Switch cant handle even atelier games

>switch cant handle even atelier games

Is switch nu-vita?

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Vita is actually a handheld. Switch is a shitty tablet.
Also atelier died with Ayesha.

>Start screen is the floating islands from Firis

Nobody is going to know what the hell is going on. Both Firis and Sophie take up major parts of this game.

>also higher price than ps4

o-on da-go!

Yes it is. Most of the vita developers have been moving over to switch.

How is a tablet not an handheld?

no because this is what the vita version looks like

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA shit looks like a ps1

damn its almost like thats what it should look like on a 10 year old piece of hardware

The Vita isn't even six years old yet.

>Gust optimisation

Is why. Fucking Firis ran like ASS on the PS4, and to make things worse Firis was specifically made for the PS4.

No, they lazily port their games and usually don't bother fixing performance issues. This is the last game that came out before the one you posted.


I wonder how the sales are even supposed to be, Japan is still pissed off with Sophie and Firis.

>market Sophie as "a throwback to the good old Atelier games"
>Is the least Atelier game since fucking Mana Khemia

Is it me or did the Atelier games look worse with each game on the Vita instead of better?

GUST is notorious for shit optimization. The jump to ps4 has only made this more apparent.

I thought we were done with the "grass is only a flat, horizontal texture" thing. Even XC2 manages to cram a lot of foliage in.
The PS4 (assuming that's what top is) version looks way better, but still awful.

I find it hilarious that the jump from PS3 to PS4 somehow worsened the performance instead of improved it. Why the hell does Firis run so bad when it looks like a PS3 game running on stronger hardware?

>grass is only a flat, horizontal texture

Its literally XC2 thought

Is that an upscaled shot from handheld mode?

God, the handheld mode is so badly optimised, I hope they don't do that with the proposed XCX port.

That's cobblestone. There's a small piece of naked ground on the left where there could be grass but the rest is well covered. Out in the fields it looks great, just like XC on Wii.
Cobblestone, sand, rocks and dirt areas are way flatter than grass in real life, so they doesn't look as bad.

>new games somehow look worse than old games

Sasuga Gust

I think you havent play current gen AAA games.
ground are drawn by polygons, not one texture now

Have you ever seen a PS1 game in your life?

Getting rid of the fixed camera angles was a mistake. All these new titles look dead.

>Tecmo-Gust half asses their ports as usual

They have been doing this since like 2013, nothing new here. In fact, they have gotten worse over time to the point where even the primary console version has performance problems.