In 2005...

In 2005, the Wii Controller was lauded by fans and pundits as a revolutionary motion type consumer product that promised to revolutionize the industry and usher in an era of new man-machine interface arms race offering the potential to break decades of conventions and bear fruit to the development of controllers competing to raise the skill level and precision of such genres as First Person Shooters and Real-Time Strategy games.

What happened?

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Was shit

Don't listen to fans and pundits, newfag

I would say it's better than a gamepad for FPS, but worse than a mouse.

No it fucking wasn't

Everyone was shifting on it and berated to hell and back


The concept was expanded upon in VR technology and while the Wii was primitive it at least offered fun times.
>Inb4 does that mean the virtual boy is to thank for modern VR
No, because the Virtual Boy was anti fun and only slowed down the idea of VR gaming.

I like Wiimote and Nunchuck because you can spread your hands instead of clumping them on a controller.

Which is why I like the joycon as well.

Mainstream first person shooters used more hardware resources than the Wii was capable of and most people who played FPS games were using the 360 to do so. People who wanted to play RTS still preferred using a mouse. That’s all.

The wiimote wasn't 1:1 and by the time motion+ came out it was too late

Makes me wonder how different the gaming landscape would be if the Wii was as powerful as the 360 but had the same controls. (With optional extra thumbstick)

It was notorious for being absolutely terrible for third-party games where it had to amount to anything but a pointer, like Red Steel and The Conduit are prime examples where the the Wii Remote functionality was heavily marketed but ended up being one if its biggest flaws.

At the end of the Wii's lifespan, even first party games like New Super Mario Bros. Wii forwent the Remote+Nunchuk combo in favor of a more traditional controller setup. The Wii Remote was nothing but a gimmick for casual games so that more grandparents could more intuitively play Wheel of Fortune at home.

You've never even played a fucking Virtual Boy. Kill yourself. Stop sucking YouTube faggot dicks.


As it turns out, very few games were actually improved by such a functionality and it's not even sword games which is what people were most excited for.

It's best used for games that clearly needed mouse controls but not exactly the fast twitch movements of an FPS, such as point and click adventure games or the Pikmin games. Beyond that there was zero reason you simply couldn't use a controller and 9 times out of 10 the controller was far and above better.

It probably did more harm than good by setting a bad first impression of motion controls. The gyro in current controllers is far better for aiming than an analog stick, but many developers still don't use it. Eventually more people will realize how useful motion controls actually are.

Redpill me on the Virtual Boy then, I say Redpill because that's the only goddamn color it has.


The games that used it well were really neat but was outweighed by the games that used it badly. Over all, it was a pretty comfterable controller that let's you rest both your arms on opposite resting areas. The anolog stick on the nunchuck was the only flaw for me, that shit was too loose..

It was revised and turned into Joycons, which are arguably one of the best controllers I've ever seen.

Have you tried playing cod on the wii-mote? it's fucking atrocious

I'm just biased because I miss that time in my life. I feel like everything around me was warmer, cozier, and I could spend all day posting on NSider forums if I wasn't playing games

It's a surprisingly capable system with a library of mostly good to great games.

It was never supposed to be released as a monochrome black and red system. Nintendo essentially took Gunpei Yokoi's prototype and rushed it to market because they were tired of waiting.

Wario Land VB is a top notch game, as is Teleroboxer. I desperately want them to be ported to the 3ds.

They continue to evolve.

>best controllers

good concept but came way before the tech was good enough to make it convenient

Holding them free form is REALLY comfy.

>VB on 3DS

Such a good idea that people got tired of Nintendo's stalling and did it themselves


Except not comfy enough. They need to make a new switch version with larger joycon and bring back better motion controls. I want to play the next Pikmin game wiimote style. And be able to actually articulate all buttons smoothly in "free form" style.

git gud

im gay

Developers played it safe, some used it well, including Nintendo.

As for the audience; well, we know how casual minds works, those were the years of the "gamer" lie. Apparently gamers care about graphics and stale experiences instead pushing the envelope for gameplay matters.

Still want a Time Crisis with this scheme.

in Australia we couldn't download the patches on our shitty internet to play

so we smashed the wii controller, took out its innards and built flying robots with it
drone racing started in australia because of shitty internet

Have you? It was a joy. So much better than the retarded gyro controls they have now.

>Playing cod.

Also the one voiced by Kiefer & Gary Oldman was really good control-wise.