MHW The list is real

Looks like Teostra is back on the menu, boys!

>Lose condition
>Get carted 9 times
>9 times
What the fuck.

Maybe it´s for review copies or because it is the arena?

I think 9 carts is just the norm now friendo.

So considering Free-LC monsters are cobfirmed, what else might we be getting later down the line?
The Magalas seem to be a shoo-in, Zinogre maybe too. Think they'd go as big as something like a Dah'ren?

Still doesn´t make sense that you have to kill 3 elders in 5 minutes and it´s only a 1 star quest

Well THAT's definitely just due to the Demo?

>list is real
>only 40 monsters
>less than half of them are new

And people thought this shit was going to be good.

Yeah I am thinking that's the demo menu shit, like how the demo that just came out was a bunch of weapons and armor that didn't fit the ranks etc.

Also 5 mins to kill 3 EDs? Easy as if you're good.

Hhahaha right?!

je suis monte!

Oh shit nice, I love Teostra.

>So considering Free-LC monsters are cobfirmed, what else might we be getting later down the line?

Other Leviathans: Lagiacrus and definitely Royal Ludroth since Jaggras uses it's skeleton, Capcom is extremely lazy, if they can use reskins they will. Also, while I severly doubt it, we could very well see Gore Magala since that bull-snake-porcupine monster is, again, just a fucking remodeled Gore Magala.

My list of "I'd love to see them in MH:World " isn't too big: Tigerex, Nargacuga, Azeros, Qurupeco, and Gammoth, that's it, but I'm actually secretly very concerned we won't even get an Ice Map.

>50 mins to kill 3 (three) EDs
>Even if it´s low rank you should carry a lot of shit to get this done in time

Welcome to arenas, scrub.

>9 carts is just for the demo guys!

What the fuck is going on? How old is that screen?

link to this list?

Already confirmed that the game will receive ongoing support and new monsters will be DLC and free. And it is good. Did you even play the demo?

Ice map is almost certainly in. The monster habitat thing in the town had six open spaces. We have 4, a volcano is implicitly confirmed with the existence of lavasioth, and that leaves one spot for an ice realm, especially since Kush would need a habitat.

I could almost settle for 3 carts solo/5 carts multiplayer just because of how much the community will suck.

are you just stupid? Arena have been 9 carts since tri

So did Qurupeco make it into the game?

>Royal Ludroth since Jaggras uses it's skeleton
it doesn't, Jagras is using the same animation frame as Zamtrios and Tetsu. The stagger animations and death animation when tripped give it away. Nothing in the game uses the Leviathan animation frame yet

Not sure if there's even a list yet, but I hope so. With the new monster interactions Peco would fit fucking perfectly.

Have they? I don't remember that at all.

>list is real
confirms nothing yet since Kushala and Teo are the most generic of Elder Dragons. Something like Lunastra needs to show up before anything looks out of place.
The only thing I'd assume from this is Chameleos ain't in the game since they are normally a trio but he isn't in the arena quest

Pretty sure. I remember getting carted a fuckton in the Tri arenas. I think they do it because they're a lot more challenging than normal hunts.

>5 minutes to kill 3 elder dragons to get A rank
>the text shadows are different on varying yellow texts

Yeah, I'mma call bullshit on this.

Already confirmed fake

This is the "leaked" roster of MHW, we don't know if the leak is real or not, but this was revealed like a month and a half ago, before Uragaan or Lavasioth were confirmed.


>it doesn't, Jagras is using the same animation frame as Zamtrios and Tetsu.

Shit, you're right, sorry.
I'm remembering them have the same kind of limp animation.

Well, I mean, I wouldn't mind Tesucabra either: his armor and weapons are pretty great and he's a pretty decent "babies first not-wyvern".

Source? Some French review, right?

So how many of the monsters in MHW are large monsters?

This list seems incredibly plausible, both because Capcom has awful tastes in monster rosters and also because with how complicated and new all these monsters are it most likely takes them ages to fucking implement them into their new game: environment and ecological interactions and behaviors, tracking, new hit boxes, etc.

