*saves video games*

*saves video games*

Other urls found in this thread:


dude i love halo and gears

you did NOTHING
there's NO reason at ALL objectively to get an xbox
PC makes sense
PS4 makes sense
Switch makes sense



I own 2. Are you mad?

*retools Windows 10 Xbox App into Microsoft's Steam and discontinues the Xbox*

get out of the gaming industry

>still no reason to buy it because no Halo: Reach Remaster

You disgusting subhumam. You copied my thread.

*loses another npd*



Yes, it can do native 4K in a few games; it literally has more merit than PS4. This is coming from a PC+Switch+PS4 owner. Bloodborne is my only game. And Dark Souls Remaster won't even be native 4K on ps4. FTGE

>hurr graphics
kill yourself

Nah, but that's a pretty weird thing to do.

*saves video games*


Xbox one x and xbone is the best current gen console

After all the feedback it became the most consumer friendly console and they keep working hard for their loyal fans.

I can buy games cheaper than PC players on steam from the Xbox marketplace

Not really but why 2?


For me and my GF

>completely missing the point

Only I can make *saves video games* threads using an Xbox One X image. Make your own pro-Xbox One X gimmick.

I got a 500gb OG for my birthday and a 1tb S for Christmas.

anyone else only able to get it up for traps?


>I can buy games cheaper than PC players on steam from the Xbox marketplace
Name some without cherrypicking

For me and my wifes boyfriend's son

literally all he said was about technical shit retard

>getting a second
>not the X
You fucked up bruh

Exactly, if you are into that shit (and want a console for whatever reason) the X is the only console worth getting. How was this not clear?

>2.3 and 2.1Ghz CPU

office computers are more powerful than this

>higher clock speeds automatically mean a more powerful cpu

*Press the power button of my computer*
Well what's your move black box?

>can do 4k with 4x msaa while ps protato struggles at 1080p with no aa

Xbox One X is the only LGBT friendly console too, so take that losers. IT'S 2018 GET WITH THE TIMES.

>Saves video games
Nope. That would be PC gaming in the past 3 years.
Now, if graphics units keep getting too expensive, maybe the XboneX will be something worth it.

*saves video games*

>pc """""""""""""""""""""gaming""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
>saving video games

Why do consoles have such pathetic CPUs?

This. AMD CPUs have double the cores and higher clock speeds than similarly priced Intel chips and yet Intel is still typically considered better for everything.

No regrets

Wow an xbox thread. I almost forgot that you guys existed! Good luck

>$900 for a 1070

>PS4 makes sense
no it doesn't

*saves the thread*

By continuing the death of the brand? I agree.

>kraut talking up 360 assets and 30fps


>switch makes sense
no it doesn't

>sells more than 360
>h-h-haha its d-dead


WELL im glad that after a LONG day at WORK and with MY GF i can play in the comodity of MY COUCH all the games that i want in 4K

stay mad sonykeks

>360 assets
maximum delusion

>sales down year-on-year despite the xbonex launching
>d-d-don't worry guys we're on the u-up


>selling more than 360
>500 console loses against 200 dollar console at black friday
wow shocking


>doubling down on his retardation


>north america
>one week

xcucks aren't bringing their best

>literally outsold psshit in december

Europe unironically doesn't matter since it's just a FIFA machine over there

>sells better than its predecessor
the only being retarded here is you.

>only a third of the market counts because i say so

the absolute state of xcucks 17 days into the year

>he still thinks this is happening
in 2015, maybe. the xbone is the new sega saturn now, only without the exclusives.

>selling millions every month

>only a third of the market counts
its true though. if the console is popular in NA its not dead.

you wish. the only consoles that do that are the switch and the ps4 and they're the two fastest-selling consoles ever. makes you think about how poorly the stillborn xbone is doing

searing xcuck logic. tell that to the aforementioned sega saturn and the atari jaguar

>its a Sonygagger spergs out in another Xbox thread episode

Is it autism?

selling millions and doing better than 360. stay mad forever

you tell us, friend, you're the one with the diagnosis. :^)

>if i keep repeating this it'll come true!
>mommy where are my tendies!

the absolute state

Why must every single Xbox thread devolve into vapid shitposting?

You're the same gay who said David Cage games take actual skill and games with no cutscenes are bad. Get outta here

>has to brag about sales because he doesnt have the power nor the games

xbox got everything

PC and Sony bros hate it for obvious reasons. Nintendo fans are impartial and the two companies have always been buds.

kek you wish. though i can see how pressing a button when prompted to do so could frustrate xcucks.

it's like watching a descent into madness sped up ten times. good lord.

>latching onto nintenbros again
into the trash you go.

no but I'm amused. keep giving microcucks the few jewbux they can milk out of shitheads like you, friendo. sony won

Don't blame me for that fact that MS and Nin have always had a positive relationship towards one another.

*has no video games*

The only reason to buy a console is the exclusives. The Xbox brand was in dire straits ever since the Xbone was announced, but Xbox Anywhere killed it. There's no reason to buy an Xbox when you can play the games on a PC with the console manufacturer's blessing. That's like if Nintendo had made Dolphin Emulator and Cemu themselves.

>n-no it wasnt me
>proceeds to defend QTEs

Sonybros are so retarded they have to be constantly reminded what button to press in any situation.

>a guide for qte


i didn't defend them. i said xcucks were too dumb to be able to do them competently. keep up :)

>The only reason to buy a console is the exclusives
maybe if you have a gaming pc lol.

>He says while Sonygaggers need written guides on how to press a button

>Nintendo fans are impartial and the two companies have always been buds.

Complete and utter delusion from Xbots.