Post images and webms that trigger Sup Forums

Post images and webms that trigger Sup Forums


what's upsetting about this? Is it supposed to be impressive?


>shooting arrows in mid air after jumping
>being able to control the arrow after shooting it
Looks like trash.

>proving him 100% correct
like trained monkeys

How can i show webm thumbnails in my folder? It's just a crapshoot now.

wut game?

I'm not allowed to ask questions anymore? Tell me what else i should avoid doing on Sup Forums so i dont appear upset to retards

I didn't realize pointing out how shitty a game is means I'm triggered. I guess you got me! $60 well spent.

AC Origins
It's actually good


and again.

AC Origins

It's actually bad


Lmao, so much asshurt, what a fag

Also good webm, post more please

It's a genuinely bad game tho

Media Preview


I won't give you any


Well we can say that this one is really... triggering.


Yes I am kinda triggered that there are stupid enough people who can enjoy hold-one-button the games.

Arizona here, toblerones are great but almond joys are my favorite

If no arguments then fuck outta here


I dare you to post this on /k/

it's bad


Blu ray players aren't video games

I don't get it.

This cant be fucking real?
>the entire bullet including the casing

I have a friend who is a mod, I'm calling right now, say bye bye lummox.

why is your game so blurry



opening this genuinely hurt my eyes

What the fuck?


I don't believe that this is the first time you see this webm, it was posted like every fucking day at some point.


I think he's using chromatic aberration

Because of shitty effect
also PS4

how on earth do people fuck this up?

i know next to nothing about guns but the fact that the bullet comes out of the casing is fucking common sense


Say the one browsing this shit board only to collect reply in order to feel like a mastermind James Bond villain



Sorry, haven't seen fullscreen wtf am I posting


fair enuff

The bullet come out with the case.

I dunno man I was going in expecting something completely off, but outside of the bounds across the poles all of that seemed pretty humanly possible and graphically fine. Just had to make the poles closer or speed up the bounding animation

fug :CCCC



is the bolt action supposed to be on the other side or something?

funny thing there's some people that consider both games good, or both games bad but still depend on metacritic and other shit


I guess until now I knew about as much about bullets as the devs did.

Who is this """Sup Forums"""?

I legitimately had to solve 50 puzzles just to make this post


Use legacy captchas you dumdum

thats because you are training AI to drive cars

>Super Mario All-stars is A Truly Horrible remake
Is THIS where the fucking 'muh soul' faggots came from?

you an me has


Might as well start getting used to the shit captchas since the legacy one will fuck off in march.

I once made a thread on r9k in which I had to answer constantly to several people, shit got crazy about 2 hours in, solving those captchas became a fucking nightmare I got your feeling.

But Bayonetta literally gets raped by a black man

>But but but
In Rising Sunny fucks the kid you save
In bayo 2 Bayo kisses Loki
>But but but but Platinum is Japanese!

If a video game could look like an abortion, this is what it would look like. The nickname "stillborn" is just too perfect for it.



here's some fresh anti-rage

at least no one actually watches ign

wat the fug

I hate every engie (and spy) video on youtube, because it gives shitty ass players an excuse

>Hey ___youtuber___ killed a demoman and medic with a pootis heavy so I'm going to play as him in this lobby, urf urf urf

what is this even trying to convey?

that zelda is fun and whatever the fuck its called is boring

I just fucking noticed it says hellmans and ive lost my shit all over again

One game looks much better than the other
Sony game looks mindblowing, it's taken for granted

Nintendo game looks like dogshit
>Wow.... So... beautiful....

Zelda might be more "fun" but they are both repetitive open world tower climbing garbage

confirmed for not having played botw

>muh graphics

One game has pretty vistas with piss-poor interaction, the other has last-gen visuals with greater focus on world interaction.
The thing that I find funny is how much better the physics are in BotW than in Horizon.

>Sorry Nintendo, we've decided that Link is officially a girl

Fuddlore: The Game.

Probably but the real issue is how it is being reloaded, you don't pop in a clip like you would a magazine.

is this fucking over BotW or Zero Dawn?

because comparing them is pretty dumb



It looks just like every other Ass creed and probably plays just like them too
>hidden blade counter hidden blade counter hidden blade counter
>even the last fucking boss hidden blade counter
Boom, win game done, here's your credits piggy


Looks like a better BotW. Name?

>What is fun


Definitely not modern AssCreed.

>>hidden blade counter hidden blade counter hidden blade counter
>>even the last fucking boss hidden blade counter
Not at all actually for three games already

We Wuz Assassins


good. not cut a tree in horizon, then climb on top of a mountain without using an interactive spot