How do I tell my wife I want to extend my video game hour? I don't even have kids yet

How do I tell my wife I want to extend my video game hour? I don't even have kids yet

what a fucking cuck lmao

All those shitty games.

lmfao gamestop will give that guy maybe 20 bucks for all that.

this legit makes me sad

if you have a stupid bitch of a wife telling you to sell all your games or else. Divorce that cunt ,now. You can make time for family and personal hobbies it is not hard at all. Even if you can only play 2-3 per week. A controlling cunt that makes decisions as to what you can or cannot do with your free time is a snake in disguise.

Start by offering divorce and then negotiate downwards OP
if you start with a crazy offer that you know people won't accept, they'll be more willing to accept a relatively-more-reasonable one afterwards

>best for us
>letting your wife throw away your happiness
I've never dated someone who didn't at least accept my hobbies. It's not worth the arguments. Your happiness is important too anons, never forget this

this man is going to never stop reminding his kid that they made him give up his hobbies

Just do it and let her get mad, what is she, your mother?

Dude's wife is a bitch. Unless he is spending every waking moment and shirking his fatherly duties there isn't any reason to sell his games.


>letting your wife know about your hobbies and collections

Grow a pair of testicles

If selling your games(especially such a small amount) makes any kind of impact on your private economy you aren't living your life right.

i hadn't even noticed hunger game threads were gone. how do ya like that.

they were fun.

>I’m a lonely virgin: the post

>I'm a cuck: the post

What were these? I've been here forever and don't remember.


You realize it's not at all normal for a partner to demand you give up your hobbies, right? That's borderline abusive, user.

I think this dude probably dated a serious bitch and has ptsd because of it

He's right though. You might necessarily have to cut down on your hobby but if your spouse is telling you to stop it completely she needs to fuck off and you had terrible judgement in marrying

why would youmarry someone who treats you like a child and even tells you how much can you play? dont get it.

pretty much. How much he's gonna make with that? 100$ at best?

This is actually true, and holds for ANY hobby, not just videogames. if you find yourself with a woman who feels threatened by a harmless activity that makes you happy, it's time to either have a long discussion or just get the fuck out.

Life is too short for that bullshit.

How much are all those FF games worth?

nah youre a newer than newfag if you dont remember hg threads. hell, they were around even in 2016

Thats not what the op ia about
Wife ia having a kid and is making him get rid of his vidya just because

If your wife controls your game time you need to listen to her or else she will divorce you. Don't be a dumb ass and listen to your wife.

You get a divorce.

This is fake bait.
But if it's not ask her what she needs you for. If she wants to watch some dumb movie or show or whatever than do that I guess if it's not a huge deal. Otherwise start a little argument and stick your ground.
If she goes batshit crazy, maybe you fucked up in the first place.
Maybe not, I don't know all about your shit.

Not OP, but man I'm 33 and the girls you guys have are probably way more accepting. Ones we had to put up with shit, gaming as a hobby was stamping "unfit to date" stamped on your forehead and you were shunned mentioning it. Maybe this still exists for you guys a bit?

that's a neat collection. Hopefully it'll go to someone who will actually have the time to play them.

>ff14 for ps3
Its fucking worthless

>actually agreeing that you should change your character to suit a woman

I don't understand
Why wouldn't you just marry someone who also loves vidya?

$20 store credit


It's never been like that, you are probably just ugly

I would've fucking bought it from him. He probably only got like $10 for it. I'm guessing he's a push over soyboy so i'd give him a deal. He gives me all that, i fuck his wife and cum on his face.

>Hey honey, I want to play more vidya, it's an important hobby to me. Doesn't have to cut into our time, though, we can play vidya together, take turns watching eachother play or whatever.
>Ok, cool, love ya!
>Huh? You won't even let me embrace my hobbies nor have interest in my hobbies? What the fuck kind of wife are you? Maybe it's time to think about a divorce.

