This is Pieri Fire Emblem Fates/if. A childlike, amoral killer. Please say something nice about her

This is Pieri Fire Emblem Fates/if. A childlike, amoral killer. Please say something nice about her.

I bet her hair smells like cotton candy bubblegum

I want to marry this amoral killer.


Nice hair



Unfortunately, she isn't the best girl.

I want Pieri to kill me and chop my body up so it can be used in her meals.

I see.

And I want the whole army to take a bait, blissfuly unaware of what they're chowing down.

way to amorally kill people, you!






how about you gtfo to /mobiletrash and /childgambling

Fates isn't a mobile game.


What am I in for?

Hard or lunatic


A ninja hallway of death

This is the chapter that makes you wish Fates had restores staffs for debuffs.




I want to stab Peri with my spear.

Thats horrible

Who doesn't



I bet the pussy is killer

Name a single good thing about her besides those of you wanting to fuck her.

Your waifu sucks.

My waifu could kills yours

She's got a killer lance.

She's a great cook

Solid unit. Good design. Not boring. Could make a killer meal. Playable "villain" character.

She will also be a great mother who loves her child.

I liked Yuugiri better, but they could be good friends. Pieri loves killing people and Yuugiri loves watching people die.

She really should have a support with Pieri.

even better

Pic related will be your best friend. Also be wary that the debuffs will still work if shuriken still hit you or that if its a seal skill like the defence seal those automatons have.

If you can't do both sides, just buff the shit out of your Corrin and give them a dragonstone + until you kill Ryoma, be wary that you won't get the silence staff and 10K gold from this chapter which you will really need for the next chapter.





My shuriken breaker units always hog all the exp in this chapter. Makes me feel bad.

She canonically has some of the biggest tits in the game. That's pretty awesome.

They are the only ones who can hit anything besides snipers.

Its why her str is so high.

Boobs of steel

My kind of woman.

Those boobs of steel need to break my cock

Imagine getting a titjob from her while you scold her whenever she starts saying some crazy shit.

I don't trust that steak
What's it made from

I'm sure it would be pure bliss for her to have her very own boy toy to break and abuse.

Made with love

So it's some dude's heart?

Don't do it. Just cheese it with Corrin. Doing this level legit is not worth it.

No no. She just sprinkled some love on it.

(lol good job missing out on all that exp and items.

A braindead circus clown reject is going to be redeemed by her cooking and her body. Yeah fucking right.

I love Velouria!

I am glad she was unable to murder my wife

She blew her load on it?

Even if I wanted to, my Corrin's a Dark Knight that can barely hit Ryoma and gets doubled.

No no user she just made it with love.

That isn't always possible.

What is love?

Baby don't hurt me

>an intense feeling of deep affection.
>a person or thing that one loves.
>feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to (someone).

Pieri is for consensual missionary position under the covers with handholding and constant eye contact

>under the covers
>constant eye contact

with the sole purpose of procreation

Nigga are you retarded?
You are under the fucking covers too.

Straight up dairy cow

Yes, after marrying her of course, because Pieri is pure and practices abstinence

I'm glad Corrini only has one kid, it leaves a tit open for him

Is she even usable? She comes right before you get Xander and her stats are so-so.

>Spy Shuriken
>Poison Strike
>Inevitable End
What the fuck. Kagero's hallway is stacked.
Even my sole shurikenbreaker unit can't take care of it because of those club wielding guys in there.

Even if they aren't good for fighting they're good for breeding

She really should have a support with fucking anyone.

>Joins before Ryoma and the furry
>still can't support anyone but Corrin

She's weird in that she's a res tank with decent offensive stats. Her personal skill isn't the best though, and you won't be seeing many mages until later, plus you should already have a better Silas and maybe Sophie by then.

I don't get the obsession with genki killers

She's decent. Being a cav gives her lots of utility and her solid STR and SPD makes her a good offensive unit. Her problem is her personal skill which is only really usable with Aqua's dancing or on the enemy phase. Her HP and DEF is also mediocre but that goes for the majority of units in CQ. And if nothing else she makes a phenomenal guard stance unit because of promotion classes.

>actually using the kids

Nohrian girls were made to be milked.

I like some of them, and a decent number are pretty good in gameplay too, though usually not as strong as their parents.
My Sophie is almost always better than Silas. She also happens to be a pretty good user of Great Lord if you haven't used it on anyone by then.

Some of the kids are genuinely good.

Why does Fire Emblem have so many blue girls?

They're cute and exciting.

That's how they make such strong soldiers after all
Fertile mothers means strong children

Marth was blue so it's the national FE hair color.

Why is she so good?

I always use luchadore pit and trashdog.

How can we see if we're under the sheets? Let alone make eye contact

Bruh are your sheets made of lead? Light can usually get through them.