4,2 million keks

4,2 million keks


>bottom panel is American
>when it was a system invented by and still in use in common parlance by Brits


The left really can't meme can they? All the jokes, comics, films, everything, is just fetishising and fantasizing.

>white people are racist but make no violent moves
>racist black man runs in ans starts murdering at first sight of them
I wonder which looks better in this comic.


wtf i hate america now

>using a system developed by a bunch of surrender monkeys

>give me your tired, your poor,
>your rapists

No, seriously, you're fucking fired bitch.
We're full up on tired and poor, thanks. Check back in a couple generations, we might have reopened your position

no we don't, we use miles for distance and that's it

They're clearly shooting in the top right

>Immigrants to the US rape more than the natives
>The leader and favorite of the natives bragged about sex crimes and raped his wife.

*loses against a bunch of villagers armed with farm tools*

How do you rape your own property..?

>We're full up on tired and poor, thanks.

Wow Cletus, you're volunteering to build patios and work in agriculture for less pay so everyone else can have cheaper food?

Good show.


Why does Sup Forums have a blue background now?



Hard to believe but you're actually on Sup Forums right now.

wasnt the original immigration policy limited to "white men of good character"?
when did it turn into "your tired and poor"

>everything is a decimal so carpentry is hard

americans don't actually believe this, do they?

Germany should by dark like a Syrian instead of being white now

what's the AM/PM thing? Do people really think there is an issue with AM/PM or military time?

>calling the statue of liberty a bitch

it's the negro with two guns who is shooting

Immigration policy was never dictated by a poem added to the Statue of Liberty decades after its construction. If I was Sup Forums I would also add that it was written by someone of Jewish descent, but that's neither here nor there.


Are you arguing in favor of the US's continued exploitation of illegal pseudo-slave labor?

maga not yes we can ok be smart eat a poptart and shart in walmart while riding a motorized kart ok praise trump

Chris-chan has improved his grip on colour markers!

Nah, that's fine. I'm european and I actually use the am/pm in my systems.

I'm European and we use military time

The weird thing is that everyone uses seconds despite how relatively arbitrary they are.
It's just odd to think how insanely ingrained into human culture the idea of a second is; I think it even goes back to Babylonian times. By contrast, measures of most physical dimensions were relatively young before the metric shift.

>military time
Its digital

I'm european and I know it's not military time, it's just normal, digital. Everyone uses it here nigger. Also used this time in an actual army

Nah, it's called a "digital clock" but no one really calls is "digital time".
It's either 24 hour time or military time.
If you said military time to me I'd think like 0800h or something though, not 08:00

who the fuck actually uses it except maybe britbongs and dutch ?

why would French people "take it" when they fucking invented it.

Most people from everywhere in the world don't have an issue with any of these things until they're online and realize americans think voters should be allowed to not present identification as a right, and then you realize who are the real dumbasses starting arguments and why you see them online.

>wants poor people from other countries to die
>thinks he's not a Sup Forumstard

literally only me. That's what I said. Only in my phone and pc

No one really cares. Our clocks have both options.

Then why are literally all the comedians lefties?

I despise those who praise celsius. Celsius is fucking arbitrary. It's the freezing and boiling point of water based only under 101325 Pa of atmospheric pressure (i.e. the weight of earth's typically composed atmosphere at sea level generally expected somewhere around britain).
Both Celsius and Fahrenheit are fundamentally arbitrary, and don't say a fucking word about Kelvin since it's just Celsius shifted up.

Tracking time is one of the first things we teach to our children, it's like how the words "father" and "mother" have changed very little from the ancient tongues they descended from (ph2tḗr and méh2tēr being the reconstructed proto-indo-european).

Well, us Amerilards won the space race. What do you irrelevant countries have to say to that?

Every time lmao

Ill keep posting the space response until your system of measurements become useful or relevant for anything. Until then keep crying like the autistic baby you are.

Sorry I can't see this from fucking Mars

>dude we did nothing in space first LMAO deal with it lol

Don't get shot while posting buddy.

>won the space race
let's see here
>Laika was the first dawg to go to space and return
>Gagarin was the first human to go to space and return
>Americans were the first ones to get to the moon and return
so it's 2 to 1 for the Soviet team in terms of space racing.
if it's about the moon, you tincans do win, but if it's about space your america is tiny compared to russia.

nasa uses metric though lol

I'm not him but I agree on this issue.

No, I don't want that. I want life to be free and beautiful for all people. But what I want, and what should be policy, have very little in common.

