Other urls found in this thread:


>mfw streamers and Let's Plays will be hurt by this

Its the gift that keeps on giving. He is truly our guy.


Oh boy, I can't wait to pay more and get less!

It should be Reddit that's getting vore'd, reaching out in desperation towards net neutrality.

Good Thing I´m not a burger, so it doesn´t effect me.

That's bullshit and you know it. ISPs do everything in their power to benefit the consumer. They are on our side, bro.

You realize American politics extend outside its borders, right?

Imagine being the kid that made these. So underage and retarded they defend corporations and literal poo in loos that will never give a fuck about them just to be contrarian

>Sup Forums will recieve more damage from this, than reddit and tumblr combined
it's like saying "at least i'm not anthony burch", when you're jim sterling

good thing you don't use message boards otherwise you'd have to buy the social package only $5.00 per 10 messages

how the fuck can a mortal man be this based

I love this dude.

Oy vey! Right again, Rosenblatz!

Corporations are never on your side

I bet you think your fanboy loyalty to whoever company things they are on your side

They aren’t, everything is business

*makes people realize there is life outside of the internet*

Is the an r/donald raid?

Day 2 of no net neutrality

Oh the horror

This meme is cancer now
is the new pepe

based pajeets cleaning the amerishits out of the internet
Thank you Mr. Ajit

is this shitposting in real life

Imagine being this intelligent.

Literally /ourguy/

The gift that keeps on giving



And just think, all those people won.

Who is the cum demon on the right?

>instead of just taking the money and leave he goes out of his way to taunt the redd*tors

post yfw not american

The lolt shite is the biggest cancer Sup Forums has ever faced desu

>mfw after net gets neutered

Imagine arguing against net neutrality on Sup Forums lol you'd have to be retarded

>defending corporations
The vast majority of the "damage" will be faced by corporations like Google. It's the reason they campaign against it. It's ultimately beneficial for Ups and service giants to butcher each other, there just isn't enough Oops out there, which makes this a gamble.

My thoughts exactly you ugly retard.

I want to make babies with her!

when's Sup Forums going offline?


>Being so fucking dishonest that you claim the NN repeal is good because it makes corporations pay more
fuck off

>looked her up
>she's a pizzagater

I don't know how I feel knowing she's retarded





Hopefully soon, everyone needs a break from this place
Then once it comes back, only the people who truly enjoy being here will come back

it's good for a number of reasons, he was just addressing your one "point"


Nice fox grandma

We saved gaming, then we saved America.
I'm soo proud of you all.

>does blue pill shit to ruin the internet
>believes red pill conspiracies

What the fuck? Do women just do whatever is most unpopular to seem cool?

Fuck that. I'm not trying to go outside and live a normal life.

What's her name? This is too perfect. BTFO reddit communists with net neutrality, sexy as fuck AND pizza gater? I found my new waifu.

>tfw will be free of this place soon

>corporations are never on our side
>but let companies like Google keep monolithic control over the internet

The only right answer is to have companies butcher each other

That's written specifically for the_donald and the first paragraph is about pepe porn

F u c k

You underage nu/pol/ reddit faggot

supporting NN is the blue pill

>there are no secret pedophile communities!
>*news gets blasted by several headlines of high profile pedophile cases*

net neutrality was only a thing starting in 2015 anyways

I don't want to be free though.

People who regurgitate this fact are so profoundly retarded. Is Fox News spamming it or something?

wait it actually went through? American now get taxed for everything they do on the internet?

>It will be pre-2015 forever

so did /r/the_donald switch from
>its the liberals trying to create a monopoly
>it will be better for the economy
>go outside you fucking faggot nerds

Idiot, do you want to pay a $100 just to access sites you could use for free before? Not only that but Pajeet Poo is a darky poo in loo paki muslim liberal leftist so he will obviously support blue pill policies.


reddit fucking btfo

Meanwhile (You) have remained the same loser since pre-NN

I'm actually excited.

Martina Markota

>Government officials are hilariously inept at keeping basic secrets a majority of the time but they've somehow managed to keep an underground sex ring in a pizza parlor a secret for years by using a code that was basically "decoded" by a bunch of NEETs and tinfoil hat wearers within a few minutes of them imagining a pattern.

Except that's the case. Title 2 has only been in place since 2015.

If companies try to jew you, just don't support their practices. If that means no internet, then no internet.

