Is pic related any good?

Is pic related any good?

complete fucking garbage

keep in mind it's 42.4GBs

Non edgy answer:

it is average.
Visuals... are alright
Story... is bad but it isnt annoying.
Gameplay.. is alright too

You can skip this any time. But if you play it, whatever.

basically it is far cry: City but worse

How's the aesthetic?
70's korea seems p.good, but having just played the first homefront, the game was really,really,really, ugly on both a technical and subjective level.

It is alright. Do not expect any cool or particular style to this. It is just regular realistic style with some cool ideas here and there for "selfmade weapons by the resistance".

Generic is the most fitting term. Its not bad, just really not memorable at all.

that being said it is up to standards for a modern AAA game. So it is not ugly at all. they "check off" the boxes.

I had fun with the campaign and thought it was decent. I borrowed it though, I probably wouldn't buy it for more than $10.

the graphics are good but it is boring looking

The Timespliters 2 easter egg is better than the game itself

They have some good ideas here and there, like the weapon modifying, and the under cover stuff is kind of neat, but overall its painfully average.

Its a good $20 shovelware title if you're looking for something to shut your brain off and play


It's a completely average urban Far Cry clone.


Unironically this, they should have not bothered making the game and just PC-ported Timesplitters 2 with functioning online

It's bad, lasted 2 hours before uninstalling.
Wanted to like it, urban far cry, but it's poorly executed.

its pretty bland and boring
the resistance idea is pretty good but the execution is really bad
I downloaded it yesterday since its free this weekend and I couldnt spend more than 4 hours in it without getting bored

Why didn't it lead to Timesplitters HD Collection

people dont get it so they call it a bad game
its a really rewarding experience that shows the

user,are you alright?


...That shows the player we need Timesplitters back

Weapons are pretty cool, I actually liked the idea of a modular weapon system whose expansions could affect how you might approach combat. It also lacks the typical super-OP stealth options of games of that type, so using things like the crossbow actually require skill and consideration of range and the like. It's on the short side, though, and the story is nonsense. Best part of the game is the guns.