>playing soyboywatch

what the fuck? that skin is atrocious.


wtf I love Overwatch now

Didnt know Conchita Wurst was working with Blizzard.

How? He's just wearing winter clothes. It's a casual look

>make a skin so fucking bad you're forced to re-do it

holy fucking shit blizz

Also the game is only 2 years old now and skin quality is plummeting. Blizz just doesn't give a fuck anymore.

wow theyre gonna change his beard or whatever that is from white to black wow holy shit

tfw i actually like overwatch , most fun fucking shooter i played in ages

Why the fuck did they give him a nose bridge piercing?

but are they going to fix SHART IN MART?

i dont get it. why? that seems so pointless

Whats with his nose, looks dumb.

>pants up
haha blacks btfo

that's a really cool skin, shame it's stuck on a crappy playstyle

>That piercing

Because EPIC identity expression

Too bad it's incredibly inconsistent with his actual character archetype.

I'll admit, I got a couple hundred hours out of it, so it was by no means a bad game, but it's impossible to keep up for so long with only 3 pvp modes all of which have the same number of people in it, making it all feel like the same game mode.

The bridge piercing and ass dragon need to go before this can be considered anything close to good.

good, that hair style they came up with was atrocious.

the skin itself is still terrible, but it looks mildly better with the update.

almost 2 years but what do skins even matter

So glad Blizzard is focusing on the inportant stuff

What, did people sperg out over his gray hair or something? How autistic can you fucking be holy shit.

Makes him look like an aging hipster. At least give it to Sombra or Lucio maybe.

> How autistic can you be
are you aware of what game this is?

Best part is Blizzard only makes around half the skins, they outsource shit all the time.

If the hair on top had been grey too the current version would look way better

He has a piercing in the fucking bridge of his nose.

Also while you can't see it in the screenshot he's got a fucking diarrhea dragon on the back of his pants.

>Still looks like he shit his pants
>Still has those gay as fuck piercings
>Still overall looks like some retarded tagger kid
I'd feel bad that this dude doesn't have a single good skin if he wasn't the designated retard hero.

Demon and Awoo are his best skins.

>make a skin so fucking bad you're forced to re-do it
They outsourced it, Blizzard are so lazy they can't even be bothered to make a dozen skins every year. Considering that's the only content this shitty game gets as well with any frequency that's kinda sad.

it's expected of hanzo mains to be the ones to sperg out about this shit

former hanzo main/OW player in general
im just confused
is there a reason they got rid of the white hair?
I havent followed OW since comp season 2


It looks fucking ugly.

i mean i kind of looks like plastic by why are they making the fix black now?

I want to lick Mercy's asshole clean.

I dropped it after 400 hours
it was worth it but I can't really play it anymore

>most fun fucking shooter i played in ages

You mean most shallow right?

you probably read too many overwatch topics and are easily led so now you just cant do it anymore because of those 2 reasons.

it's based on his outfit from one of the comics, in which he had black hair, not white.

>Maximum degenerate piercings

Because now it actually fits the comic look better and doesn’t look like a rushed out work.

I wonder why they won’t do anything about the pants. Can’t say anything about the dragon at the back but surely they could’ve also taken out the zippers. He’s Hanzo, but fucking Buccelati

Because Blizzard never made the skin, they outsourced it and the studio that actually did it fucked up. This is what your lootbox money goes into.

They're the only long-term reward and incentive for playing Overwatch.

Fucking modern gamers. Just play a shooter because you enjoy shooting nerds you dork.

I actually want to know if anyone on Sup Forums gets the reference of his clothes? They are a Japanese brand line that is notorious for looking good in photos but awful terrible vomit inducing in real life.

>still has the piercing

I enjoy playing the new support. I don't even heal people, just murder everyone else with bouncy balls and lasers.

>2-3 months

I only ever bought five actual dollars of loot boxes and I still feel assbruised.

It takes a long time to achieve blizzard levels of excellence.

>that gay ass piercing
God damn piercings on guys are the gayest shit around.

Yesstyle? i thought they were korean.
And who the hell wants hanzo to wear shitty clothes as a "joke"?

I play moira as well but I get like 10k healing and put out decent damage. I think you're wasting her potential if you don't heal.


Eh maybe, I've only just started playing her. main thing is resisting the urge to only throw out purple balls.

There are better games for that though. I only play this during events if there are cool skins to fuck around with before the novelty wears off.

Moira's healing is fucking insane. I've been playing her and I consistently get 20k healing per match. The highest healing I got with her was 30k. Before Moira came out my highest healing ever done was 21k.

The only shooters I like more than overwatch are arena shooters and none of my friends will play those with me. I don't like tactical shooters with ADS.
Yeah gotta use them tactically.
It's pretty nuts.

I find her inconsistent since she needs to succ on people so she can heal again.

Only if you can't manage your orbs well.
If you use healing orb every time it's off cooldown, you are never even going to run out of her juice.
The key to Moira is balancing the healing and damage orbs.

I never let the juice go below 75% unless I really need to burst heal everyone.
If you get into a situation when you need to spray it all, that will be enough healing to give you time to refill some of it by sucking off the enemy team.