It's pretty fucking simple.

>Maybe this still exists for you guys a bit?
only in very rare cases, and with very stuck-up girls that would probably shit on your hobby regardless of what it was. but in general i dont think most people care anymore

Dumb roastie.

Try to negotiate, and if that doesn't work tell her to fuck of like the bitch she is, and just crack open a beer and play.

At gamestop? Probably shit
But i know shit like ff5 for snes fetches a couple hundred by itself if its legit

if youre 55+ right now then it was like that when you were a kid

if you were american

I donno dude, I have a wife and I play video games. She doesn't mess with my hobbies, I don't mess with hers. It's a mutual love, not control.

If my mom ever tells me to stop playing video games I'm running away from home immediately. Fuck cunts trying to control me. I live for my hobby and NOTHING else.

Yeah, but we aren't talking about casual dates, we're talking about someone's wife. If someone really loves you, they shouldn't try to change what hobbies you're into unless they're destructive or otherwise harmful. Even if it's something really weird to you, if your partner enjoys said activity, why would you demand they stop altogether?

My wife like Nintendo games and Kingdom Hearts. We have a five month old and I’ve actually been playing vidya more than I had been in a long while

>a snake in disguise
At that point she's a snake bearing her fangs

Looking how that dude has several different versions of same game, I think he was more into collecting the series, and probably didn't play all of them.
Which makes it even more insane that his wife would just tell him to get rid of everything.

They're in /trash/ now

Contrary to popular belief, you don't spend every waking moment with your wife/gf. You both usually fuck off to do other things for most of the day

>How do I tell my wife I want to extend my video game hour?

you can start by acting like a man

You can't be serious. I attempt to game with married guys my age and if they're married their wives get on them for it.

I'd sooner die alone than cave in and be a beta-male who marries someone they have no fucking synergy with. If your wife doesn't like you playing video games, you've cucked yourself big fucking time, kiddo.

This is all assuming you don't actually have some kind of real gaming addiction that she is well aware of, of course.

Im 31 and going to marry in a few months.
Even if my girl didn't like vidya, what i do in my free time is my problem and mine alone.
You probably settled with a THOT out of desperation.


Couldn't he give them to his wife's son?

True, but if someone's actively hostile to something you enjoy a lot, that person probably isn't a good match. A butcher who loves his job and will never willingly change careers shouldn't marry an animal rights activist vegan, for example.

Yes, but marrying somebody who is not accepting of your hobbies is ridiculous. People have several different interests, so of course they aren't all going to align, but even if somebody is not into what you do, it's expected that that different interests are respected.

Watching the baby is perfect vidya chance
If they are too young to walk set them in your lap and go about normally or put them in one of those walker things
If they can walk give them some toys to play with in your line of sight so they are always in your vision or just a small glance away

That's the nu-fag modern family. It's disgusting. You pretend to be adults while having no fucking real connection to eachother. It's the type of materialistic, empty marriage where you're there to provide social and financial security to eachother.

If that works for you, that's cool, but don't think for a second that it's the "mature, adult" way to handle a relationship. It's a very cynical one, actually.

>buying games
faggot deserved it

Workout more. Then you’ll have a better body and you’ll be allowed to game (not too long though since you’re a family man now). She probably just doesn’t want you to get fat.
Unless you already are...
Or just make more money. Women love money.

I'm 32 in a couple months broski. This was never the case unless you were socially awkward or "undateable" to begin with. I fucking sat in classes with comps/labs and played Diablo 2 and Counterstrike through middle and high school for fuck's sake, and I dated throughout high school and after without once having to "hide" my hobby. Splerging, being a know-it-all, being petty about about games is what used to and still does turn people off about the people who play them, and that's the case for ANY hobby. No one wants to play basketball with the faggot who corrects everyone and tells them how the pros play nonstop while everyone is having a good time, but that behavior is a lot more prevalent in people who play video games and visit sites like this.


