Video games ruined my life

Please allow me to share a terrible experience.

There was this MMORPG called Ragnarok Online. We were a group of 4 friends, who started a guild and then invited the friends that we made in game.

The game was very fun and comfy. And addicting. So I quit high school so I could play more. I had a dream: I wanted to be famous.

I got to the max level, near top tier equipement. I started organizing events and helping the guild. We became big players in PvP.

People started relying on me more and more. At one point I was basically leading the whole guild. Every little thing they wanted to do, they'd ask for me to go with them.

To them, it was perfectly fine that I kept all of our guild's godly items (those would take many months of combined effort to make) and a super rare equipment enchant (makes you immune to magic). There were only 3 of those on the server, and I owned one of them, which my best friend (the leader) dropped.

As this happened, we (by my suggestion) also started stirring up shit on the server, so we got pretty infamous. I did it. Me and my friends were famous, and I was a hotshot on a shitty korean online game.

It was all well, until power went over my head. I asked my friend to officially make me the leader so I could do management easier. I thought this was completely natural and that I'd get the position easily, but of course, it didn't work out.

He was the person that started playing, that invited us and got us used to the game. He told me that he was disappointed, to start my own guild if I wanted it so badly, and kicked me.

I logged off. When I came back the next day, I found out that the guild was unmade. Everyone left and was waiting for me to create my own guild. Naturally, my best friend was asking for his card.

Being the shithead teen that I was, I denied. In my mind, I deserved to have it, without my suggestion and keeping the boss times, we'd never find it. I told him to fuck off, so he logged out.

Wow...what a shitty ending.

Wow rly made me think... where can i subscribe to it blog : D

im playing ro right now. lol

>my best friend was asking for his card
what card? was that the super rare enchanted item?

Also you're a piece of shit OP

I made my guild, and it was business as usual, except that this time I could make and unmake whatever alliance I wanted to.

I had my "subjects" that basically followed my every order, even if it meant being hated by the server. We'd be occupying most of the MvP spawns, breaking economies just for the heck of it, and generally having a good time by ourselves.

Until my mom calls me and asks what happened to my ex best friend. I ask why, and she says that his mom called and that he was depressed and angry and wanted to beat me up.

I didn't have a clue and didn't care, fuck that guy. I told her it was because we had a fight, and stopped caring.

So this went for three, four years. As the game lost tract, our guild members stopped playing. Eventually, I decided to call it quits. I did it, I made the impact that I wanted in the game. I felt satisfied.

Except that real life called, that feeling that I needed to stop playing around. I had no study and no work. So I enlisted back into school.

So I went, nervous about being the oldest guy in class.

After going a few times, I see my ex best friend. Awkwardly, I try to check out where he's heading. He was taking his sister to school. As he goes back, he boards his car, and drives away.

While he was off living his life, I was busy worrying about e-fame and Gold Thief Bugs. I was an absolute retard, ruined my friendship and ruined my life.

Today I got some pieces back together, but I'm just a minimum wage worker. I wasted my opportunity to get a good education, I wasted my friendships, and now barely have enough money to pay off my internet.

Sorry it's so long. But I had to get this out of my chest.

Your first mistake was in being a faggot.

Video games didn't do anything, you ruined your own life
Shit thread

The Gold Thief Bug card, which was enchanted to a shield. It made you immune to magic and was one of the most useful items in PvP

what happened to the card? Where is it now?

Flip detected

how old are you now? sounds familiar to myself but im 28

>So I quit high school so I could play more. I had a dream: I wanted to be famous.
Video games didn't ruin your life, you ruined it by being a stupid fucking retard.

sounds almost like what is going on with my close friend, except i have a proper steady job and he is a bum still living with his parents, we too also cut ties with each other because he was an ass

at least you came to your senses

I need these threads occasionally to remind myself that there are way bigger fuckups in the world.

Isn't it dead? I've always wanted to try it but the seemingly dead playerbase scared me off

Still on my account.


Cool. It's like the fucking Ring of Power cuz of how rare and powerful it is. What will you do with it?

You dropped out to play a video game? Play where? Home?
Your parents ruined your life by not opening a can of whoopass on you right then.

I'm on that screenshot

It'll just rot there, I don't plan on playing again. I haven't played any MMO since then

give it to someone else then.

>ESL trying to look cool
All of my keks.


It should stay forgotten like a 4th Blue Eyes.

This. But I'd argue a lot of parents don't beat their kids enough.

Video games are inherently a waste of time. Every minute spent playing could be spent reading, doing arts, socializing, or anything remotely useful. Want to know why it seems the people in the past seemed more educated at a younger age then now? Less bread and circuses. You have people investing months of their lives per year playing video game. If you want to waste your time playing games then sure, but you won't get pity when you're in your 30's and have done nothing useful in your life.

Honest question. Wyy aren't books and movies considered an equal waste of time?

Movies are a waste of time since most are meant to be consumed like candy. Calling books a waste of time is fucking retarded. Books are tomes of information and have been a form of passing knowledge since they were created.