>make a fanservice skin
>call it "a long awaited hanzo skin that you've seen before"
>fuck it up completely
Good job making the most simple, basic change so that he actually looks like the character and not a bald old man wearing a toupee.
Now can we get rid of the awful piercings, assdragon, and shitty tennis shoes?

found the loser

>> sniper
>> gets piercing that obstructs vision
Blz Plz

First they concept it for a week or so. Each drawing/painting takes about 8-10 hours from start to finish. Then they move on to a high-res sculpture which takes weeks. Then they create a low poly version, rig it for animation, unwrap it for texturing, bake the textures, paint the textures, etc. All that time there's little errors you run into that need to be fixed and things need to be adjusted for the best look. Plus, during all this, there's daily or weekly meetings in the art department to keep the overall look of the game on track. So imagine having to take an hour out of your day to go sit in a meeting with the other art staff and the art director. Not to mention any meetings from the game director.

After the Anniversary patch, my game crashes in the middle of games pretty randomly. I've been banned from comp several times because of this and dropped probably a total of 150 SR because of this. I can't even rejoin the games in progress, just instantly causes me to lose now

>put a nose bridge piercing

>fanservice skin
>fully clothed

I'm not easily led, I enjoy watching Black Clover

I usually find piercings off putting myself but this one seems hardly egregious. The Ipdated version even makes them smaller so I can live it with it. The pants have got to go. I might be able to live with the zippers if they’d get rid of that fucking Dragon

>black clover
I’m not even going to start this shit again. I hope you’re happy with the show user.


I lasted like 2 minutes into the first episode. Even boruto is better.

Thank fucking god.
Now if only they could remove the nose piercing too, that'd be gr8. it looks so fucking retarded who would even fucking do that to themselves?
Actually retarded


>letting the retarded fanbase dictate how your skins should be designed over your artists

I mean, it was a shit looking skin. But there's tons of shitty looking skins in Overwatch. Why are they caving to fans and changing it?? Does this mean from now on if enough people complain they'll change other skins down the line too?

If they really wanted to just make the fans happy, they could've just released a second version of the skin with the different hairstyle and have both in the game.

The best part of this is user that Blizzard doesn't even make most of these skins and didn't make this one, it was outsourced.

Several people at Blizzard had to OK the design, though. If they had a problem with the hair, they could've had it changed before it was in the game. Instead they hear players complaining about it and decide to change it after.

This is probably the most clear-cut indicator that Blizzard lacks a vision for the game and makes changes/additions based PURELY off of fan feedback. Which is a retarded plan, because the fans are retarded. Then the retarded fans praise Blizzard; "THEY'RE LISTENING TO US, REDDIT!" and then Blizzard acts surprised when the fans act aggressively and feel very entitled when suggesting things for the game. Blizzard cultivated one of the worst communities for a video game to ever existed.

Kaplan has straight up admitted that.

>We actually change what we're doing … we'll hear about something they want and we'll change like, "They seem really excited about this direction maybe we'll pull the game this way." I feel lucky.

>marvel vs capcom won't even fix the shitty costumes they are offering even though they are completely hated.
sometimes I wish we had a community as autistc as the overwatch one

played for 95hrs then got bored and moved on, it was funny but then it got stale. The new heroes didn't help bringing my interest back either.

>complain when devs don't do the things you want
>complain when they do

>play overwatch
>some friends and myself are Master playing with non master friends
>have bad time
>friends always mad at eachother and are always getting stressed out
>Continues for ages until everyone gets in a big fight and splits up
>try going back to tf2 after quitting overwatch
>the best of times to be had
>all friends getting along, back together and having a blast

Two things I gotta give Overwatch though.
First, It got me to go back to tf2. Secondly, I've blown so many loads to old Ana I can't even deal

>thought I only played for about 120 hours like with Payday 2
>check my total time
>340 hours
still nowhere close to my TF2 time but goddamn I can barely remember any fun moments whereas with Team Fortress I can remember shit that happened years ago

>old Ana

XD I love Ana!

What the fuck, that's not the hivemind opinion, I am angry now.

you know sort of kinda maybe if it is like 1 or 2 dudes working on it while also working on some other shit of more importance at the same time. So like essentially it makes sense if you just consider the making of skins more like busy work to keep artists and shit busy so money does not get thrown away by having them do nothing.

In that sense it sorta kinda of makes sense but if anything it is probably since they wait till everybody is done to release shit in batches instead of like once something is done at a time. Still that description is utter bullshit made to fool lil dumb nerdos who dont know shit about how, well vidya making actually works.

sexual fanservice is not the only kind of fucking service dumbass.
Fuck super smash bros is a game built entirely off of fanservice for instant that is not in any way sexual,
Fucking hell just how stupid are people really now a days god damn.

>Why are they caving to fans and changing it?? Does this mean from now on if enough people complain they'll change other skins down the line too?

Well probably since they have to keep making shit they want so they buy more and more shit to possibly get it. They are yes pandering to the demographic they want to sell to by making and changing shit so that they are more likely to buy stuff to get it.

Imagine spending all that time over all those steps and it still looking like fucking trash because you and everyone who works alongside you is incompetent.

