PREY.. - What went wrong?

Arguably the best game of 2017, why does no one care? Why does no one care about Bethesda Softwork games besides Scrolls and Fallout?

Arkane can't make a game that's better than mediocre and it didn't help that the game had shit marketing. Plus they were coming off the technical travesty that was Dishonored 2.

Because most "gamers" are legit mongoloids.

>dishonored 2
>a travesty
I sit and think what it must be like to have taste this shitty

I added "technical" for a reason. The game ran like shit on every platform on release. I'm not subjecting myself to half broken AAA releases anymore and Arkane lost me as a customer because of it.

Ran fine on my PS4.

>What went wrong? Why does no one care?
Everything, because they seemingly can't market anything that isn't TES or Fallout
>don't show off any gameplay or even elaborate what kind of game it actually is at the E3 stage, just a vague CGI trailer
>only talk about what the actual game is like in interviews afterwards
>show off a gameplay demo that they could've been shown at the E3 stage 2 months later BEHIND CLOSED DOORS FOR PRESS AND ATTENDANTS ONLY at Quakecon
>release horribly generic gameplay trailers that don't show off the game's strengths and make it look like a shooter
>to desperately drump up more interest, they have some incompetent schmucks poorly stream the beginning of the game
>to even more desperately drum up more interest, they come out with a pre-release demo for consoles that turns out to be very buggy and ends up souring a lot of people's initial reactions
>when the finally came out, it got a 4.0 from IGN and a 6 from Gamespot
>as expected, it sold poorly
>the founder of Arkane and the lead director behind the game resigned shortly afterwards

What a cascade of fuck-ups

i like all of arkanes games, but i dunno, just felt bored from pray. stopped playing it one day and then never went back

Because after people were waiting years for Prey 2, these guys go and make a game that seemingly has nothing to do with the first one.

because it was fucking awful

>enemies have boring design
>combat overall is boring, enemies have no weakspots so you just aim for the center of the body always which is dull
>the amount of weapons is small
>there are no multiple ammotypes
>shotgun is the most powerful weapon and you get it 10 minutes in
>the powers aren't very engaging, turning into objects gets old eventually
>game overall feels generic
>zero g sections aren't interesting
>level design is shit with few exceptions, so climbing is nice but there's not enough room for it to shine

The game just feels like a bootleg System Shock 2. Arkane sure likes to suck Looking Glass's cock but they can't deliver a game as good. Prey 2017 was quite forgettable, it wasn't terrible but it wasn't anything special either.

Because it's a bad bioshock clone. They tried to claim it's MUH SYSTEM SHOCK, but with how fucking generic and casualized the entire thing is it's clear that their inspiration was fucking bioshock garbage. It also didn't help that the enemies are almost identical from a visual standpoint

hes right. Dishonored 2 is mediocre as fuck and is worse than the first game. You just have shit taste

Advertising focused on the story, even though the toy crossbow and the tea cup possession wembs were just enough to sold me on this game. Bethesda is just retarded.

ordered a copy for ps4 on amazon yesterday, should be arriving tomorrow

what am i in for?

Awful input lag, though that might have been fixed already.

They should've just added cute anime girls and it would've been a hit

to be honest, i paid a tenner for a brand new copy, i'm not expecting the highest quality game for a price like that

Thats because console players are used to shit performance

>Arguably the best game of 2017
Not even in the Top 10 you fucking retard.

>Because after people were waiting years for Prey 2

Yeah, a whole 5 of them.

They went for the ugly Dishonored artstyle despite using CryEngine.

Why use an engine that is only known for muh gwafix if you gonna make an ugly game with it?

Bethesda sucks out all the good from arkane games and then youre stuck with a mediocre product that painfully taunts you with how good it could have been if not for a beth suit saying "I want it more like bioshock!"

Thank god i´m not a performance autist and can still enjoy video games.

>Why does no one care about Bethesda Softwork games besides Scrolls and Fallout?
Because ARPGs with open world is something people can play thousand of hours and mods only make it better. You can't do the same with Prey.

>Because after people were waiting years for Prey 2

yea man, all those prey 1 fans, they definitely exist.

>Thank god I have low standards and enjoy eating shit

They tried to release a game in a genre entirely about player agency during an age of interactive movies.

>Because after people were waiting years for Prey 2
No one on whole fucking planet give a shit about Prey 2. Only reason you would say otherwise - because you could use that to hate Bethesda and that is trending..

>thank god I'm not as asshurt as this random user that gets angry at what others choose to enjoy

>everyone who hasn´t some autistic random number as requirement for fun has low standards

The people that made Prey actually understand what an engine is and realize that the engine doesn't generate assets and so you can make your game look however you want. They can't seem to actually make a good engine themselves though, which is a shame.

