What's the best Let's Play ever made?

In terms of being interesting and impact on the LP world?

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Deceasedcrab makes Madamluna play Shadowgate.


One of Pewdiepie's is definitely most influential, you don't have to like him to acknowledge this. Kay's dark souls run was weirdly meditative for me. This is pretty subjective

I think gamegrumps sonic 06 playthrough and markipliers FNAF playthrough had the most impact

I don't understand many of the words in this sentence.


TheSw1tcher's Omikron is a ride and a half.

>impact on the LP world

Probably some early slowbeef shit

Modern comedic genius DSP playing Dark Souls 1

oneyplays is fun

I enjoyed supergreatfriends Deadly Premonition LP a lot

Darksydephil is probably the most influential one. Pewdiepie used to be a fan of Phil's, and the "over reacting salty gamer" gunk is Phil's gimmick. Hell, DSP even got Kojima's attention at one point.

tbf making a 15 minute unboxing of a normal edition game without ever unboxing it takes something special that others in the youtube space don't have

I subbed to him after the WSJ thing but I enjoy his non gaming videos. Even his low effort YLYL videos. His gaming videos not so much, does nothing for me.

DocFuture's Sonic LP as seen here in terms of quality.
DeceasedCrab's La-Mulana (original) because it also doubles as a walkthrough and for the longest time that was all you had in terms of a guide needed to beat the later bulldust.

Freeman's Mind

Fallout 3 kill everything.

Not to mention that DSP vs the Flowchart Ken video during the vanilla SFIV days was something unusual at the time. While other LPers tried to be professional and helpful , Phil would rage at his opponents or make fun of the game. Too bad he treats his fanbase like shit or else he would have been a lot more popular.

The Lightning Returns Unboxing was legendary.

That LP was the definitive Let's Play

holy shit now there's a name I haven't heard in years