>ISPs do everything in their power to benefit the consumer.
They do if there's competition.
Oh you really want this? And theres no other place you can buy this? Fuck you pay this.

can anyone explain to me why so many on the right are so glad to see this happen?
Because the corpations that will benift the most from it are leftist corps that donate millions to democrats.
So why the fuck are they so happy to companies that make all the "degenerate" shit they supposedly hate now have the ability to shut down anything even opinions that could get in any way of profits?
Like shit all this really means is that the lame mainstream bullshit will now just have even more power to push itself anywhere and everywhere while being able to shut down anyone who may have an negative opinion about them like right wing blogs and sites and what not.
Shit makes no sense to me to see right wing nerds applaud a leftist corporation power play. No fucking sense.
Seriously can anyone explain to me why the right is so damn happy that the corporate left flexed its financial muscle and won some power out of it. Shits dumb and makes no senses really cause again those fucking corporations give millions of fucking dollars and support and even make the media that they supposedly hate and shit.

Nobody's saying it's not true you fucking retard it's just that pre-2015 throttling wasn't a problem.

>>Government officials are hilariously inept at keeping basic secrets a majority of the time but they've somehow managed to keep an underground sex ring in a pizza parlor a secret for years by using a code that was basically "decoded" by a bunch of NEETs and tinfoil hat wearers within a few minutes of them imagining a pattern.

>still ignores all the people in the #metoo scandle

Aren't you supposed to listen and believe little goy?

And she's a slavfu too? Oh my god please stop. My dick can only get so erect

These are not mutually exclusive.

It wasn't. You didn't hear anything about it before now. It happens here and there, gets ironed out, no big. But now it's an issue?

>The thinks the FCC Chairman isn't the one making babies with her.

>extensive list of sourced examples of what's going to happen after the repeal isn't valid because it's worded sarcastically
keep bitching about something that'll help you, by all means

the fcc's already said net neutrality's core principle isn't upheld by any of the 2015 laws and they'll have to prove that since the repeal's going to court and the repeal gives the ftc their jurisdiction back while getting rid of a truckload of useless regulations that new isps had to adhere to for even the slightest chance at success. the ftc will be harder on the isps than the fcc is.

why are there so many shills trying to actively sway public opinion in favour of a costly internet? Do they think they'll succeed?

The nu-right's politicking comes down to "Does it annoy people?"

There's your answer for every retarded thing these kids do. It's fat, wealthy, hyper-religious dinosaurs in government fucking up as much shit as they can to cash in before Donad gets ejected, and a weird sect of kids that nobody saw coming trying to "meme" it into existence.

Thing Anonymous raids meets politics.

>Da fax news told me da net neutrality thing (fukin libral crap!) started in twenty fifteen!
In the words of your dear daddy donnie - Wrong.
Net Neutrality was the modus operandi of the Internet before the regulations were put into place, and they were only put into place because Title II was needed in order to have a strong backing over Title I regulations which is how NN was enforced before 2015.

In fact, all this repeal is doing is moving all the regulatory practices to the FTC, which has a history of being slow to respond to consumer abuses, basically greenlighting ISPs to get away with doing what they want with delayed or no repercussions for doing so in the future.

How many times are you shills going to post this blatantly cherry picked r/The_Donald post? Pathetic.

And she's a former Burlesque dancer

Will this dramatically reduce Sup Forums's traffic while kicking out most of the newfags at the same time?

>muh liberal tears

What does these changes mean to me as a european? sorry im stupid and i dont understand this stuff


This isnt about right or left its about basic freedoms.

>can anyone explain to me why so many on the right are so glad to see this happen?
>Website censors opinions of the right
>When ISPs start to Censor Websites, rights don't give a shit

>Trump is ruining internet in America

Only isp shills are happy about this. Nobody in their right mind would be glad to pay more for their current internet connection.

Hes a brown pajeet. It doesnt work that way.

>inb4 phone poster

Taking a shit rn

Have the WEBM

It’s gotta go through Congress too ding dong

Also kys Comcast shill

>Net Neutrality was the modus operandi of the Internet before the regulations were put into place

>no more dumb Americans ruining video games

>mfw mods are waiting for me to post before deleting the thread

yes, ameritards voted themself to get banned here.

Facebook/twitter are already censoring tons of shit they don't agree (especially right wing, anti-rapefugee shit) so nothing changes.