Star Wars

>Battlfront 2 causes an industry-wide shitstorm because of looboxes and gambling
>it's so bad that the audience anger rolls on to the Episode 8 movie
>Disney blames EA for the mixed reception of Episode 8 and revokes their license

Maybe this is not the worst timeline after all.

Other urls found in this thread:


>the force is female
>Admirlal Tumblr loses the entire Resistance fleet because she couldn't handle Poe's "mansplaining"

really makes u think...

Rian Johnson is actually a subversive who made the movie bad on purpose to undermine them, he's got to be

Wee lad gurl second to the left has big ol tits.

>Audience scores are constantly lower than """Reviewer""" Scores
Hmmm really makes you think

I want big alien milkies from titty girl

He did a great job of making the female Resistance leaders look like incompetent underminers. Poe's plan would have saved the fleet if the Resistance leaders would have backed him and gave him some decent resources to work with. Poe takes risks because he knows you have to make sacrifices to win. Admiral Purple Pubes sacrificed an entire fleet and hundreds of lives just for a Pyrrhic victory.

Seriously, under her command the resistance went from dozens of ships and hundreds of volunteers to just the millennium falcon and a dozen survivors, and it could have been prevented. I have a hard time believing that this was by accident. Maybe Johnson really did want to make a statement that women make shit leaders and Kathleen Kennedy is too dumb to have realized it. She was probably too preocuppied laughing at the scene where the FUCKING WHITE MALE gets tazed while "mansplaining."

The audience score for Episode 8 is lower than Attack of the Clones. Let that sink in.

With good reason

>Anything Disney related regardless of its quality gets a good score
This isn't news. We all saw this with Frozen.
Although to be fair this appears to be actual review bombing as most of the accounts downvoteing it were made less then a week ago.

jesus fucking christ

So the movie is so bad that people are making accounts just to leave their voice on how shit it is.

How long until rotten tomatoes closes user reviews altogether for being "toxic" like imdb did with their comments?

>How long until rotten tomatoes closes user reviews altogether for being "toxic" like imdb did with their comments?
I'm honesty surprised they haven't already tb.h

have you no shame

don't they understand they're crashing the entire thing by trying to cash in this hard

So which is worse, Leia flying or Superman's upper lip?

>Star Wars actor Hayden Christensen has a hygiene problem - according to his London theatre co-star Jake Gyllenhaal. The two movie heart-throbs starred in This Is Our Youth in the West End's Garrick Theatre earlier this year. Jake, currently starring alongside Friends star Jennifer Aniston in movie The Good Girl, recalls how Hayden's armpits stank so much that after touching him, the smell remained on Jake's skin for days. Jake says, "Man, he didn't wash his clothes for the entire run of the show. On the last night, I accidentally put my arm in his armpit during a fight scene and, even after showering, couldn't get rid of the smell. It was f**king gross.

I swear this woman has the worst example of a "frile" I have ever seen. Her face is permanently frowning even when she tries to smile.

>Although to be fair this appears to be actual review bombing as most of the accounts downvoteing it were made less then a week ago.
Star Wars nerds are REALLY passionate lad this could easily be legitimate.

If I wasn't a massively lazy fuck, I would make an account just to shit on the movie.

Disney once again is making something for the audience they think they deserve instead of the audience they have.

Context? Why is she flying?

I was the only one in my theater that was laughing when she started flying back to the ship

Princess has the force now.
I think.
We just don't know.

So if she's able to do that dumb shit, why isn't every single fight in the series DBZ-esque flying around?

We're really skating Pyrrhic victory here. Unlike ESB the rebels still had cells support and bases left but not here.

The resistance is so fucking dead and no one answered their call even though they could have stopped the FO if they did. I'd be surprised if there is a space battle in IX. I kind of want to buy bf2 just to play those poor resistance soldiers.

How the fuck do you make worse movies than George Lucas? The prequels were terrible but the new movies look even worse.

