Why are you not creating games Sup Forums?

why are you not creating games Sup Forums?

I'm lazy and not very creative.

Well I'm about to go to bed, but other than that, I have no good reason.
Where do I start?

Because I don't like games.

Because I'm a nobody and it would take me several months/years to build a following in order to get funding.

im an ideas guy not a creator

because I like to play game not make them.

Why aren’t you bitching about politics Sup Forums?

Learn to code then find some who you can afford and who's art is at minimum able to make you go "yeah I could fap to this"

AS was also a nobody

Is his game still a dozen routes that are only 20% of the way finished?

motherfucker you make it sound so easy
no joke i'll call my brother in the morning
he is pretty good at drawing

Because I already make more than that as a software engineer.

But not more than this, holy SHIT.

better to try than not to

Whoa, I only make 90k/yr doing banking softare :(

This all represents several months worth of skill building and/or connections, not to mention building an audience.

And if you're paying money to someone for art for a game that most likely won't even get its feet off the ground then you're losing money.

thanks user, i was wondering what to do with my free time before school starts again
if it all goes to shit i'll at least make sure i get some fap art

Working on it
I'll be ready to get in on this patreon thing in a year or so, or whatever the new way of getting people to pay you to work for porn games will be at that point


>have an idea for a game
>can't code
>too lazy to learn

thank you mickey

woah they truly speak for the working class

I am except I’m doing it for free and not begging for money so I can have people do my work for me

to lazy

I am though.

I tried to make a game once, but after trying I realized that I'm too stupid to create a game engine.

This dude makes more in a month than a good majority of people do in a year.
really hope he doesn't bitch about capitalism

Coding is hell and I am lazy.

For the workers of the world to unite and reach class consciousness they first have to give all their money to CPT so they can complain about bernie not winning the primaries for an hour a week

go back to Sup Forums

They’re fat white socialists

just listened to some of it on soundcloud and they say drumpf unironically

The dev doesn't pocket that whole sum, not even close. He has to pay the people who work on the project, then there's taxes etc.

Its still good money. Especially considering that these projects rarely include coding talent that could get employed in the industry proper.

I'm going to try to make a game, I probably should study to become a doctor instead but dreams > reality.

I would complain about capitalism if I made a million dollars at day. The amount the universe owes me can't be counted in money, but instead souls.

Do or dont. There is no try.

Spoiler alert: You will see how much work is involved and give up.