Mafia 3

Is this the real reason Sup Forums hates this game?


>repetitive shitty sidequests that you HAVE to do to advance parts of the main mission

>horrible release with consoleitis, shit port, shit performance, shit graphics



>shit animations that can't even match mafia 2 level

>horrible main missions

>broken as fuck AI

sum it up for ya?

damn u sure are mad white boii

but seriously
>repetitive shitty sidequests
yah they fucked up there, they tried to make them shorter but there's still too many of them

>horrible main missions
They were so so, Mafia 2's were more fun but shooting felt more fun in Mafia 2 in general

Game is still fun as fuck to play, I really liked the story and the 60's feel. Driving feels gr8 too

She lesbo

don't spoil it!

It's kinda sad.
Good story, amazing characters but poor mission design, lazy and very repetitive.

Basically the same issues MGS:V had
Is the open world meme to blame?

I'm not saying MGS:V had a good story btw, why people act as if it is a finale of sorts is beyond me

but MGSV at least has a great gameplay, Mafia 3 is pretty bland, nothing bad or amazing

Did they ever add fast travel?

Yah MGSV had a much better gameplay while Mafia 3 had a better story
Games are pretty different besides being 3rd person shooters but they both suffer from repetitive side missions and underwhelming main missions, something that their non-open world games didn't suffer from

I don't like certain opinions so I try to limit my exposure to them. Looks like a fun game for some.

No but the map isn't big, fast travel would have killed the game

It's kinda like if Bethesda made a GTA game. All the ideas are there, but they're executed in the worst ways possible and the game is janky as hell.

What kind of opinions?
Did you fall for the Sup Forums shitposting? Game actually handles race issues quite nicely, much better than most media do these days

So a Ubisoft GTA game

10/10 description

The game isn't that much of a checklist. Well it is, but in a different way

That is wishful thinking, cuck.
It is on the devs for forcing it to be multiplat. Exclusive games always have their glitches in lower numbers.

Handles racial issues like a west coast suburb kid would. Whatever. I'm not 14, maybe youngsters can contextualize this as an 'issue handled'. I just see narcissism and snobbish arrogance.

Did you even play the game?

nah, just watched an LP.

Which bits felt snobbish to you?
I actually liked all the convos with that priest guy and how the MC ignroes all the racial bullshit (including Cassandra's)