Blizzard plagiarizes

blizzard plagiarizes

There is water in the ocean

Sup Forums is the worst board

Thats not plagiarism, thats a common trope of man with one big strong arm

more effort next time, op.

Yeah no shit sherlock

This is now a Poppi thread, mehmehmeh.

>not Warcraft/Warhammer Fantasy
Even the devs admit it

I mean I think there's ripping off, which I feel OP's image is actually, and overtly trying to nod to it, which is what Genji is.


>b-but invisible purple slut isn't original.
i know but both look more similar than any paladins and overwatch character

Desperate. Get back to your hat collecting game and keep praying that the next update won't be table scraps again.


warcraft -> warhammer
starcraft -> warhammer 40k

Terran aren't as cool as space marines, but you have to admit the Zerg and Protoss are pretty good

>he says as his skin collecting game got more table scrap skins
glad I got alpine from my free box so I could drop the game again

paladins stealth slut is a slutty elf while overwatch has some annoying HACKERXD spic

compare their heads

How 2 get different Poppi?



Are you gonna show us a rocket launcher next so we can see how they match up? How about an AR or a Revolver so we can see if they stole that.

Fucking idiot.


Dear god, the denial in blizz fags sure is strong.

oh shit

I fucking miss Huitzil.


Which one is more B A D A S S ? ? ?


>same color scheme
>same appearance
>exact same primary fire AND secondary fire
don't be a dork

You guys do know that Blizzard hired Udon/fighting game artists for OW right?
As a fighting game fan OW reeks of both desperation and great marketing strategy, fighting game characters are the coolest looking so why not put them in your shitty fps game?


Im getting tired of that meme haircut

no wonder that fucking game failed

Yeah Protass are cool because...

Yeah the Zerg are cool....Because...They get led by a purple woman with....dreadlocks....

Half the cast of Overwatch are rip-offs from Anarchy Reigns

>totally not Junkrat

Genji is modern japan
Hanazo is pre industrialization.

Sup Forums doesn't even know who the guy on the right is, let alone which game he comes from.

Reminder that Zerg are 100% Blizzard.

GW's Tyranids were still just Genestealer Cultists at the time.

>roadhog';s is noticably brighter
>is shorter
>doesnt have a giant fucking hole in the middle
>is covered in several more very obvious differences

how are they similar now outside of they are both yellow

Poppi QT is part of the story. Poppi QTπ is a side quest.

I know how much Sup Forums hates LOL, but anyway
Doomfists kit is exactly the same as a champion on league, besides a black man somehow jumping to space, and being able to fly into buildings without even breaking the roof.
>Passive gives a shield when hitting an ability
>Slows down movement speed to charge up a punch
>Can knock enemies up, then slams down on them
Blizzard really needed "new content" for tards who still play this

>exact same primary fire AND secondary fire
But that's wrong, you fucking retard. Flak cannon fires a shrapnel grenade while Roadhog's weapon shoots a concetration of shrapnel that explodes at a fixed distance.

We've known this for years. Blizzard has no original ideas.

>Japan has actual creativity, imagination and talent
>West can only rip them off and make them worse
Commands you to contemplate...

I call that more of a reference than a plagerism, since it’s not the default character look

>when you remember that Pyron has a whole army of those fucking things under his command
