Morrowind came out 4 years after red guard

>morrowind came out 4 years after red guard
>oblivion came out 5 years after morrowind
>skyrim came out 4 years after oblivion
>6 years after skyrim and we still don't even have a confirmation that the next instalment exists

This is what success does to a company

Other urls found in this thread:!topic/

it hasnt been 6 years since Skyrim VR

mike ross?

>Stop playing SFV


Do you really want them to just keep shitting them out? Each elder scrolls has gotten worse. I'm glad they're at least taking some time with it. But I really don't think Todd will ever release another actually. good game, no matter how long he spends on it

ESO counted in their books, and it's cannon too

cant wait for skyrim 2

We'll be 35 years old when we get to play Elder scrolls 6

can you fucking believe todd worked on daggerfall

I'm 34. So next year then?

Oblivion came out 4 years after Morrowind (2006) and Skyrim came out 5 years after that (2011). Now it's been 6 years since Skyrim and they claim to not have even STARTED on the next TES. I don't want to believe them. At this point they should at least have story ideas and shit worked out.

That's too much work, why make a new game when you can just remaster Skyrim over and over

go to bed grandpa lol

It's already confirmed that they are working on 2 different games right now. Todd already confirmed that TES6 is going to happen, but not for a long time.

Surprise surprise, sometimes developers want to try something new instead of making the same 2 games over and over.

why yes I can!topic/

>Inb4 Skyrim 10th anniversary edition

> 6 years after skyrim and we still don't even have a confirmation that the next instalment exists
Bethesda considers Skyrim Special Edition to be a new game so next TES game only on 2023

holy shit

god I love todd so much


is that fucking charls

Holy shit the original Toddpost

Hey, it's me! Tonya Hubbard!
You did buy Daggerfall, didn't you?

Greetings humons, I have come lightyears away in a galaxy far far away and wish to learn of hu-mon culture.
What's this?
Skyrim Special Edition, Fallout 4 and Wolfenstein 2?
Yes this looks quite promising.

of course I did buddy


Holy shit

Looks like Courtney Cox


You don't have the lobes to do business here Ferengi.


Do you really want VI user? Each game is progressively streamlined. Skyrim already is playable by literally anyone. Do you really want to see how much lower they can lower the bar?

There is no such thing as canon in TES according to MK.
He is generally considered the heart and soul of TES lore so if he realizes it is such a shitshow who am I to disagree?

Believe whatever you want.
Make shit up if you want.
It's such a clusterfuck you could possibly be right.

>if he realizes it is such a shitshow who am I to disagree?
He left Bethesda about fifteen years ago

Skyrim wouldn't be about shit without mods, same with every other TES and Fallout game Bethesda makes. They're obviously counting on that to prolong the longevity while re-releasing the same fucking game on different platforms at full price.

Honestly I wouldn't even have that big of a problem with it if they did it for Oblivion and New Vegas.

Full time yes.
He still does contract work on occasion and TES lore is his hobby.

He just shakes his head at the cluster fuck it became and gave up on canon.
He realizes the in game and out of game lore often contradicts itself.
Hell even the licensed games conflict with each other.

Canon is a meaningless word when it comes to TES.

>human dwarf

same thing is happening to GTA, sadly.

doesn't help that their publisher, Take-Two Interactive, admitted that they want more microtransactions and lootbox shit due to the success of GTA Online and other games with similar business models

>6 years after skyrim and we still don't even have a confirmation that the next instalment exists
Are people just actively ignoring that both Todd and Hines have said over and over again that BGS will release two other titles before we see another Elder Scrolls?

We won't be seeing 6 until 2023 at the earliest.


I'll always put hundreds of hours into Bethesda's open world games and make my own fun. I guess folks who can't role play on their own won't enjoy it as much.

>I guess folks who can't role play on their own won't enjoy it as much.
It's not like games like Fallout 4 give people much of a chance to properly roleplay in the first place. And considering how successful 4 was, I don't see any of their future projects being any better.

Far Harbor was pretty good. I'm not sure how, I haven't analyzed it, but I enjoyed the ending and it gives me some hope that the next game could be better.