George is a visionary, only most of his visions aren't good.

the prequels at least had some interesting ideas going on even if the execution wasn't the best, these are just making yet another shitty marvel movie and slapping star wars on it then calling it a day

George Lucas is like Dan Akroyd, or Hideo Kojima when it comes to gameplay design; good ideas, but needs someone with sensibility to reign in his impulses.


it's just a bad movie, EA massively fucking up was just a side bonus

>>it's so bad that the audience anger rolls on to the Episode 8 movie
But that didn't happen.

I want to suck the force out of that tiddy monster's fehmahles

>implying death stranding won't be a genre redefining masterpiece

>pleb doesnt love laura dern

I liked Death Stranding more before Kojima decided to weeaboo it up.

>new movies are bad on purpose to make pre-quels look good

no. it's never going to happen no matter how bad SW gets.

>>it's so bad that the audience anger rolls on to the Episode 8 movie

Is this the official excuse? Because it's not true, it's like EA saying people disliked ME3 because it had faggots in it

Alright then fuck that, the Resistance has pretty much been destroyed. The only reason the first order might not take over the galaxy is because Snoke is dead and Kylo Ren is a total aspie with no leadership skills.

They wanted so bad to not be compared negatively to George Lucas that they became him, except worse.

Now EA gets to be the scapegoat though, just like how they scapegoat their developers when their money grubbing scams don't work out.

So, which developer should make Battlefront 3 in the quite likely event that EA won't be publishing?

an even more talented studio than EA, Activision

Seriously, this would be amazing

Wait what? How the fuck did everyone not get sucked the fuck out when she opened the fucking door?

Midichlorians, son.

she's in space
she wants to stop being in space
she uses the Force to push herself somewhere else


Doesn't matter if it's true or not, because EA deserves it. For years they have played the blame game every time they ruined what could have been a good game with their corporate meddling. Even though I'm a big Star Wars fan, I care about video games more than I care about Star Wars, and if this mess takes EA down a peg then I am happy with that.

And hopefully Disney does not do an exclusive license with Star Wars again. Star Wars used to span across numerous game genres, and what has EA given us? Two mediocre team-based shooters. If they license Star Wars out on a game-by-game basis it means that there's greater potential to see Star Wars in more genres again.

>Midichlorians, son.

For the past 2 years I've had to deal with VII being propped up like it's the second coming of Christ and Rogue One being good. I know I'm going to get dragged to see VIII and I'm going to have to pretend I loved it. Again. I don't know if I can do this much longer. We have annual star wars planned out for HOW far in advance?
Is the music at least decent?


Does Lucas still get all toy sales and shit?

>rotten tomatoes

>I know I'm going to get dragged to see VIII and I'm going to have to pretend I loved it.
Grow some testicles, faggot.

a person that's force sensitive using the force how is this bad again

lucas is on the disney board


>Suicide squad was better received by the audience than Episode VIII

>>Disney blames EA for the mixed reception of Episode 8 and revokes their license
Is this true? Or is it just a prediction? because I really doubt this will happen, even with the negative reception BF2 still sold a lot and lootboxes are an effective money making tactic

You're pathetic.

Spoiler alert, no one likes being around someone who's negative all the time.

the CGI is pretty shit

most of the CGI in the movie is pretty shit outside of Snoke

Nobody told him to sperg the fuck out and start screaming about SJW's in Star Wars or anything. If somebody asks you to go see a movie that you already know for a fact you won't like then just don't fucking go, it's not exactly a friendship ender.

>he will direct Ep IX

Unless something else crazy happens, their contract is still secure. But this shit is TOR level fucked.

>Suicide squad was better received by the audience than Episode VIII
nice head canon

Because it seems that white wemon dont need training all they need is a traumatic experience to awaken the force to be force masters all of a sudden. No training, no explanation to said powers. It's there just because she's a woman. That's what is wrong with it.

