A Link to the Past is overrated trash and has aged like shit

A Link to the Past is overrated trash and has aged like shit

>t. BOTW babby

I love it
But A Link Between Worlds is still infinitely better.

Not seeing an issue here OP, I think you just have bad taste

>BotWbabby doesn’t know what a difficulty curve is

You’d probably get lost in Hyrule Castle the first 10 minutes of the game. Only major flaw LttP has is lack of different music in Dark World dungeons. 8/10 game still though.

Insecure much? I haven't even played BOTW.

>it's an old game so it's devoid of any issues

Typical soyboy response

its great. some of the puzzles were messy, and the repeating dungeon music was grating

LttP is a pretty good game, but it did start all the cancer in the later entries. The "Zelda formula" should have been based on LA instead.


If I remember correctly, isn't this dungeon a bait and switch?

Jesus what's with all of these retards obssesed with BOTW? Last Zelda I played was SS

You haven't listed any issues to begin with shitter

>Typical soyboy response
It's like you've typed literal nothingness.

I never said it was good
It's perfect

>a literal rehash
end this meme

>a reimagining that improves on an already good classic in every conceivable way
>not perfect

Certainly better than ALBW, kid

>games age
If the game was good back then, it's good now. Only 3d graphics truly age.

How so?

that part isnt hard

>improves on an already good classic in every conceivable way

>3d shit graphics

Cmon user

Didn't they dumb down some of the dungeons in later releases of this game?

The LttP randomizer is really cool as fuck with all its options and different sets of logic. Really love watching the tournaments for it. The base game is also still fucking 10/10 and I would love to see OP actually list any real problems it has.

I'm preeettttyyy sure this is the thieves den, where you get to the "maiden" really quick, but it's really the boss. The real dungeon is in the dark world.

How the fuck is Link's Awakening better, or even different for that matter, from Link to the Past?

>Good-quality 3D visuals at a smooth and constant 60fps on the fucking 3DS, making Pokémon shit look absolutely unacceptable by comparison

>improves in every conceivable way
>multi-directional movement casualizes ALTTP's 4-direction attacks
>less items
>wall-merge gimmick that barely improves or challenges you
>somehow has a worse story than a SNES game

The dungeon in OP is Misery Mire.

...No. Just, none of what you said is correct. Image is from Misery Mire, one of the last dungeons of the game.

You are thinking of Thieves Town, and the "maiden" you get to turn into the boss is in the the dungeon itself.

No it isnt

>but it did start all the cancer in the later entries
That's OoT, though.
LA followed ALttP's formula pretty faithfully, aside from the alternate world stuff.

why are you fools even replying to this

>multi-directional movement casualizes ALTTP's 4-direction attacks
Adding more directional movement when the 4 direction attacks in the original were nothing more than a limitation sounds like an improvement to me
>wall-merge gimmick that barely improves or challenges you
I thought it was fun, even if it is a gimmick, they took good advantage of it and used it in some really cool ways
>less items
Alright I'll give you that one
>somehow has a worse story than a SNES game
I mean the story felt like it took more of a backseat in ALTTP. Though some consider that a good thing, but honestly I felt the plots were pretty even quality-wise.
But yeah, you're definitely right about the items. I especially missed the Cane of Somaria.

Neo Nintendoers
Are evil

>overrated trash
Overrated but not trash. Soild 8
>age like shit
Yes. Not having diagonal sword strikes makes the combat pretty mediocre.

Oh, it's been a while since I played.

I like lttp and lbw both very very much.

I like the idea of an alternate world/lorule where shit hits the fan.

Sup Forums is real butthurt over goty.

Still my personal favorite. I tried to go back and play some snes games recently. Alot of them have aged rather poorly. Games that have aged like milk are ps1 and n64 games. OoT has aged far worse, If it weren't for the nostalgia factor would be unplayable.

Sup Forums likes to bitch about anything, but also loves to throw around insults and "worst game ever" shit like crazy. I'm convinced almost no one here has played truly garbage games or ones that just flat out aged like garbage. See: Big Rigs, or Hydlide (NES).

It was perfectly playable user and is better then a majority of modern games

That's the point. People bitch about SS having handholding when ALTTP started this trend

The only thing that aged was camera control. Everything shit about the game like the combat, sub 20fps, etc were shit back ago.

>multi-directional movement casualizes ALTTP's 4-direction attacks

This is probably the most retarded complaint made about ALBW. Kill yourself

I honestly think those ppl who say games age like shit are ppl who are way younger and they were not around when the game was out. Instead they played the game 2 years ago and they are completely comparing older games to ones with better graphics and games that hold you hand and have less depth then a pop album

How? Some markers on the map barely count.

>OP doesn't even mention BOTW
>autistic faggots bring it into the discussion

literally living rent free

I quit that shit ass game because do enemies attack diagonally if not then link shouldn't.