It shows me that Bethesda can do things well though I'm not sure if they could stretch it out into a full open world game.

i hope it dies along with everything else popular

expansions for bethesda games tend to be better than the base games, ie dragonborn, shivering isles, the pitt/point lookout

>He is generally considered the heart and soul of TES lore

kys kirkbridefags

Honestly i'm not even sure i want Elder Scrolls 6. Every new Elder Scrolls/Fallout game is more dumbed down then the last. If they dumbed down the next Elder Scrolls anymore it wouldn't be possible to call it an RPG. Fallout 4 is just barely one in the since that it still have leveling up and number gauges.

looking good chuck

>i hope it dies along with everything else popular
i though being a fucking hipster was out of fashion

far harbour was a lazy rehash and nuka cola was shit

>it gives me some hope that the next game could be better
It shouldn't, unfortunately. Shivering Isles was better than most of Oblivion, The Pitt and Point Lookout were better than most of Fallout 3, and Dragonborn was better than most of Skyrim. Each title's dlcs being better than most of the base game is just a pattern at this point, along with each new release being that much more "streamlined" than the last.

People have been hoping that "the next game could be better" for years now. It's not going to happen, unless Bethesda pulls another New Vegas and allows a different team to develop a game that follows in the sandbox-ish style Bethesda is known for.

Cry more lorelet.
Your limited intellect is not our problem.
Now go back to arguing over Ulfric like a good little pleb.

Since they added being fat in Fallout 4, hopefully it means I'll finally be able to make a Fat Knight in Elder Scrolls 6.

What if Bethesda took the hardcore fan criticisms to heart but also still wants those casual dollars and is taking as much time as they feel they need to design Elder Scrolls VI to be outwardly approachable and streamlined to engage the general public but also potentially much deeper and more complex for those who want real role-playing in order to have a game that makes everyone happy?

What made Skyrim so successful?

>sword in left hand
>scabbard on left side

>is taking as much time as they feel they need to design Elder Scrolls VI
They're not working on Elder Scrolls VI right now. How many more times does this need to be said.

They said the same thing about fo4.

Believing Todd.
Poor form user.

they said they wouldn't listen to fans in an interview back in october

That's probably for the best, most fans have shit taste.

I doubt they even have the talent any more to do a TES6. At the very least not unless they don't want it to just look like another TES5.
They've actually lost a lot of developers over the years. Most of the higher up people within Bethesda that worked on TES4, TES3, and 1&2 and the spin-offs. Are no longer with them.

I mean just look at Fallout 3, Skyrim, and Fallout 4. Those games barely ran without totally crumbling in on themselves due to all the bugs.
And you expect them to actually make/learn a new engine, and make a game that looks like an evolution from TES5? And you expect them to be capable of that?
I do not think it's a coincidence that they've been milking Skyrim as hard as they have for all these years since its release. They're clearly trying to do what they can with fame of TES before it runs dry since they've got no confidence in their ability to actually maintain interest with an actually new entry. Hence why they're just making alterations to and re-selling TES5 again, and again and all over again instead for as long as they're able.

they're still licking their wounds about the not-too-good sales FO4 and Wolf2 got.

Except they never followed up on their F4 claims by stating that they wanted to work on something else and had two other large-scale projects in their current pipeline.

>Believing Todd.
Hines is the one saying this in interviews, not Todd.

Bethesda has been growing the fan base with every game since Morrowind.
So hard work and quality products.

REEEEE they suck.
Well there is a reason people who make games you like always go out of business user.

But I think Skyrim was better than Oblivion, mostly when it comes to the setting. Skyrim may be more streamlined but the only significant way that it has been streamlined is the leveling system and lets be real here, any system where the best way to get stronger is to play as a class that only has skill you'll never use is a broken system. Skyrim's leveling system encourages natural play and not juggling skill for maximum gains of some such.

Skyrim is objectively mechanically superior to Oblivion. The setting is better but I wasn't as entertained with Skyrim's quests as I was with some of Oblivion's quests. But at least Skyrim doesn't do that stupid thing when NPCs have scripted deaths right in front of you while you can't move.

The most vocal are the least worth listening to so there is wisdom there.

>about the not-too-good sales FO4 and Wolf2 got.
>not-too-good sales
Fallout 4 sold 12 million copies on its first day alone.

They have a very low turn over rate.
They aren't Obsidian or CDProjekt and can retain their talent.

that was 2 years ago user

Don't harsh anons mellow.
Next he will claim bombing FO4s score to mixed is a sign of normies waking up.

