Game Recommendations Thread

You list what kind of game you're looking for, anons help each other out by giving you games to look into.

Looking for an ARPG with lots of customization, or games about martial arts. Also anything like Terraria.


Planet Centauri

Gives me vibes of early terraria. It's a lot more in-depth and a lot less documented iirc. It's one of those mostly-made early accesses with features hidden everywhere and you've got to make your own sense of the world in a lot of ways. Some of the most beautiful pixel art I've ever seen, youtube it bc they have tonnes of videos of making big creatures step by step.


Really strange martial arts simulator(almost), it's free and worth your time to figure out. Play with friends, tonnes of laughs and it's not as frustrating

This Planet Centauri game does look super interesting, I think I might get my hands on it. Also thank you for reminding me about Toribash; I totally forgot about it.

Anything you're looking for, user?

Jade Empire is an RPG not an ARPG, but it can be cool.

Dunno what terraria-likes there are out there.


Looking for an action/hack and slash with gebuinely unsettling/creepy enemies that isn't dmc. Alternatively a game that has some sort of gacha system like the Blades in XB2, that isn't freemium, mobile and all the things you draw can be viable.


absolver is a really solid customizable fighter.

I want a PS4 game for my dad
He loved San Andreas and the PS2 era Call Of Duty/Medal Of Honor games and BLACK
Any current gen SINGE PLAYER shooters similar to that?

Sounds like Bloodborne

Rainbow 6 Siege got rave reviews

Isn't Rainbow 6 MP only though? I tried the free weekend and the gunplay felt like shit

I guess I'll get him gtaV at some point, but 30 bucks for a ps3 game is meh

Advanced Warfare is cheap and has a pretty solid single player mode, plus splitscreen co-op in both a horde mode and against bots. GTA5 is also fine. For good single player focused fps in a grounded setting you're probably gonna struggle though, as everything is either mp focused or open world. Doom 2016 is a good choice, although it might be a little fast paced. Sniper Elite 3 and 4 might be a good pick if he wants a WW2 fps although it is more open and less run&gun

Any games out there like play similarly to metal slug? Already tried broforce and mercenary kings

I don't really play FPSs and it sucks that the trend is MP focused these days.
Yah I didn't buy him Doom cause I thought it would be too fast paced and the artstyle would make him dizzy.

He spent like 3 hours just driving around on Mafia 3 so GTAV it is, pity SP shooters are dead

Played Contra 3 yet?

It's a good thing we don't have a board for worksafe requests or else you'd be a fag right now. Wouldn't that be silly.

>discussing video games
>in a video game board

I'm craving a good RTS with an active online community that's not AOE2 or starcraft but thats probably too much to ask

Total War series but you probably don't like that if you have to ask here

Wesnoth is an old as fuck but fun little game with MP but with only like 20 regulars who you'll NEVER beat

Yes, you should get out

Is it on anything more recent than 4th gen systems? I still have my SNES and mega drive but they're in a box at my parents house. It feels like 2D shootan is dead and despite there being millions of fucking metroidvanias almost no indie boyoz want to make a metal slug ripoff. Alien hominid was great too

I need a fun multiplayer game to play. Love MMOs and ARPGs and MOBAs, but just cant stick to one thing. help me pick up a new MP game, any genre desu

I recently saw a game called "Earth's Dawn"
Not my kind of thing but you might like it

Dow: soulstorm and supcom are dead I think, you'll probably have to check player base figures for the aoe2 / aom remakes. Maybe ashes of the singularity?

looking for an MMO with good combat and pvp that has a good amount of grinding involved.

i would have liked to get into Destiny but im not a console pleb and destiny 2 sucked

i've been playing WoW recently (never got past like lvl 40 in the lich king days) but it's pretty boring, can anyone tell me if endgame content is worth it?

Already got that too my guy, it's more similar to vanillaware than anything though. I sometimes shill it on Sup Forums because it's cheap as fuck, relatively obscure but still a decent game that more people should try

Warcraft 3!

Not worth it.

Classical fantasy RPG with dragons and dorfs and elves and +1 magic swords, preferably older than 2006

endgame content is worth it if you like grinds at the beginning. Theyve made it a lot more accessible so its not too hard to get into endgame content after a couple of days of playing at max level.

PvP isnt as fun as it used to be but I know a lot of people that still only play WoW for it, so it could be fun for you. Raiding was always what I enjoyed most, and its pretty good this expac. Most if not all classes/specs are viable at endgame until you get to mythic, but I doubt you will.

Theres a lot of content to do at endgame

Path of Exile.