


>ultra hard

>excellent and fantastic above perfect

>bunny extinction


>"private", "sergeant" and "general" instead of easy, medium or hard

>very hard



>(Games Title)



>not always playing in easy mode

>ura oni

>game insults you for choosing Easy


>with chest hair


Why was she so fucking thirsty?

>dynamic "difficulty" that changes based on what you do and how often you do it


>liquid easy
>naked normal
>solid normal
>big boss hard
>big boss extreme

I always play either casual or normal

Why? I always play hardest difficulty personally, never saw the appeal in easy games or modes

>Proud (?)

>solidus impossibilus

>Play through Resident Evil 6 on Professional Mode
>Don't get paid for playing the game
>Don't get any qualifications

>Bullshit ($59.99)
>Impossible (Free)


>Play Kingdom Hearts on Proud mode
>Feel nothing but Shame mode when my dad walks in during Antarctica


That's retarded because it implies being a general is harder than being a sergeant.

>very easy


describes u :)

>lunatic +

>Mountain Climbing

>very normal

>want to play on hardest difficulty but unless there's a description I'm afraid it's a joke difficulty so go one below it

haha i like how you posted this slut again its such an epic new maymay my Sup Forumsro

>Tentacle Rape

>very hard

>Normal isn't in the middle so you don't know if that's the intended difficulty by the devs or if you should play one of the harder modes

>game lets you have two penises
the author really redeemed himself with this series

>there is no middle option

>hardmode locked until you beat the game
>game is too easy on normal
stop that

>European Extreme


>too easy

Really? What the hell did he work on before this, and how bad was it before?

>Very Easy
>Hard (Locked)
>Very Hard (Locked)

>easy is very easy
>normal is easy
>hard is normal
>insane is hard

>DLC adds hard

>game makes fun of you for choosing easy

>Reverse Lunatic

>very hard
>name of the game

>Black male

haganai, started off strong but went downhill around the halfway point, the last few novels and the ending were notoriously bad
fans from the east and west were pissed

>normal mode is actually easy mode so babbies don't get their feelings hurt by having to chose easy

When did this start? I'm gonna say sometime in the mid 2000's.

>hard to hardest is the biggest jump in difficulty out of any of them
>some missions are actually harder in hardest than in inferno because of the equipment selection available

>Very Hard
>Hell on Earth
>Hell on Hell

>No easy
>Game makes fun of you for picking normal

So, who won in Haganai?

the reverse trap but they broke up and everyone went back to being friends

if you can tell me which series, then it means you're a good person

>Cardio Bunny



>Play game on normal
>Hours in I notice the game is too hard
>Lower the difficulty

>Play another game on normal
>Hours in I notice the game is too easy
>Can't raise the difficulty midgame, so I have to restart

Should games allow difficulty to be adjusted midgame or require the player to commit to their choice?

>Game tells you to start over on Hard to play the last level

>piece of cake
>let's rock
>come get some
>damn I'm good

>game has a remake
>drastically easier and more stream lined than the original

the most bullshit cop out Ive ever seen

Why didn't the japs murder him?

>Hardly Easy
>Easily Hard
>Very Medium

>Plays itself
>Very Hard
>Dont bother


>Hardest mode adds a time limit

>Infernal only available in the mobage

I was thinking Contra 4

Didn't mean to make that a (you).

>1. Banker from Boston
>2. Carpenter from Ohio
>3. Farmer from Illinois
>4. Find out the differences between these choices

Nier Automata?

>hardest mode adds permadeath

Damn im surprised anyone got that


>No one picks this even if they need it
>This is the default which 90% will play for 0.2 - 4 hours and then drop the game
>Achievement hunters slog through the game again here without enjoyment
>People obsessed with the game choose this even if it's just health and damage inflation
>The last difficulty is just there for people to tell other people they beat it on da hardust, no one cares enough to check their profile anyway


wasn't this from oregon trail and it determined starting money

Because most of the time it only affects enemy health and damage.

I did play bioshock infinite on hard when it came out but it just made bullet sponges and encouraged cheese tactics

>Game lowers the difficulty without telling you if you fail a mission enough times

>Playing solo Hardest as Ranger
>Get swarmed by 1000 dragons or bees
>lose 9k armour in a second

I can't beat Waterside Bugs. The Soldiers get wiped out and then I get fucked by Bees, Gold Ants and Purple Ants and Spiders.


>Game is too hard on Hard
>Game lets you change difficulties anytime but you don't

>game has pity on you and lets you progress anyway after failing too many times
I didn't ask for this, Rhythm Paradise.

the mutant wasps are bugged in that mission. they're like 5x stronger than they are in other missions for no reason, so you should always go for their tunnel exits first

get three other retards and you can beat it having less than 1k armor

>Very Hard

>Game is incredibly easy on every difficulty setting

You're surprised someone understood a reference to one of the biggest games released this year?

are you serious? It did seem out of place how much damage I was taking. I'll give it a try and shake up my attack targets then.

>90% of players have >500 armour
>level 5 or 10 weapons
>now enemies have 4x the health

enemies actually have the same amount of health at 1 or 4 players
they have the least at 2
unless you mean offline mission mode but you shouldn't be having any trouble with that