Being an anti Bethesda type is suffering.

>Skyrim is objectively mechanically superior to Oblivion.
You can argue that it's mechanically superior to Morrowind too, but that doesn't make it a better RPG, which is what really matters in the end.

You can think that BGS will "improve" with their next game, but the truth is that they also claimed to take several of Skyrim's criticisms to heart, which only resulted in Fallout 4, a game that was considerably worse in several areas. There's no reason to think that whatever they put out next will be much of an improvement at all. Every time, it's one step forward in one area, and a couple step backwards in several others.

As long as they trend more ARPG than CRPG I am fine.

That was ESO and they're still milking the loot crates.

>that was 2 years ago user
They said the same thing earlier this year. Quit being in denial.

They'll release whatever their Starfield shit is next year, and then their other project a few years later. THEN you'll get your Elder Scrolls VI, likely when the next console generation roles around.

but I wasn't comparing it to Morrowind, I was comparing it to Oblivion as an example that they can make games that are better than the last. Folk who think things can only go down hill are just being hysterical. Fallout 4 is 1 game and not a representative of all future games. Todd even admitted the 4 option dialogue thing was a mistake, which was the biggest thing I disliked about Fallout 4.

though I'd like to correct myself and mention that Oblivion probably had a better magic system, if you're into that thing, which I never was.

>skyrim 2 won't be announced at e3 and launch november 11

The only "trend" they'll be following is releasing even more shallow and less polished Far Cry clones with a Fallout or ES logo stuck on the front cover.

Typical fatty intelligence.

we're never getting an adventures game ever again
imagine a short singleplayer game in a foreign land in the vein of deus ex or vtmb but in Tamriel as filler
but these are the hacks from bethesda we're tallking about

There was a rumored adventure game long ago called "The Eye of Argonia" give that to Arkane as they need a win and it will expand the TES brand.

Arkane can handle dungeon crawl adventure game fairly well I believe.

I wouldn't mind they working on a new IP if it was ANYTHING other than spaceshit. I'm not sure why but I can't feel any romance from intergalactic themes.

>but I wasn't comparing it to Morrowind, I was comparing it to Oblivion as an example that they can make games that are better than the last.
Your argument falls apart when Oblivion wasn't any real improvement over Morrowind. And neither was Fallout 3 nor Skyrim. You can act like they're "mechanically" better than the last, but in reality each new release actually strips mechanics out that were present in the previous game. What makes this worse is that games like Skyrim that are apparently "mechanically" better than something like Oblivion still ends up feeling incredibly dated and janky for a first person adventure game released in 2011.
>Folk who think things can only go down hill are just being hysterical.
The people who think things are going down hill are the same who have been following each series over the past few years. Elder Scrolls has gone gradually down hill, as did BGS' Fallout titles. I don't really see how anyone can argue against this. Each series started out as traditional rpgs, so to move further and further away from what attracted its core audience in the first place would be seen as synonymous with "going down hill".
>Todd even admitted the 4 option dialogue thing was a mistake
Todd also admitted that Skyrim's focus on radiant quests was a mistake, that doesn't mean it wasn't absent in Fallout 4. If anything, they were present just as much as they were in Skyrim.

The sci fi space exploration genre is pretty sparse.
Mass Effect has faltered and that is the only real competition.
If Bethesda wants it can own another setting.
They are already the kings of Post Apocalypse and Fantasy why not add SCI FI.


todd is a consistent man


heavy marketing and cornered market in the genre

>So hard work and quality products.

such a hard work they did to re-release Skyrim 4 fucking times

You try getting Skyrim to work on a microwave.

>Your argument falls apart when Oblivion wasn't any real improvement over Morrowind
it really doesn't. If I wasn't clear, I meant that even if they make a worse game (Oblivion) they can make a game that was better than the last (Skyrim) to show that it's not a straight downward trend. Even if Elder Scrolls 6 is worse than Morrowind (and really, how could any morrowind fan be satisfied? It's literally(figuratively) impossible) it can still be better than Skyrim.

That's why I see these folks as hysterical, the games that came out since Morrowind were Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim and Fallout 4 and I just don't see the straight downward trend that other folks imagine is there, as if every game is worse than the last.

