3000 word paper due in 40 mins

>3000 word paper due in 40 mins
>Still browsing Sup Forums

>tfw 12 billion word paper due before this post finishes uploading to Sup Forums
>still type it

>Two hundred word paper due by March 30th.
Fuckin kill me bros.

>one letter essay due by the heat death of the universe
this fucking sucks

>5 syllable essay due before the end of the millenia
It's over for me bros

>tfw just finished 12 page essay today from start to finish and didnt even read the material beforehand
pray for me bros, pray he'll just skim through and give me an A for the vomit I sent him

>don't have an essay due

>had to write a 13 page paper that needed a museum visit to complete
>used all the exhibits on the website instead
>turned it in 2 nights ago

>I literally just have to show up and pass on attendance tomorrow
>I'll still be here shitposting on Sup Forums


>mfw im gonna fail because of attendance

>might get below a 2.0 gpa this semester because 90% of one classes grade was in the first month
>updated policy for this year that the school has the option of dismissing you for it
>I think they're going to dismiss me because I'm really poor and use up a lot of financial aid

>still browsing Sup Forums
this place is shit but the rest of the internet is worse
anyone else feel like they need to be listening to music/podcasts or watching something while playing games?

>being 26
>still saving wojacks

>low gpa
>financial aid
you're just shortly delaying the inevitable by pulling that shit.

>Professor makes paper due at 11:59 on a Friday

>If I submit the paper on time he'll know I'm a loser who stayed in on a Friday night

Forgot to mention I took a loan of $10K for the privilege. LOL!

I saved one to try to fit in with the young kids.

I fucked up the first month because of the transition and that was it. I was able to recover in the other classes but not this one.

>have a stable government job
>make 120k/y
>work 4 days on
>get 8 days off
>full benefits
>have absolutely nothing to spend my money on
>desperately with I was still a NEET

>due at
Don't you mean due by? Your shit's gonna be late. I know a few asshole professors who poorly word shit to fuck you over like this

Grid energy storage

Nigga I write 500 word emails daily.

Why do they even do this
If I can pass your shitty class while not being there for 1/2 the semester then it means I either know the material really well or it's a shitty class. Either way it shouldn't be the students problem.



fuck off redditor normalfaggot

>20 word email due in 5 years

>thesis due by end of year
>only 20,000 words into it

I really hope you're not serious.