That said, I'd take this as the "roster at launch", they've already confirmed on twitter that they'll be releasing more monsters as free dlc-patches as the game goes on and I believe them. I think they'll be supporting this game for a year if not a few more.

I fucking hate Kirin, but on the other hand this could be MH's big chance to finally upgrade Kirin and really flesh out the monster beyond it's status as an electric, super-durable, unfun, Kelbie. Though, again, Capcom is fucking lazy and I doubt they'll do anything new with Kirin.

I'm still sad Chameleos didn't make the cut though, he would be an excellent addition to MH:World.

about 35, a bit less than vanilla 4 but a hell of a lot more than Tri, pretty good considering it's a new gen with a new engine design

any more leaked pictures?

Well, they can't reuse assets made for portable systems. This game will serve as a building base for a new generation of games.

>completely forgets they plan on dlc mons
I mean you tried kappa


>all the people who said the list was bullshit


It's crazy how fucking easy Chameleos is for an Elder Dragon. I farmed him for fun and his armour set is amazing.

>lavos is now huntable
day 1 buy

>no Rajang or Zinogre

Who the fuck at capcom approved this? How the fuck do you try to appeal to casuals and drop Zinogre from the base roster?

Don't do that

too anime for western sensibilities

But Zinogre is probably the most normie tier monster in the game

It's floating around the place. Just Google MHW leaked monster list.

It's cancer, and a bad habbit picked up from friends who eat sleep and breath twitch.

I found it floating around, no link to the OG source sorry. But the translations and info seem too fucking spot on to be fake.

>all the people who said the list was bullshit

Can you blame them?
I'm happy with the list now that I know they plan on adding in more monsters via online patches, but if I DIDN'T know that I'd be a mix of irritated and in the nile myself.

>SFV has a shit initial roster and expects DLC to carry the game
>MVCI has a shit initial roster and expects DLC to carry the game
>MHW has a shit initial roster and expects DLC to carry the game

I'm sick of waiting 6 months for Savage Jho and Gold/SIlver Raths to finish my weapons that I couldn't on launch. Waiting for DLC monsters fucking blows, even if it is free.

it was obvious from when the rotten vale leak was predicted by it but people kept calling bullshit for some reason

hell, it should have been extremely evident from capcom removing it from pastebin and leddit

I'm digging that portrait art, We haven't gotten good art like that since Tri.

I think this isn't the full roster. Yeah, at launch the roster isn't gonna be a lot bigger than this, but there are some monster that are still missing from the list, and bringing Azure and Pink instead of Golden Rathian and Silver Rathalos seems retarded even for Capcom standards

small old monsters aren't listed

Gold Rathian and Kirin is all I need
>no Gold Rathian
what the actual fuck

They're expecting people to stick around long enough for DLC.

Saving fucking ZINOGRE for DLC is pants on head retarded.

Gotta have something to look forward to mate. If they dump all the AAA monsters at launch you'll stop playing by March.

DLC adds new monsters and returning favorites that integrate into the world and ecology like everything else
DLC adds recolor subspecies that just change the armor zones and element type, and relegate them to the arena

I sure hope I'm wrong.

Small monsters aren't listed and if you're a weirdo you could technically count all of the insects, birds, lizards, and small mammals/rodents MH:World has running around that you can catch with your bugnet.

Also, little late, but FYI: you could catch any of the small critters you saw on the beta levels with your bug net: ants, dung beetles, squirrels, even those little buzzards that would come pick at your kills.

It makes me feel as though there's going to be an incredibly EXTENSIVE, fleshed out, ecological, gameplay relevant in-game encyclopedia that'll tell you where and what everything is whenever you manage to catch something.

>no zinogre confirmed
Get fucked monsterfuckers. Based capcom finally putting an end to this degeneracy

>MFW a real casual filter made it into the fucking game.

