Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

Grinding is tedious, and dailies are just another form of grinding, like leveling in runescape.

well then maybe just maybe....DONTFUCKING PLAYIT

What, do you expect anyone to claim otherwise?

It's true. dailies are fucking boring and only serve to train the players to consider the game like a job.

Depends on the game.

He's right you know

yeah. thats the whole point. an artificially long time locked grind to extend limited content and skinner box you into logging in each day.

>I have to complete muh missions

If you're the kind of unbalanced person who lets this affect them, then you're going to have more trouble in life than vidya.

>it took 10 years for someone to agree with me
I've been saying this since I first saw them in TBC. Everyone always loves to talk about which expansion killed WoW, but it was the very first one for introducing motherfucking daily quests.

Daily quests are a reason to login, it's one of the ways they keep people playing games for years.

>Depends on the game.

Aren't dailies usually optional?

Dailies suck, to be honest. They make a game that already feel like a second job even more like a second job.

They often offer great rewards for the amount of time invested. You would be dumb and inefficient if you were not to use them.

I think they've overstayed their welcome and no one has innovated on the idea.

I agree. Daily rewards and quests are a nuisance that turn games into obligations, and all the more so if they do streaks for continuing to do it each day without breaking. Time-limited content in general is also cancer that takes away a player's ability to play the game on their own terms and enjoy it when they want to.

jobs are required, dailies are not.

unless dailies are required then its not fun.

Starting in WotLK, they became mandatory for important shit like shoulder/head enchants. Even nowadays they're important. Last year, getting attuned to the new raid required being exalted or revered with one specific faction, and the best way to do that was through world quests, which are the new and improved dailies.

The whole game is tedious unless you drop $80 on packs.

They could easily be fixed to have them be a bit less rewarding, but infinitely repetitve throughout the day. That way, people can finish their grinds in one go rather than small daily chunks.

the game becomes an obligation and not something you are doing because you want to have fun.

it's farmville tier

Yeah this. I started really hating MMOs when they started to feel like a job. Even worse is when they started making it a part of gear progression so you HAD to start doing it or you would be behind everyone else.


erm repeatable*

user, I'm sorry you're too retarded to understand this concept :

>dailies in Destiny 2
>actually being a draw

You mean the one daily that only rewards you tokens for vendors that isn't really worth doing unless you happen to work on your weeklies? Even the weeklies can be done in a day and then you're free for the rest of the week.

>let's turn a fun game into a full time job what could possibly go wrong?

Does anyone even try to dispute this? People do daily quests out of an obligation to not fall behind, not because they're enjoying themselves. There's very little enjoyment to be found in modern MMOs, just systems upon systems to keep you psychologically dependent.

>I have to play this game I don't like so I can get shit in the game I don't like

>People who play online games
>Mentally stable

better dailies than just grinding same mob over and over like some chink mmos do

and you know all about mental stability?

true. but i think the problem lies with the fact that they're daily. if the game is fun, you'll enjoy it for a while regardless of dailies, but dailies FORCE you to play the game every day, which will eventually wear you down.

And once you stop you get the feeling that you're missing out on resources, and then you truly realize what dailies are about and you just get annoyed and drop the whole thing.

that was my experience with shadowverse

For something like WoW, dailies are usually required because they give you the rep you need to buy pre-raid BiS enchants or gear. But you could easily shift the blame from the dailies to the fact that now everything in WoW focuses around raiding comparatively to Vanilla.

That's what ultimately made me finally drop out of WoW. It took until WotLK to finally do me in, though. I don't know how it wasn't sooner. But damn did it feel good. It was like getting liberated from a POW camp.

>leveling is tedious! speed it up Blizzard and give us free max level boost!
>be at cap
>there's nothing to do! wahh
it's like you people don't even enjoy playing the game. Why do you bother?

Anyone who disagrees is really beef jerky.

I used to be someone that cares about this shit, about playing "optimally".
But then I just didn't do it for like a month and realized I didn't really lose anything and now I think I'm cured forever.
It's really simple in the end.

Most of these dailies are for people who don't want to pay...but are willing to grind for 50 cents an hour

Just like going to work

They should be keeping players by making the games good and fresh with content, not with bullshit daily missions.

>You're dumb if you don't do something boring and tedious every day
Ok user

I know most of Sup Forums shit on league, but the daily is just first win of the day. Not tedious and takes less than 30 min

Dark patterns are bad, stop the press.

No shit they're bad, stop playing games designed badly on purpose.

>genius uncovers what people have been saying since TBC

Leveling only happens once, dailies on the other hand are forever.

>entirely optional
>only an issue if they are too long/actually tedious themselves

At least there it doesn't feel like you need to do it every day to progress.

you're missing my point

Playing MMOs, mobas, whatever, are a fucking chore. Why the fuck are you complaining about it? MY FUN IS GETTING IN THE WAY OF MY JOB

>just play every day bro
they got in your head

>People would rather pay money then do quest

>there's nothing to do
There's so much shit to do on endgame now that you just feel overwhelmed for different reasons

I don’t. And I don’t want anyone else to either. If you’re into this sort of garbage you need to be gassed. We need to remove you from the gene pool. Disagree and I’ll gas you

I guess cards are optional too since theres no other way to earn gold.

>Casuals are browsing this board RIGHT NOW

>OCD fags can't deal with opportunity cost

If you're not willing to do the quests, then just don't and shut the fuck up. Removing them makes no difference to you.

dailies are shit because they have no end.

