Tfw only Gold in Overwatch

>tfw only Gold in Overwatch

I thought this game was for fucking casuals

>caring about competitive rank in Overwatch
Only true casuals do this stupid shit

What do you care about then, user?

Try playing with frie-

It is a casual game. The problem is you get retarded randos that also think playing ranked is a good idea in Overwatch on your team. Your individual skill is less important in a game where you have to potentially babysit 5 retarded children. This is why I only play 1v1 games nowadays.

If you can't even hit diamond how are you even enjoying shooters?

Real talk: Is Overwatch actually a good game?

Depends, do you think bright lights and flashy colours are a proper "Game Feature"?

It's a twofold thing. On one side you have gameplay with a small amount of depth. You have to love it for the gameplay as there's nothing else beyond that.

UNLESS you're a huge cosmetic whore, in which case this game will keep you entertained for a while if the gameplay doesn't.

It's simple and casual.

How can a game be both complex and professional...

AND simple and casual?

if you enjoyed TF2 then yes you would like it. It's basically TF2, but 100x better

No. It's inherently flawed in every aspect of its design, the only objectively "good" thing about it is the graphics. The art style itself is decent but not objectively good.

It's legitimately fun for a while, and there are some interesting playstyles with different heroes, (pic related) but you'll get sick of seeing the same few heroes every game. Blizzard doesn't know how to balance their game besides "Who's going to get the spotlight this month?".



>stop liking what i don't like

>why don't u like eating shit like me!?!??! how can people possibly not like devouring shit out of a toilet! bigotry!!!!

It’s fun for your first hundred hours or so unless you get into competitive, then the flaws become extremely apparent and you will uninstall

>Comp OW.
Man, I sure love my team screaming over every little thing and spamming "gold gold gold"

Glad all my friends finally moved on to other games and I can finally leave it in the dust.

Literally how? I was plat in the first season I played (season 3, I think), took a year-long hiatus from the game, came back and got put into diamond after losing over half my placements matches and straight-up leaving one match in the middle of it.

user. Just go on comp and look like you're trying but don't try and your entire team up. Hell, add someone on the opposing team and whisper everything your team is saying/planning

Guess you're a casual shitter.

Weird, only 700 hours in ow before dropping it but like 9500ish on tf2 and still going.

Only if you want a window into the true danger of casual gamers.


Fuckin metal geraaaa fags think their shit will EVER be relevant

fucking LOL :P fags

Yes very. /v hates everything popular so.
Let me tell you though if you decide to ever get it, if you get it on pc, be prepared to get a 100x worse fanbase.

It's pretty fun but god damn do people get salty at each other
Everyone thinks they're in a tournament lol

>only quick play
>get matched with diamond or master players

If I wanted close games I'd be playing comp

Both of those statements are objectively false, especially the first one. It's like something a redditor would say after only playing Overwatch and seeing a youtube on TF2.

tfw when it does and smug anime can't even analogy right.

>all this mad scrub babies itt who struggle to reach fucking platinum because muh bad gam

Mad cuz bad cuz gay

Don't lie to yourself. Overwatch is a good and fun game when you're winning.

t. GM genji main

GM Hanzo main. 20 hours played. Your achievements mean nothing.

GM Doomfist, 1 hour played
Your opinion is invalid

Glad we found out it takes no time to get a good rank in this garbage.

It's fine for a casual pick up and play game