Do you honestly think reading about the politics in your nation, philosophy, literature, and pretty much anything you want is a waste of time? Someone who reads, even if it's trash tier fiction novels, generally is smarter than someone who never picks up a single book. Books are the best way to learn anything next to a teacher.

>Books are tomes of information and have been a form of passing knowledge since they were created.
AI agree but are there not books that just wastes your time just as their are games that are full of information?
I don't think you should just discard an entire medium.

Not even remotely the same and you're a faggot for even making that comparasion.

Both fiction and non-fiction are capable of enriching you through critical thinking or just teaching you about a subject. The only books that I would even consider a waste of time are those pushing an agenda with no sourcing or something that's there just for you to consume such as harlequin romance novels. Tell me what games have?

They don't have the same foundation books have. Their first and foremost purpose is to entertain and 99% of games that come out reflect that. You might get a few games that will leave you with something but you're playing a game. All that time you spend playing the game, between the bits that are worthwhile, is wasted time. You're not improving anything by pressing XYZ for the nth time between cutscenes. At the bare minimum if you read decent books, even if they won't teach you anything knew, you can pick up on the writer's prose and just how they write in general which leaves you a better writer for it in the end.

Vidya a shit.

>First and foremost purpose is to entertain

Yeah sure thing dude hold on let me just pop here Pathologic in.
What's that? You don't even know what it is? Fucking pleb.

well I learned a lot of history through srategy games and it really got me into it. I think I've elarned a lot through videogames

>Implying bad literature isn't poison to the mind.

Yeah, the adults still obsessing over Harry Potter/adult romcom trash novels etc surely are much smarter than the average fella.

>even if it's trash tier fiction novels, generally is smarter than someone who never picks up a single book

What a load of shit.

>99% of games that come out reflect that
>lmao here's the other 1% btfo
Pathologic isn't even fucking obscure on Sup Forums you cunt.
Grand Strategy games are one of the few genres that can actually teach the player something and the playerbase reflects that i.e. it's not that high.
People who worship HP tend to read or write a lot, even if it's garbage like fanfict. I don't know what you think the average person is like but it's a lot dumber than you think and they don't read. Most people, in fact, don't read. People who read tend to be smarter than those who don't. It's arguable how much smarter you can be if you read trash but it is more than someone who comes home and dicks around on vidya or watching TV i.e. the average person.

>idiot teen makes a bad decision
wow how unique

>Pathologic isn't even fucking obscure on Sup Forums you cunt
I see. Moving goalposts seems to be one of the attributes of a smarter than average person

>99% of games are just to entertain and therefore have no 'real value'
>I mean if you don't count strategy games, puzzle games, builder games etc but you don't count those ok????

99% of literature is shit too, it just has the advantage of being a very old medium so the garbage gets filtered out and you're left with the good shit. Just look at the numbers of new book releases each year and how many actually sell any copies at all - it's an oversaturated market.

>Do you honestly think reading about the politics in your nation, philosophy, literature, and pretty much anything you want is a waste of time
Not every book has such type of information, you're generalizing.

>Someone who reads, even if it's trash tier fiction novels, generally is smarter than someone who never picks up a single book

I didn't move any goalpost, you just suck at reading more than one sentence.
>99% of literature
>oversaturated market
genre fiction isn't considered literature. Try harder.
There are multiple genres of books that contain such knowledge. If you want to play the numbers game then there are more useful books than there are video games ever made. If you want to go percentages there are more useful books to shitty books than useful games to shitty games.

From philosophy to history to even simple for dummies books. The mass churn out of shit tier fiction novel is a recent thing starting from a few decades ago, meanwhile we have many poems and historical accounts going back well over 1000 years. Also in what world is someone who picks of shitty books not smarter than someone who doesn't read anything? Tell me how you're supposed to get smarter and then tell me if that sounds like the rule or the exception.

>If you want to play the numbers game
This is you moving the goalposts, there's a shitload of useless books and a shitload of bad games, you were painting one as an absolute good thing and the other as an absolute waste of time, you were wrong on both accounts.

>Also in what world is someone who picks of shitty books not smarter than someone who doesn't read anything
In a world where books aren't the only source of information like oh wait OUR WORLD. Scientific outlets exist, articles exist, books haven't been the only source of written information in decades and you're acting like a neanderthal for ignoring this.

Like it was said countless times, several types of games are useful in many ways even some of the most normie tier games like shooters increase your twitch reactions and improve the way how your brain works. And don't even get me started on difficult games like Bayonetta, genres like RTS or grand strategies. Those go above and beyond in improving your basic skills and even preventing some neurological diseases.

You know what maybe you should READ more about the benefits of gaming how about that?

>People that read books r smarter, prove that they aren't!!!

Why don't you post some proof that fluid intelligence is increased by reading books first, you dumbass?
Pro fucking tip: It's not.

Shitty story. Also it doesn't explain how it supposedly ruined your life either.

Don't blame video games for you being a faggot at life, nerd