I see Oblivion worse, Fallout 3 equal, Skyrim better, Fallout 4 worse. I imagine you just see worse worse worse worse.

that must be what it was originally developed for because it sure as shit doesn't work on PCs

What I wanna know is, when are they gonna get rid of the stupid Soul Gem mechanic?

Yep if they ever get their shit together they may amount to something.
For now they will have to settle for sales and critical acclaim.
Poor Bethesda I hope they can muddle through.

>Oblivion worse, Fallout 3 equal
Fallout 3 isn't equal to Oblivion when it has considerably worse writing, a worse main plot, worse quest design, worse overall world design, all topped off with an impressively shallow karma system
>Skyrim better
Not when it suffers from needlessly streamlined roleplaying mechanics (e.g. no more attributes), streamlined armor customization, shallow overall quest design, awful guild questlines, and barely improved combat that only "looks" more fluid, when it's really the same as Oblivion's mechanically (stand around and whack people until they die first). Hell, in Oblivion you could actually unlock more combat moves for certain weapons as you leveled up and increased certain attributes.

I can only imagine you think Skyrim is "better" for the most shallow reasons possible (the graphics are better, you can sprint now, etc.).

I'm the loremaster now.

So he is the guy that drove it into the ground?
Bad Lawrence.


Colonel Sanders is working on Elder Scrolls now?

You can unlock special moves in Skyrim just like you can in Oblivion. I don't know why you bothered saying that. The only things missing are the acrobat perks.

Skyrim's setting is just better than Oblivion's. I'm talking about the explorable setting, not the stuff in books. Oblivion is the most boring setting I've ever seen in a western RPG. Is it even possible to be more boring or is the worst you can do is to equal it?

Skyrim's combat is clearly better. Just remembering ineffectually slapping a damage sponge zombie with a sword while taking a backstep every time it tries to slap you back should be enough of a reminder. I also like shield bashing and shouts.

Plus now magic isn't some support attack to supplement you normal attacks like it was in Oblivion, now it actually commands the same space as weapons.

There's also the minor stuff, like cooking, building, marriage, having a reason to sleep beyond leveling and such. Which however shallow, add to the experience. Well, for me anyway.

Attributes aren't role playing. Being a big buff guy has more impact on my role playing than having my character sheet say I have 70 strength or whatever. Wearing a wizards outfit has a purpose, unlike in Oblivion where a robe took up 2 enchanting slots so you'd never use them, now your wizard actually has a reason to wear a robe.

The Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood were pretty good in Oblivion but holy shit, do you remember the Mages Guild quest line? After the recommendation quests, which were pretty neat, it's just garbage necromancer den after necromancer den with the worst boss fight.

I'll probably be back in a few hours if the thread is still up. Got to go.

>Skyrim's setting is just better than Oblivion's.
Didn't say anything about either game's setting.
>Just remembering ineffectually slapping a damage sponge zombie with a sword while taking a backstep every time it tries to slap you back should be enough of a reminder.
You literally do the same exact shit in Skyrim.
>Plus now magic isn't some support attack to supplement you normal attacks like it was in Oblivion
What the hell are you talking about? You can use magic as a normal attack in Oblivion.
>now it actually commands the same space as weapons.
I don't see how this is an upgrade, since now you can't use magic when holding a sword and shield, aside from using shouts that require regular cooldown time.
>Which however shallow, add to the experience. Well, for me anyway.
I suppose the inclusion of shallow elements like weapon crafting and settlement building helps make it a better game than Fallout 3 as well?
>Attributes aren't role playing.
Holy fuck what am I reading.
>Being a big buff guy has more impact on my role playing than having my character sheet say I have 70 strength or whatever.
You are doing nothing but reinforcing my previous point that you really only care about the most shallow elements possible. There's no reason not to have BOTH. The fact that you're okay with Bethesda ripping out Oblivion's already streamlined roleplaying mechanics as long as you can increase the size of your muscles says enough. Fuck, this line right here actually makes me believe that you haven't actually played any role playing games outside of Bethesda's library.
>Wearing a wizards outfit has a purpose, unlike in Oblivion where a robe took up 2 enchanting slots so you'd never use them, now your wizard actually has a reason to wear a robe.
And what exactly is your so-called "reason"? So that your wizard character finally has a chance to look like a generic wizard? Jesus.