Goddamn son I cant wait for the scrub rage. Now all it needs is Gravios.

And if there are no cool motherfuckers besides JhoWITHOUT QURUPECCO, then I might as well not pick up the game to begin with.

he's going to be piss easy now that all moves have tells, so no more insta charge

I can't imagine how hard garuga would be gimped if they brought him to World

Good. Rajang can fuck off forever.

Like 4U, they should keep it rolling with event weapons and arena dlc instead of locking out unique monsters. I mean there's no grank so I kind of understand but its still pretty shitty

>Scrub rage
Have you seen the game?

didn't 4U lock white fatalis behind DLC that came out a few months after launch?

>less than half
>19 new ones
>14 returning
Can you count?

>Everyone look at how hardcore I am. Everyone pat me on the back for pretending moves with no tells and instant-start hitboxes are fun. I wish more of my bones were broken. This ground is too soft
there is no one more insufferable than you.


what the fuck are you talking about, Garuga's entire shtick was him being near unapproachable from the front because of how unpredictable he was with moves that come out so fast


I bet you're one of those morons from /mhg/ that thinks monster attacks should extend beyond their models.

why are you even here

The only shit thing about Rajang is how quickly he can backdash through you and that can easily kill you when first meeting him if your health is a bit low. Other than that, 10/10 endgame fight. He's fun as fuck, along with classic Jho without the retard commandgrab hitbox and Narga/Barioth/Barroth before getting nerfed into the fucking ground.

I only care about Jho anyway

>user(s) who mistakes poor design for difficulty.

You're the reason they keep bringing Khezu back.


Because this is particularly unforgivable. Duramboros does everything you're looking for while actually being an interesting fight with a unique moveset, having a difficult mechanic that isn't just "I'm very hard", and produces way better looking arms and armor.
It's a casual filter that's actually good n' fun, you're just advocating for just some lazy, shitty, wyvern covered in rocks, there's no excuse for your bad opinion.

I noticed you're not denying it.

>his first MH game

I don't believe that list. Too many monsters on it are just the small crap like the birds or dinosaurs who get killed in 1-2 hits.

It's the French Edition.


>No Lagombi.
I hope you can still get it's armor somehow.

I'm only buying this once the roster has been 100% confirmed


Man I'll be really bummed if Seltas doesn't make it in.

someone want to help me understand how "insta" moves are a good thing

I really don't get all the people surprised about Zinogre not making the cut. Tobi-Kadachi is clearly a replacement for him. He does everything Zinogre does. If you saw footage of Tobi and didn't immediately recognize that he was replacing Ziggy, you are totally blind.

They arent

They're not, but they're old and there's a specific subset of MH players that think every shitty design decision is good because it's from early games in the series.

they keep you on your feet and make you have awareness of the direction the monster's facing at most times, if you give monsters too many frames of start up animation, every move they do becomes an absolute cakewalk to dodge

They could go the route of 4U and be able to trade in monster parts for parts that aren't by the in-game monsters.

>post yfw Fated Five dlc

I never hear people talk about or praise the Seltas and I think if any monster deserves praise it's the Seltas.
Because holy shit is the Sheltas Queen ever an incredibly interesting and creative fight, it's so good, it's so interesting, it just can't even be compared to any of the crab fights.

>t. Seltas who got his queen cucked

>Normalfags will like Monster Hunte-

They're not. The original games however had somewhat built in telegraphs from how the monsters moved and acted when deciding a target and based on it's previous actions. It let you know who it was going for and you then figured out what it was going to do based on where you both were and what kind of monster it was. There wasn't anything really bad about it since it relied on monster knowledge and the rest of the game was designed around that kind of stop and go reassessment so that it worked well. However by improving and changing monster AI and movements as well as hunter actions to be much more fluid they added the telegraphing into the attacks themselves, making the reassessment much more active and constant as well as giving them more room to have wider more varied attacks and actions. It's generally much less robotic overall.

Don't forget her fucking awesome hammer