Have you ever wondered why you can't taste your teeth?

have you ever wondered why you can't taste your teeth?

What if I'm always tasting them and I just don't know it?

That's what i'm getting at. I wonder how it would taste if you ate someone else's teeth.

It's a good thing they aren't made of calcium

But can you taste your tongue?

Haven't you tongue kissed before?

They taste the same. Like nothing. Humans aren't evolved to want to eat bones.

Same reason you don't notice your nose even though you see it at all times

>Haven't you tongue kissed before?
i want reddit to leave

What I'm wondering is what having no teeth taste like.

>Can feel texture, but can't taste anything
I wonder if my brain is coded to not receive a response from my tastebuds when it's my own tongue?

>Haven't you tongue kissed before?

You've gotten used to the very subtle taste of such things.

wow sure is video games

>Haven't you tongue kissed before?

have you ever wondered why you didn't post video games on a video games board?

fuck off

>he still has teeth
i miss when this board wasn't infested with normalfags

you cant taste them for the same reason you cant smell your breath. Your body is used to it

this 6 is why

Meth-od Man, even this board has some standards.

I don't know man, dental Sup Forums is pretty good.

how new are you?

arent you too old to be interested in toys?

I think yours is upside down, here let me fix it

yours was just one off actually, here's the one we were looking for

They taste like hydroxyapatite

So this is the power, of Sup Forumsirgins...

The only thing I ever taste is lip balm or whatever it is. Even when I didn't think they had anything on I still felt the residue afterwards. All four girls I've kissed were like that.

From my experience her salvia tasted kind of sweet, the crystalized carbon stick in my pants might have had something to do with it as she was my first girl and I kissed her for the first time after a year of us being "together"