How little willpower can you possibly have? Put it in a box and stash it in the closet or something asshole.

>t. clingy closet homo

Tell a woman you know to drop her favorite hobby or else you won't sleep with her. Try it.

I'm pretty sure that you don't spend time with your wife/gf when you are working.

Expected this to be virgin angst but it's actually true.

>He doesn't do EXACTLY as his wife asks at all times
lmao both her and Jamal are laughing at you right now

She did him a favor

It's an MMORPG and PS3 servers are down for good. Other than collecting purposes, there's literally no use for it. You can't play it at all.

>Flashbacks of "gaymer wives/hubbies" ruining MMO Dungeon / Raid runs because they have to AFK due to baby shenanigans.

Please stay in single player games, cause that shit is such garbage when it happens.

it was a couple years ago
You put a bunch of avatars into a random turn generator site and it spits out text adventure happenings of the contestants on each round.


tutorial on how not to have a relationship

She'll just get the bull prepped mate

>when they get old enough to pull memory cards out of slots and rip your console onto the floor
I fucking hate kids

I was thinking more of they just don't care about vidya, not that they actively hate it

Where did you get that bullshit from? You are going to spend a lot of time apart unless you work at the same place and have the exact same friends

>reeee stop having fun and pay for my drinks reee

I don't use Reddit because I'm too retarded to figure out how to post on it

I've had a controlling partner before and I straight up told her "is it me you really like (includes my hobbies) or is it the idea of being in a relationship you like? (to brag to your already married friends that you're also in a relationship)".

That was probably user's point.

marriage is where fun go to die desu

It's probably for the best. There's nothing more pathetic than the man of the family playing games instead of doing productive stuff for the house / family. Games, unlike books, can never teach you anything useful for the workplace and the money you spend on it will do more if it's invested, either for the kids' college funds or for your retirement savings.

You played too many games already and you can always play more once you're retired. 20-60 is the moment you should be focusing on making money for the family.

That's not true, I'm 25 and milfs in their 40's and 50's like me and sometimes they buy me video games as a gift I wonder what the store thinks like I have so many different moms lmao

no fucking way man

My siblings did shit like that all the time
My fucking younger brother walked up to my ps1 and yanked the whole thing down by my controller cord and broke the memory card and something on the motor attatched to the disc reader
i fucking kicked him 6 feet across the room and said the ps1 fell on him when my mom asked why he was crying 0 regrets

I don’t think amazon gives a fuck. I had a milf buy me an Xbox one so I could play COD with her son.
Good times. Until she wanted to make me her husband.

No faggot men don't do house work, men earn the check women do the house work. Oh it's so hard to vacuum and mop once a week it takes like 30 minutes oh my god it's so hard to wash the dishes it takes like 5 minutes oh my god now I have to cook holy shiny food you know how hard it is I have to put something in the oven and wait 30 minutes for it to finish wow house work is so much harder

What a fucking cuck.

How about marriage counseling first, or try to find a compromise instead of jumping the shark?

No one can make money 24/7 without damaging their physical and mental health. Hobbies are perfectly normal and healthy, within reason. Yeah, if he's spending all day/all his free time on it, that's not good, but there's literally nothing wrong with playing an hour or two after work.

Have you ever had a gf? It very tiring to give her constant attention, sometime you just have to do you own thing alone.

I never got married, just never wanted it. Have a gf who is 31 though and I'm able to game no fuss, but I made it a point to mention early on due to the ex having ex that only played WoW and ruined all gaming chances for me.

It's definitely changed. On the rare occasion I step into a gamestop I'm almost taken back by the amount of women I can see go in there for their own interests. Used to work at one of those stores and it was only moms asking for the new Wii.

Guys I play with online are generally single, or have a gf that's also a gamer. Not sure if any of you deal with the guilt trip of you're playing with other guys and can't pause, but if you don't when they need you it's more important than them. Sorry for the shit blog