Also the ghosts and me selecting hero mode when that should be the main difficulty in the game

Spoiling the solution to the puzzle is handholding, retard. SS was doing the same thing ALTTP did 20 years before

I bet Nintendo developers can't beat nes or snes games

Doesn’t take much when this line of thought was used constantly by BotWbabbies to defend their dungeons against older games. Any sane person would be scared after communicating with them.

>posting the worst dungeon in the game as an example

come on, man

That's what I figure, but also game mechanics are built on existing ones, so going back you are just seeing the earlier forms of game mechanics without as much fine tuning (early 3d camera controls are horrible to use, etc). People just have to learn to deal with it. However, LttP doesn't even have much that got fine tuned over time, nothing in it has really aged at all.

>Spoiling the solution to the puzzle is handholding
It's barely even a puzzle. This is near the end of the game and "light the torches" is engrained in the player by this point as it is required to progress multiple times. That message is basically just the devs saying "hey retard you forgot to light those torches".

It's hardly a puzzle, and pretty much the only instance where that happens.
ALttP doesn't even begin to compare to the amount of handholding in the newer games.

Its the PlayStation 1 not the Psx1!!1!211e!!!!
No one called it that

>muh BOTW boogeyman


So when you learn to skateboard by yourself? Who holds your hand. You fall and fall till you get it right. Modern games lost this idea

BOTW does have handholding. Not as much as something like WW, TP, or SS but it's still clearly there.


Indeed I am. Every day, every minute until BotWfags get out of my head with their bullshit.

Yeah, I was kind of asking for examples, since I remember it being pretty minimal.
TLoZ had stuff like that too (among the more cryptic ones), but people never call it out on it.

Neo Nintendoers

Markers, and Sahasrahla really. Unless we consider every tool prompt up hand holding.

stay mad you butthurt faggot

The handholding is pretty minimal. OoT and MM have way more handholding than BOTW

In all honesty the top-down Zelda titles feel more like what the series should be in comparison to the 3D games. At the same time Wind Waker is the closest of any console Zelda to stack up to its top down counterparts.

They actually made Ice Palace slightly harder by making it so you couldn't cheese a puzzle with the Cane of Somaria.

>At the same time Wind Waker is the closest of any console Zelda to stack up to its top down counterparts.
Yeah no

wind waker is just an inferior BoTW now

Actually it does when you look at it from all angles. How Wind Waker does things in comparison to the other 3D Zelda's makes it closest to it top down brethren.
Ironic because at first I thought BoTW was going to be Wind Waker's successor but it turned out to be inferior instead.

>aged like shit

>How Wind Waker does things in comparison to the other 3D Zelda's makes it closest to it top down brethren.
Go on and explain in detail. I can't wait to hear this.

>wind waker babbies actually believe that


It's the same game it always was lmao

Choke on a dick OP

>i have no arguement so ill just sperg buzzwords
oh the irony

I'm not impressed. I've seen better threads from beetles in a bottle.

Zelda 2 > Zelda 1 > LTTP honestly

>rental system
>destroying item progression
>destroying half the fun of doing a dungeon

Kill your fucking self, and I'm not even a Nintendo fag

It's not incredibly casualised?

I'm planning on buying it, is it good? Acceptable?

>items are rented (and later bought) from a shop instead of found in dungeons
>you get to keep the rented items as long as you don't die (which is unlikely, since the enemies barely damage you)
>every dungeon (and getting inside them) only needs one item, same with bosses
>after the first three dungeons, the rest of them can be beat in any order which means they're not very different in terms of difficulty
It's really easy even for a Zelda game. Hero Mode probably makes it on par with ALttP, but you have to beat the game on normal first to unlock it.
I admit I liked it when I first played it, but it does have issues.

I've never played ALttP

not him but I thought it was pretty good. It looks nice, controls well, runs at a nice smooth framerate, many of the dungeons can be completed in whatever order you want to do them in, has some fun puzzles and dungeons. I wouldn't say it's better than LttP, but it is a pretty fun game.

It feels like playing a remake or rather a reimagining of the original ALTTP. The dungeons are new and so is the story but it panders to people who have a lot of nostalgia for the SNES game. I loved it personally but I know some people who grew up with OoT that didn't care for it

Yeah ive noticed people who started with the 3d games cant into the 2d ones, seems silly to me. Anyway albw is a great game. Sure its easy but which zelda game isnt? At least theres a hero difficulty.

>Lorule is pretty much the Dark World, which in turn was corrupted Sacred Realm
>they never explain the similarity
They could've at least mirrored the map for it or something.
I don't know why this bothers me so much since it's just lore.

Normally I think "[Universally beloved game] was actually shit" threads are the most boring, uninspired background noise of shitposting on Sup Forums, but something about saying that A Link to the Past is bad elevates it.