>the minimum refresh rates that all displays run at is a random number
>being three times slower than this is still fine

>one option is objectively better than the other
>choose the inferior option
>someone calls you a brainlet
>"you're just an autist!"

>implying framerate and resolution is arbitrary and has no impact on gameplay/enjoyment

They could have used UE4

Why use CuckEngine

The shotgun can instagib half the enemies in the game and you get it in the second area
All the basic soldier skills were op as shit to pander to the standard nudoom/bethdrone

>Arguably the best game of 2017
good one

I don't know, ask them. "Cryengine is good because it has good graphics" is a retarded thing to say though and shows you know nothing about how games are made.

Nah you're just asshurt dude. I played the game on a console and enjoyed myself, sorry you are incapable of that.

Why do people buy new consoles / console upgrades (PS Pro / X) then ?

All they do is tout how great the new 4K TM graphics are. Just arbitrary numbers right?

Graphics only matter when your particular console has them.
If it doesn't but another system does, then they suddenly mean shit and only autist care about them.

Thats how butthurt you are.

I agree with most of these points, but I found combat to be extremely difficult until I learned the right ways to fight enemies. Almost all of my enemy encounters early-game involved using the environment to my advantage. When you first encounter a voltaic phantom, for example, I tried 10+ different ways to fight that bastard and I just could not get enough damage in before getting electrified to death.

I decided to wise up and lured him out into a corridor with gas pipes lining it. I shot the gas pipes, he died from being burned alive. It felt really rewarding, DESU. Most of the encounters I had with tougher enemies were handled by using the environment, both literally and figuratively. Throwing vending machines at some phantoms, turning into a cup to roll through a security window and grab some turrets, repairing turrets and setting them up in defensible positions to draw fire from big baddies like that mind control fuck blob in the Arboretum, luring a phantom away from his buddies with a toy dart, stacking objects to reach a more favorable position to ambush from, etc.

The shotgun doesn't even get remotely close to the end-all-be-all one-hit-kill weapon when you first find it. You need to max it out to make it even be that overpowered, and even half maxed out with damage it still takes a few shots to kill a regular Phantom on the hardest difficulty. More importantly, ammo is extremely scarce (at least it was for me when I played). I spent most of my time collecting literal junk to recycle it into ammo or medpacks or psi-hypos, or to craft an occasional neuromod.

The powers were definitely lackluster. It felt like a half-assed system honestly. There was a handful of legitimately good alien powers (telekinesis to interact with distant objects, psychoshock to stun and damage enemies, the mimic one to turn into objects and roll past turrets, the hacking/mind control ones were useful too).

It's just...boring. While it's technically quite nice, and it really does the whole immersive sim thing well it's just dull.

I'm not sure if it's just the set and setting but it didn't capture my imagination at all. I got super pumped after seeing all the interaction you could have with the environment but the story and excitement wasn't there.

I guess it's like a beautifully painted picture of a concrete wall. The artwork and skill can be second to none but at the end of the day it's still just a blank wall, and who wants to look at that?

Nothing else was claimed.

>Console users are used to shit performance

This wasn't an insult. I used to play on Xbox and you don't notice it.
But it's not running "fine"


>sorry you can't enjoy eating shit when you have the option of having an ice cream sundae instead

They call that the "Bethesda Effect"

I love the new Prey, and I absolutely was looking forward to Prey 2, game looked so fun, and I'm sad it got canned.

I can only name MHXX as better this year, and that didn't even come out in the west.

This sounds like marketing. You just pull the trigger button until it dies with every enemy or run up and shotgun blast it a few times. The combat is shallow as fuck and I can't see how anyone thinks otherwise.

hardcore fans of this style of gameplay, realize that just like the rest of Arkane's games, Prey is just a watered-down Looking Glass knockoff.
meanwhile normalfags don't like immersive sims.
>inb4 someone gets butthurt about the term "immersive sim"

Yeah, I say this in every thread. Their games don't appeal to anyone. They're too "hardcore" for casuals but not "hardcore" enough for people who are fans of the genre. That coupled with poor advertisement is a death sentence.

>angry that your game can't stand on its own merit because it's so fucking generic

wew lad

Its not mutliplayer nor a long running franchise. Me and the other 4 anons who liked it talk highly about it albeit knowingly it has some depp, underlying faults. This game lacks at least 3 dlcs to fix major problems with replayability and the story but it didnt sell and has no modding support so its deader then dead. I dont even expect a continuation

It was boring as fuck.

Literally CryEngine is only used for muh gwafix you dumb nigger. Prey shows that it's not good for shitty artstyle games

You mean like how Prey 1 was a generic Quake 4 clone?

Nothing went wrong, the game is legitimately one of the best that came out in the last five years, in spite of its slight missteps and problems. The only real blame is due to, as always, Bethesda. Because they forced a retarded title name change and botched the marketing.