I would play most days regardless. The game's just fun

The point of an MMO is having something to do 24h a day.
MMos ARE grinding because thats what people want.
No one wants an mmo where you have nothing to do.


they're only tedious if you do them everyday instead of at your own pace

Dailies are grinding where you don't get to choose where or what or how to grind, that makes you fly all over the place to do stupid shit you'd never want to do otherwise, and you can't even spend as much time as you want doing it because they've got daily caps.

They're just grinding, but worse.

Anyone who defends them need to get shot in the face.

How? People do dailies with one objective in mind, after that is done the dailies are over

>game is so devoid of reasons to play daily that the only way to get your players to actually log in is to content gate them if they don't

The system works this way to create habituality. Thats borderlines evil territory, it's trying to reate something akin to an addiction and the game suffers from this because your resoures are limited.

>lol you didn't unlock the next level of progression? didn't do your dailies bro? enjoy not playing with the rest of us for a week because you didn't treat the game like a job

I agree about Hearthstone, since most of them require you to actually win your games(not easy in a game based around RNG and money), and simply playing different classes is not an option nowadays.

>They're only tedious if done as intended.

I mean, yeah?

Yes, and gearing up in an rpg is evil too because it creates habituality, right?

>skinner boxes creating habituality is wrong

They're built from the ground up to do that, what are you talking about.

A good game makes it so dailies aren't required everyday to stay on par. Like how you can miss weeks of dailies in FFXIV and still catch up easily.

Honestly the only dailies I saw in an online game that worked really well was DFO's event dailies. You would normally run event dungeons or gather something in normal dungeons to get stuff like legendary equips or invites to do epic farming and it doesn't really feel like a chore compared to other MMO dailies.

Yeah, that's the point. MMORPGs offer Daily Quests in order to keep you subscribed by offering you a daily infusion of PROGRESS--if you're not logging in daily you're increasingly likely to cancel a subscription, or to not spend money on RNG gacha crate gambling if you're looking at f2p MMO.

I like 'dailies' but the key is to not go overboard with them. I only spend 20 mins a day doing dailies in my mmo of choice and I don't really get bored nor does it cut into any other plans I have for the day. I could also do dailies for 5 hours a day as well but I know that doesn't work with my lifestyle. Though don't do them if you don't like it 2bh

Most MMOs become shit when you're at max level.

They need them to fuel your lust for lootboxes goy.

I said this during BC

Dailies are a tool for getting people playing daily...
So are many other bad features.

Notice how every bad feature is built around being time sensitive?
You need to play X times in Y days!

That's a job, not a game

Depends on the RPG.
It's morally wrong.

This, dailies can be fun. Battlerite for example has you playing as certain classes in matches. This forces you to broaden your gameplay experience if you want extra shekels while not imposing specific performance requirements onto you.
jk, these games are cancer. Go play some single-player games.

The one thing I HATED about Mists of Pandaria was that you needed to do dailies every week in order to get tokens for raiding.
You HAD TO have those tokens, or you were missing out on gear. And most of the time, the tokens didn't give you anything.
I went 18 tokens with not a single piece of loot, yet I was required to go get them every week.

Dailies are cancer. Weeklies depending on how long they are can also be cancer. The Legendary quests in MOP/WOD/Legion are cancer.

If these are easy, short and give a shitton of cash, then it's okay. Otherwise it's a chore to do

Not if dailies are the sole form of progression in games which is kind of happening now. Lots of games have daily challenges or similar things which give you way more bonuses than normally playing, it's supposed to turn people into addicts by making playing the game a daily habit.

>those faggots that got ahead of you for gear because they used garrisons every day

He never said that it wasn't boring and tedious just that it was dumb to ignore them if you actually play something that offers them.


Lol don't do them then and quit bitching

well that depends on the patch and how much you actually care

Are there actually any games with fun dailies? Not games where they put dailies in to limit your progression like the reputation dailies in wow or hearthstone dailies to buy more packs, but where the player decides if he wants to do them just for fun?

I disagree fucker. Don't play it and I won't ruin your dudebro COD games.

We wouldn't let people raid if they didn't keep up with all the shit needed to get gear

Yes, its true. They why I just ignore them now at Heroes of the Storm and don't play Hearthstone anymore. I even dropped Smite, because it has like 3-4 different "daily systems", even so I liked the gameplay.

They cost a ton of time and I hate being "forced" to play the game/a certain class.

I now can finally enjoy other games again.

Do people actually do these daily quests everyday? Like I'll try to do them when I'm playing but I'm not going to play the game just because of the daily quest.

No one forces you to do dailies to in XIV but people enjoy doing PvP and alliance raids.

>give you something for cheap (gold in hs)/progression
>accomplishment/reward when you do the tasks

You basically train the players like dogs to do something. Lots of people log in daily for them. They are even worse when you not just have to "play", but also to "win" something.

But it's smart to avoid things that suck to do, especially since it literally Costa you money to do it

I'm not disagreeing with you user I just personally understand what he's getting at but I wouldn't bother also

After 4000 days it feels good to get back to non daily quest World of Warcraft.

The problem is these kinds of players never stop playing, so they always need something to do and a new reward to look at. When they inevitably run out of things to do there's an outrage because how dare I only get 3000 hours enjoyment when I was promised 4000