adequate crispiness levels for the remaining cereal. I'm a fucking pro at this.

I use yogurt with corn flakes.

So I'm the only one who puts alchol in first?

Special k or bust. I consume almost zero sugar other than alcohol.