You can say that but we have to remember that there are people in this thread spouting complete horseshit, so Sup Forums is not exempt for this. Sup Forums is a hellhole for wannabe elitists and social fuckups and they cannot even criticize a game properly. Really gets those neurons blasting.

Cryengine is a game engine. The devs make textures and models and then put them into the engine. You can put any quality of assets into the engine and have it work. Cryengine doesn't just accept high poly models and large detailed textures, nor does it generate assets itself. It's not used as much because it was one of the last big engines to get a free* version and because it apparently lacks documentation compared to Unity and UE4.

I'm playing through Prey right now. Not very far at all, like just BARELY passed the bit where you have to go to your office. I encountered this fire phantom, and the fucker is hard to kill. He does so much damage. I've died 5 times to him. I think I'm getting rused like in Dark Souls where there are 2 paths to go and one is filled with Skeletons you can't kill.

If you played it on Easy or Normal, I guess? Yes, you go up and pull the trigger until they die, sometimes that might be 4 rounds. Sometimes it might be 7. In your case I guess it was once or twice? Early-game, in a time where you are trying to save up as much ammo as possible for later on when you start encountering tougher enemies.

Breaking news, the combat in a game does not become that difficult when the game is played on an easier difficulty, more at 11.

jesus christ how is it possible to be this fucking neogaf?

You also forgot
>calling it Prey

I don't remember having difficulty at all, the fact you always get the jump on enemies, you spot them before they spot you, especially after the mimic detector thing, makes the game quite simple. Just crouch around and shotgun phantoms on their backs for extra damage with the sneak attacks. Or use whatever is the weakness of the enemy, it will get the ob done like the gloo gun on phantoms.

Also yes the shogun is great, shotgun sneak attack is ridiculous, and after you upgrade it and get shotgun boosting shit it is the most powerful weapon of the game pretty much. Sneaking around the strongest enemies of the game, using the adrenaline power thing + spamming shotgun is a viable strategy always.

>They're too "hardcore" for casuals
Absolutely not. They're insultingly easy.

>lure him next to previously set explosive tanks
>use the gloo and magdump him (magdumping the previously upgraded pistol is even more OP than the shotty, btw, and obliterates the fuck out of everything save for the typhon kind that has shields around it, if you want strats for later on in the game)
>throw heavy objects at him, if you bothered to upgrade leverage
>use a turret

>"the game became a cakewalk after I spent a lot of time investing in special abilities to make the game work with a specific strategy, as per the design of the game which is to make all sorts of different combinations viable."

You underestimate how casual most people are at playing video games.

>single player games don't sell
Bullshit, Horizon Zero Dawn sold well and it's a SP only deal. Prey looked dull from its footage and to be fair it is pretty damn dull when you play it.

>hes right. Dishonored 2 is mediocre as fuck and is worse than the first game. You just have shit taste
it did everything the first did and more

Normals want the open world meme, not restricted tight corridors with a linear storyline.

think i read an article that said we are experiencing the second death of immersive sims.

prey is great. backtracking is bad but the game was splendid and i'm sad it won't have a sequel.

Cheers for the tips, I tried the explosive canisters and that did a chunk of damage but didn't kill him. I'll keep trying though. Also, btw, I have the gloo gun, wrench and shotgun but don't have the pistol yet. The map design, while fun to explore, is kinda weird - I feel like I'm in an area I shouldn't be in yet. It's refreshing not having a direct quest marker, but there are so many paths I feel overwhelmed.

They probably also wanted a game you couldn't finish in 10 minutes.

The game was never hard, and the shotgun is a weapon you get 10 minutes in. There's hardly anything else to get in the game in terms of weaponry. The ray gun is fucking boring for example. The fact the game doesn't have ammunition types is also terrible, even Bioshock had those, for fucks sake Arkane.

In fact Prey 2017 made me appreciate Bioshock more. The enemies were more interesting, you had more weapons and 3 ammo types per weapon was nice. Yeah no inventory sucks but Prey has an inventory but then the game is not very engaging. It just showed me you can get System Shock 2 more wrong than Bioshock did.

D2 had serious problems but I think most of these had to do with either the story or the optimization, so obviously the other user is trolling. The time traveling mission, the clockwork mansion, little sections of Karnaca, all were fucking level design kino.

Horizont had some intense technology wizardy going on and isnt a first person horror shooter. Just slap some buzzwords like "random generated terrain" or "dark souls level of good combat" or whatever and itll sell. Prey is/was too niche you cant even market that shit. Only heavily marketed and somehow ok sellnig horroish games are resident evil 7 and the evil within (also resident evil maker) thats basicly it, normies dont like horror elements they like shooting shit, thats how this game was marketed but shooting shit is multiplayer only today. Go and try selling a sp shooty tooty im waiting fot the results

We would need immersive sims for them to die though, user. One mediocre one made by Arkane doesn't mean an entire genre was revived and then died again.

