Duuude that's totally not Chris trust me

>Duuude that's totally not Chris trust me.
Actually I'm pretty sure it's just a redesign because of the change in artstyle.
>Nuh-uh he didn't refer to himself as Chris like he does in this one instance RE5.
No the devs straight up said they redesigned him because of their new capture tech using real human models.
>Nah man he works for Umbrella that's TOO crazy for Resident Evil it's totally HUNK man!

Surprise surprise, conspiracy Sup Forums was wrong yet again; the true answer turned out to be the boring obvious one, like most things in life.

Slim Chris > Meathead Chris

I always hated those big goofy treetrunk arms. It was just ridiculous looking. NuChris is much more in tune with the original games.

>When the chromatic aberration so strong you're not sure if you're looking at resident evil or cuphead

I like CA.

I liked how he was written in RE7 better than RE5 and 6 too.

>that weak chin
>le 56% face.jpg

Uhh, but I'm Chris Redfield.

He looks closer to REmake Chris, but he doesn't have his dark hair or actual 5 o' clock shadow. I think REmake Chris is hotter.

Kids are retarded. What more is there to say? Plus this is much closer to the original Chris than Gorilla Chris ever was.

So what's the deal? Why is he working for Umbrella now? How is the DLC?

It was a pretty stupid conspiracy to begin with.

>Why is he working for Umbrella now?
It's a group called Blue Umbrella, made up of reformed former Umbrella people seeking to make amends for the shit they caused back in the late 90s. Chris is asked by the BSAA to help due to his expertise in dealing with Bioterrorists.
>How is the DLC?
It's ok, but short as hell. Like, you can knock it out in roughly an hour or more. Still, it's fun because there's 3 new molded, and you can punch shit when you stagger the enemies. Plus, the boss is fairly challenging compared to Evie'

Just beat this this morning, it was pretty good. Liked his redesign too, he no longer looks like a cantaloupe smuggler

Blue Umbrella was formed by leaders of the original company as an anti-BOW PMC to help right their wrongs.

The DLC is alright. I liked End of Zoe more.

He's not. There are two Umbrellas. He's enlisted with one of them that is anti the origial Umbrella but he clearly does not care for their goals and outright ignores their orders. They are using him and he is, in turn, using them.

I remember back during the RE5 days when everyone was complaining about how ridiculously ripped Chris was and that it looked silly.

The more things change.

What's the other? Umbrella Corps?

ITT: faggots unfathomably state their preference for an inferior and uglier design. Slim is fine, but the face is fugly.

You guys can have Virgin remodel, I'll stick with my CHAD aesthetics

He does refer to himself as Chris Redfield in the End of Zoe DLC though

RE5 was pretty ugly as well.

So I noticed when I replay End of Zoe on Normal, it has that special challenges ticker in the background and I have a shotgun in the chest. Is there a way to reset that? My brother wants to go through the DLC and he should get the original experience.

My point is even if they were going for a more realistic look, the model they chose looks nothing like Chris


is that face what inspired this wojak?

old chris > nu-chris

It does to some degree, just not the Chris we've been familiar with for the last 10 years.

>old chris

how fucking backwards can one underage actual faggot be?

>unironically defending this new garbage
even 6 was better than 7, and 6 sucked ass through a coffee straw

RE7's alright. It's not perfect, but it's hardly the worst thing ever.


>Sup Forums cares about how he looks
>ignores how he's written and everything else
You're all a bunch of faggots in denial, honestly.

6 was a very fun co-op action game, but 7 with VR is mindblowing in comparison, so much more enjoyable.

go back to to your diet outlast, vr pandering garbage

Aight but why's he working for Umbrella


Not an argument. The game actually lets you fight, unlike Outlast, so you're wrong on that accounting.

I'm totally Jill guys. Nevermind the face.

>diet outlast
3/10 almost flinched

Hi Jill. I'm Jill too.

>My point is even if they were going for a more realistic look, the model they chose looks nothing like Chris.

Probably because they didn't want somebody that looked like a gay pornstar.

The point is, you dope, that RE5 chris is "nu" chris. He's nothing at all like actual Chris. RE7 version is.

t. never played the first 4 games of the series.

>go back to to your diet outlast

I thought we had gotten over this meme, the game is out, there's actually geniune complaints you could be making instead of looking like a dumbass.

Nothing in RE 7 makes sense when considering the past RE games. It's a reboot, but not really. Though it actually is, but not. What it IS however, is an above average game that they slapped the RE brand on cause they might as well use it for something.

It's either an idiot baiting for (You)s or just a flat out idiot.


Except it makes plenty sense. The series has been bonkers since Code Veronica.

>there are people with reaction times shitty
fucking hell

>Nothing in RE 7 makes sense when considering the past RE games. It's a reboot, but not really. Though it actually is, but not.

It's fucking Resident Evil. RE4 literally killed off Umbrella off-screen by fucking bankrupting them. RE7 makes no sense, which in RE logic means it makes total sense.

>tfw no VR headset.
>Can't experience these fights in their full glory.

Not like VR for re7 is out yet on steam anyway.

>Except it makes plenty sense

It makes as much sense as the the Last Jedi. A lot of set pieces and spectacles, going on that are insubstantial and vaguely, loosely, slightly related to what came before. That's why I said above average as a game and while the series was lame before, at least it was consistent to itself. RE5 and RE6 took place in the span of 8 years. A modern RE fan could have only played RE 5 and 6 and be current with the lore cause RE 4 5 6 are deeply intertwined with each other. RE7 fails at expanding the universe, fails at being Resident Evil and fails at being a reboot.

RE7 is just a good spooky adventure.

RE7 is literally RE4 except now. New resident, new evil, old gameplay. Well, except that RE4 didn't have the old gameplay.

It hardly failed and it was nothing like Last Jedi. The series has been batshit crazy for ages. RE4 had you being chased by statue of a giant midget. RE5 had goddamn underground African kingdoms. And RE6 had a meat man who Transformered into a leopard, T-rex, and fucking fly.

>A modern RE fan could have only played RE 5 and 6 and be current with the lore cause RE 4 5 6
yet that is CLEARLY not the case. You guys are ignorant retards.


That's a new one

Your full of shit if you think RE7 is when the series got stupid.