"The game is free-to-play so stop complaining!"

>"The game is free-to-play so stop complaining!"

This is perfectly correct. It was free you autist.

Its not though.

Complaints in a public setting benefit both the developer and the customer. This is, of course, assuming the developer pays attention to those complaints.

If people are complaining then they think something is wrong with the game, if this keeps happening, they will probably leave the game, damaging the playerbase and potential income.

This is unless the developer steps in, acknowledges the complaints and works to improve on them.

Of course, you can't please everybody but as a developer, it is in your best interest to please as many people as possible.

Well the last free game i downloaded waa Tekken Reveloution. I stay away from them to be honest.

There was a F2P Tekken game? What the fuck, who would want a F2P fighting game

I wanna FUCK Akyuu

To expand on this a little, this only really applies to f2p games that have some sort of microtransaction or paywall content system

If a game is entirely free, then this doesn't really apply unless the devs want people playing their game. I can think of flash games as an example but none beyond that.

I also don't think you can complain too heavily about a full priced game (assuming there is no dlc/microtransactions). There is a certain expectation to be held by the developers in that the game should run well (no bugs, etc.) but I don't think its fair to expect devs to change gameplay mechanics or add new features, at least for that one game. If they plan to release a sequel then sure.

it's true. You shouldn't expect anything out of free games.

Hey, you seem to have an opinion on the subject yet you haven't addressed the arguments already made in the thread.
Why not?

Shut the fuck up Akyuu

Why is Akyuu such a bitch

>[OTHER GAME] is worse, so stop complaining!!

>You shouldn't expect anything out of free games.

I want to address this aswell.

So lets create a world where nobody expects anything out of f2p games. Why, then, would the developers expect anything out of the customers?

They wouldn't. Nobody would make f2p games.

t. Youkai

As much I hate those F2P it is true, as long you are playing those shit they are on all the freedom to charge your ass for everything.

>You don't have to pay for anything! You can just grind and get the same stuff as someone who bought the boosts!


Japanese Geoffrey of Monmouth.

>"It's free. What did you expect from it?"

Just because it's free, doesn't mean that it must be utter shit.

Literally warframe


Loli St. Ralph the Liar.


I wanna fuck Akyuu in the ass so fucking hard!

literally league of legends