Actually I forgot about the new Deus Ex games too but they're also shit. You first have to competently revive the genre before killing it and this didn't happen.

It was boring as fuck

>In fact Prey 2017 made me appreciate Bioshock more. The enemies were more interesting
what the fuck am i reading?

Not him, but I'm assuming you're trying to explore some of the medical area of the lobby. You don't have to go there yet, but the game is very off-handed and won't give you a deliberate path. You will stumble into some goodies in there, but you don't have to go there at the stage you're at now.

The game is very Shock/Deus Ex like in the sense that exploration will yield you with some good rewards. In some cases you can get particular weapons much earlier. And just like the Shock/Deus Ex formula, for the extra reward, there is extra risk. Either in the form of requiring a specific thing to bypass a dangerous area, or just having the tools at your disposal to delete anything standing in your way.

You aren't supposed to do that encounter for a good bit of time still, but it's still piss easy to kill; just shotgun the fucker two or three times while quaffing healing shit and you'll be fine. They don't become a regular enemy until way past the point you have a massive stash of skill points, healing items and various ammo.

>b-b-bioshek had the ammo that s-s-set the enemies of fire, much better s-successor to System Shock 2, a mediocre game

fucking hell, hahaha

>why did this unrelated game we named prey for niche brand recognition and gave no marketing fail
really boggles the mind

>why does no one care?

It's an immersive sim aka niche ass genre.

Bought the dishonored séries in the last PSN sale and juat finished all game. I am blown away, the attention to detail, level design, atmosphere. Holy crap, talk about a hidden gem, i loved the second one. Is prey just as good?

Perhaps because the recent games aren't very good? Both Prey and Mankind Divided were forgettable, the latter feels half assed as well.

Stop pretending Prey is some amazing game that was wronged, the game has tons of flaws.

Not to mention denuvo which meant that the word of mouth going around was even less. Full price singleplayer titles are exactly the ones where people are prone to pirate to try before buying

Don't be a faggot, Nightmare is just as easy unless you think it's a good idea to run straight at enemies with a pistol.

I have it sitting on my shelf in shrink wrap alongside DOOM and TEW2, looking forward to diving in

Cuz it's not
>Game heavily discourages you from using python mods, shotgun is the most viable tool regardless and trivializes everything even on the hardest difficulty.
>Only stays remotely challenging if you DON'T use any neuromods at all.
>Enemy variety is bollocks

mankind divided was bad yes, but prey and dishonored 2 were both above average games. prey has a lot of ingenious stuff that makes it stand out from the crowd in fact whereas dishonored 2 is a bit of a slave to its predecessor.

because i already played bioshock before

I bet you think COD is a good game too

Yup, the different splicers, being able to headshot them, the different big daddies, all that shit was way better to fight than black goo headcrab and 10 types of black goo humanoids that behave the same exact way. I don't even love Bioshock it's a clearly dumbed down System Shock 2. Prey is also incredibly dumbed down, the lack of ammotypes, the 5 guns you get, the shitty chips you install that were just lazily designed "reduces X damage", "boost x weapon".

I really enjoyed prey, like a ton more than I expected to, but it wasn't without problems. Most noticeably it seems like they couldn't figure out how to do the combat, the limited selection of weapons makes it seem like each individual enemy encounter was meant to be a full combat experience, but the shotgun among other things makes combat trivial. What could have made it a lot better would have been to make it a full-on metroidvania, no robots telling you what to do and where to go, just you alone on the station trying to figure shit out.

Shut the fuck up faggot and learn to read

A lot of this
>Original reveal trailer
>It's a horror game
>It's like some kind of walking sim?
>A mysterious monster chasing you
>It's a smoke monster
>It's called Prey, not Prey 2 or Prey:Subtitle
The whole thing was confusingly marketed
>Radio silence for fucking ever
>Syke, it's a psychological thriller akin to Bioshock and Deus ex. The smoke monsters are ayy lmaos and every weapon is dogshit

>Enemies that crawl along the ceiling to ambush you
>Grenadiers, pistoliers, tommy users, multiple bot types
>Massive hulks that are regular throughout the game, not a one or two time monster that have zero range
>Statue-disguising enemies for an entire level
Most all of Prey's enemies were functionally the same.

>Game heavily discourages you from using python mods
Why, because the turrets turn on you? Oh fuck, that thing that can be avoided by not walking into its field of view and then permanently hidden away is now shooting at me, PLAYTHROUGH RUINED.
Everything else aside from the challenge I can agree on, but there are no perfect games. You can very easily criticize Deus Ex or System Shock 2 as well and yet the games are fucking amazing, top tier examples of where you can take the genre. Prey is not much behind them.

>it's ugly because humans' proportions aren't 1:1 with reality

String yourself up

>PREY.. - What went wrong?
Floating Perspective Shitware.
