Why is Samus's ass three times the size of Shulk's?


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Trying out a new VPN today Sybb? Report and hide.

>why does a grown woman have childbearing hips and a male child doesnt

Why are you guys even looking at a woman's ass?

>why does an adult woman have a bigger ass than a pubescent teen boy

Because I'm gay.

>woman's ass
I'm sure they're not looking at Samus as much

this doesn't answer the question

your fatass is bigger than both and you don't get threads lol

>wimpy scientist dude
>extremely fit mercenary woman
I wonder

>2 Sybb threads up

Janitorial staff is hard at work I see.

Your post answers the question of "Is OP a drooling retard."

And the answer, since it's probably too hard to figure out, is a resounding "yes".

Why are you not looking at a woman's ass?

Because Shulk is a soyboy.

wtf my ass is fatter than samass's

1. it's not
2. that's gay
3. nice underwear, loser

That's a nice ass, boi.

Shulk is a thin scientist.
Why would he have a big ass

To be fair Samus's butt is clearly fatter than yours

Shut up and post your penis.

Don't stop now.

i dare you to slide a joycon in there and activate the HD RUMBLE

but its uncut and hairy

women have a higher distribution of bodyfat


>implying samus ass is bigger because its fatter

Modern men desire asses

I have LITERALLY seen this exact thread before

when I see underwear like that my first thought is to tri-force

Shulk uses the Monado to jump and therefore doesn't need to work his glutes the way Samus has to.

Not Samuses

That makes it hotter.


I'm surprised there's not more actually.

yes it does you uneducated retard
adult women have much wider hips than teenage boys because they're the ones who give birth