Even if the US accepted ten million immigrants a year, this would not solve the suffering in the third world. There are simply too many of them, and more every year. Moreover, it would quickly turn the US to shit. Not because the immigrants are shit, but because the US cannot cope with such massive influxes of population. We do not have the support services to teach these people English, give them homes, give them educations, build new towns, build new roads, build new schools, etc. etc.

Immigration is not a solution to poverty. We need to help these people where they are.

And this is complex, because these people live in authoritarian shitholes. Aid that we send is siphoned off by corrupt governments. Some of these governments even use it to support their hostile positions against America. Aid that we send to North Korea, for example, will be used to support anti-American policies. What right do I have to spend someone else's money on things harmful to their interests? Aid that does reach people might be doing more harm than good - if food comes free from the US, why would I start my own farm? If I did, how could it possibly compete with literal free food?

I am a patriot, and my America stands for liberty and progress for all people. Standing for that isn't easy. Achieving it is harder. I will always believe in the absolute universality of values like freedom, dignity, rule of law, and democracy. I will always support them wherever they are and whomever is holding them, regardless of skin colour, gender, sexuality, disability, or anything else. Every single human being on this entire planet has a right to these things that I will fight for, and that America will fight for.

To win the fight, America has to fight effectively and be strong enough to fight.

oh wait, forgot
>the first sattelite to orbit Earth was Sputnik 1
so it's 3 to 1. eat it sucker, cause that's how failure tastes.

>I will always believe in the absolute universality of values like freedom, dignity, rule of law, and democracy. I will always support them wherever they are and whomever is holding them, regardless of skin colour, gender, sexuality, disability, or anything else. Every single human being on this entire planet has a right to these things that I will fight for, and that America will fight for.
rest of the world are you even trying?

This, and we still use kilometers


>hey charles, whats the temp on fokin lithuwhatshername
>its a chilly 5 degrees celcius my good chap
>sweet london bong, thats mighty cold, innit? Just five celcius? Thats almost freezing temperature!
>Indeed old chum, heard the countries down south are much warmer, a noice 20 celcius, perfect weather


>Bite my bollocks daniels, I got me a cat to kill
>the fok is it nigel
>whats the tenperature in the states
>well this ere internet thing says its 70 degrees
>No nigel, faggenheit
>well what the fok, I cant tell how much that shite is
>neither can I cumquat
>fokkin mericans

I'm pretty sure someone made this to make SJWs look bad, or should I say worse. You can't be retarded enough to make this comic unironically.

there's lots of retards in this world mate

the hands are white bro

How are seconds arbitrary?

>push button
>cops shoot you

That last paragraph is fucking beautiful, user.

Based Amerisharts


you forgot the part where you weigh humans with fucking rocks

>doing anything like the rest of the planet

if you haven't figured it out now by all the proxy wars, trade deals, and underhanded intelligence gathering. We don't much like the rest of the planet, and you don't like us.

changing anything would be a moot point.

>this argument when NASA used the metric system

The metric system is dominant in science, manufacturing and engineering in America. Only the fat and stupid population clings to the backwards system in everyday use.

We hope your uncivilized nation discovers fire before we reach mars, otherwise you have no chance of joining Planet America.

Hope your wife doesnt get drilled by browns while posting...

Fuck, spoke too soon!

If you want to know what failure looks like, just look at your economy.


>this thread
I forgot how Reddit-infested Sup Forums has become but thanks for reminding me

I can't believe you're getting (You)s for wrapping up basic bitch democracy in flags and salutes. America please.

How are they shooting when the guns have no triggers?


>mutts will successfully ignore this post

It's as (You)-worthy a service as any on this board

It's too late.

This is an America thread now.

go back where you came from mohammed!

There is only one solution I see, world domination.

Almost certainly based on the human heartbeat mate. Average human BPM is 50-70, with 60 being the median.

Well which is it op, 4 billion or 2 billion keks?

You are trying way too hard now.

>Hope your wife doesnt get drilled by browns
>Fuck, spoke too soon

Very well, carry on then. Try not to get too much cum on the flag.

You mean """comedians""" like Amy Schumer?

AT REST, shit sorry. Also the time you're most likely to be listening to it, when all else is silent.

They're whiter than the average mutt

What is this thread?

Oh shi-

Doesn't apply in America because the average resting pulse there is well over 100 due to obesity.

Sup Forums for video games!

>Syrian instead of being white
>The United States Census Bureau defines white people as those "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa."

It's the Reddit containment thread

type a thing a search bar you boring fuck
>Why are all comedians leftists?

cause you're a dork and normalfag who doesn't know how to explore the net. You have a specific number of sites you go to, and that molds your (shitty) opinions and outlook on life.

For real user, go look at something new today, you're fucking pathetic.

your mum's house?

>shoot button
>police pushes you
What the heck?