What, am I on reddit right now or something? If you don't like something, say you don't like it, don't be a faggot. You don't have to be happy rainbows and sunshine 24/7. I bet you use emoticons, faggot



You don't have to be negative. You just have to say either, "No, I'm not interested," of, if you did not like it, "Nah, I did not really enjoy it. But if you liked it, cool."

What kind of social skills do you have?

I liked the movie and i just wanted you guys to know that. Except for all the quips and "lolsofunnyjokes" i hated that crap.

She actually has rouge colored hair in the movie? I seriously can't think of anyone non-alien in the movies or what limited knowledge of the EU as far as video games go with a non-natural hair color.

>dad you barely knew is an evil space tyrant that killed your mentor, orders planets full of millions of people to be blown up, cuts off your hand etc.
>"I can still save him"

>have one bad dream about your nephew who you've seen grow up and has done nothing bad at all yet

so you liked half the movie? Felt like every other scene was straight out of a comedy.

>Except for all the quips and "lolsofunnyjokes" i hated that crap.
Welcome to the Wedonization of scripts.

she's dead, why didn't they just retire the character offscreen instead of this stupid shit

>I don't want to be negative
>people might think less of me
beta soyboy detected

are you retarded or something

Disabled lootboxes doesn't generate money. And it sold less than BF1

Your fantasies are as stupid as you, filthy crossboarder.

I saw the movie a few hours ago.

>Disney forces the Avengers thing where every dramatic moment is ruined by bathos or slapstick.
>Movie plot based entirely on time constraints, yet can cross the galaxy in a few hours.
>Adorable Disney mascot things.
>Final act seems tacked on after we already had our climax during the space sequence.
>Snoke died like a chump and got no characterization or backstory.
>Phasma showed up for no reason and then jobbed for no reason.
>Entire Po/Finn/Roze subplot was literally pointless and counterproductive.
>What happened to the other children Kylo recruited?
>Lightspeed Ram looked cool but makes a massive plot hole (IE why not do that before losing all your other ships and personnel, considering it was extremely effective)
>BB-8 piloting the walker was absurd fanservice.
>The goodbye to Princess Leia was nicely done.
>Spooky Dark Side cave and visions got no explanation or plot bearing.

Pretty much this.
In the movies, comics and games the force is not something that just awakens inside you and then you suddenly become a master at it, the jedi go through several years of training and studying to dominate it to a degree.
Then suddenly white mary sues can fly through space and defeat master jedi without any kind of trouble.

He means, lie more, or at least that is my interpretation. He isn't incorrect either. If you tell a friend that the song he wrote was amazing, or the job done on those reports was fantastic. That person is going to look on you favorably. Manipulation 101 really.

So she trained in the force?
Did she have any Jedi or sith training in the force? Tell me she did.

why is Sup Forums trying so hard to hate this movie

Fucking hell, not everything is about sjw's you moron, I just dislike new series with or without sjws they suck.

Well, he tried to kill vader when he teased him, but he only thought about killing Ren, so that's an improvement.

this has nothing to do with the fact that EA is fulll of incompetent idiots and everything to do with the fact that Disney is controlled by feminist sjws

we've known since return of the jedi. she's just never had any formal training because
>muh politics

>Disney forces the Avengers thing where every dramatic moment is ruined by bathos or slapstick.
something that didnt happen

Pathetic and weak.

Leia had a healthy relationship with Luke for ten years of peace. She probably asked him to teach her some of the family super powers for a little while. Telekinesis is one of the first things they learn, and she was weightless in space so it wasn't that hard.

maybe not EVERY dramatic moment, but enough for it to be noticeable

the movie opens with a fucking crank call

Can you not read, user? What part of that post made you think I was raving about SJW's? I literally told someone not to sperg out about them.

luke gave her some training years before 7. Plus the power she's using is pretty damn basic even by jedi standards

You wouldn't. After roughly 15 seconds you lose consciousness, and after several minutes you'd die. It's actually happened before in similar conditions Not that that makes this any less retarded.

Because, barring the fucking quips, the movie is good