PCbros on suicide watch

PCbros on suicide watch

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Do all Fry's look the same because that's exactly what the one I went to the other day looked like


Shit, are that many people building gaming PCs now? Consoles BTFO.

no, it's the cryptokikes wasting valuable resources to get some shitcoins.

i went into a microcenter just a few months ago and it didn't look like that. fucking cryptoshits.

No, mining butt coins you mong.

holy shit

please tell me those are canada bux

I was about to ask the same thing.

Bad timing for you friend, cryptofraud taking a nosedive as we speak. There'll soon be a flood of lightly used GPUs on the market and PC gaming will usher in a new golden era of affordable 4K gaming.

we already had this thread

I hope the crash reverses some of the price hikes as people get scared and dump off their cards.

>using a GPU to mine BTC
You mine the altcoins and trade for BTC.

/biz/ and all the faggots browsing it has to suffer for what it has done.

I have a 6gb 1060 I need to list. I'm being lazy about it.

All the poo websites are projecting things are going to get much, much worse. Like even the gtx 1050 ti and sub rx 570 stuff is gonna be sold out soon.

Whatever miners mine they have a surplus of tears now


>When you're a grown ass man with bills and a kid on the way
Not every one is free to waste their money on over priced PC parts that would be less if not for crypto currency.

You've been here for too long, user, take a break, go off the grid for some days.

Can someone translate?

I can only hope this leads to a mass exodus of faggots and PC gaming can return to how it was around ~2008.

can someone explain what is this? I´m not up to date with hardware news...

>Coworker wanted me to help him get his first gaming computer
>Look at GPU and RAM prices


>people think gpu prices will ever go down again
They were just looking for an excuse to increase the price and they got it. Do people really think companies will lower their prices now?

dude cryptocurrency farming lmao

I don't understand how cryptocurrency equates to regular currency.

Cryptomining. Nerds want to get rich without even trying. I honestly hope their pcs catch on fire.

sad thing is that ram prices aren't even related to mining

>scored a MSI GTX 1070 Quicksilver OC for 361€+GR: Wildlands
never played the gayme but damn it feels good

Enough people say it's worth something so it is. Inherently it has no value.

The market is going to be flooded with bitcoins soon which will dramatically reduce the value of bitcoin mining and things will go back to normal.

your bubble just burst crypto fags

Not really, they're still mining coins at the same rate, just the price is lower, but they don't have to sell right away. A coin is a coin.

>things will go back to normal.
wishfull thinking imo, they will propably switch to the next ponzi meme-coin

didn't AMD say they gonna put out a dedicated mining card?

>oh, whoopsie! it would be extremely painful if some part randomly began to hang your computer dead while all tests reports nothing

Bitcoin mining retards polluting the market.

Do you even know why crypto currency works?

That's pretty much what the Vega became because I don't think a single normal person managed to buy one.

>friends asking me for help building their first PC

does that mean i can sell my 1070 and make $500+ over investment?

Price is whatever people are willing to pay for an imaginary coin. The various coins have some sort of business model that goes with them. If people think said business model is impressive then they buy in. The more people that buy in the more the price rises.

Yeah, with the next generation coming out this year they have to sell their overflowing stocks of old shit before nobody buys it anymore, especially Pascals. Retailers are so desperate to take advantage of the situation that they actually order blower 1080tis for fuck sake, literally anything that they can get their hands on.

They wont hand them out for free or anything but if you think the prices will remain this high past the first quarter is idiotic.

That feel when I got a 1080 Ti early this past summer for super cheap. Ebay sale by MSi right before the amateur miners started swarming like locust.

I ended up just buying a prebuilt with a R5 + RX 580 for ~$800. Hurts a bit inside but it /justwerks/ so that's nice I guess

sad thing is that ram prices aren't even related to mining
Both are related to Chinks

Why not? How do you think "regular currency" has any value in the first place?

I pre-ordered my FTW3 for $750. I'm going to list my 6gb 1060 for just as much. Thanks cryptoshits.

So some guy sitting in his basement one day decided to start handing out invisible coins to people who used their hardware to solve problems for him and for some reason they have value? Sounds like a very risky venture to partake in.

I am depressed because I wanted to make myself a present and build a new PC for something around $750 after I pass my exams in January.
Started to look up the prices and saw news about miners and Jesus christ I am sad now.
There is no way I can buid a decent PC for such sum of money now.

>Tfw still rocking my comfy $99 RX 560 and $60 16GB RAM from a long time ago

Instead you can spend full price on last gen hardware with fischer price build quality to play the 2 worthwhile exclusive mario and zelda game that I will be enjoying in two weeks for free. Mommy was wise to trust her money with you.

>Got a GTX 1070 before the price rises

Just buy an Xbox one X

that is not what happened nor how the system works.
read up on it instead of posting assumptions

That's not true user, it won't be as powerful but you can still do it, especially if you go with a slightly older platform that uses DDR3, gimme a sec and I'll make a build here

I have a 570 and there's literally nothing worthwhile I can't run.
I still need a CPU upgrade for emulation, though.

I don't play that much games to justify the purchase of a console

what's this keyboard?

>tfw feel when you have to play you're games on High instead of Super Intense High

Regular currency is usually at least backed by something limited in supply or that has real-world use. Even USD is backed by the existence of the US, which is a bit out there but sort of makes sense. Crypto is backed by fairy dust and birthday wishes.

>lucked out and got an rx 570 for $250 in july
now worth up to $600
>but even if i sold it I couldn't get an upgrade

Obviously since its a franchise

>tfw still playing on my 8y old double-bake revived Radeon 7850

come at MOI

Because people offers their real life services for money instead of doing jack shit all day long mining imaginary coins? which has more value?

I've already got my 1070 I just want the price of ram to drop fucking """smart"""phones


It's not a franchise

I hate cryptocurrency retards, it's value is literally just based on who's interested and stop USING MY COMPONENTS YOU FUCK YOU'RE NOT GOING TO GET RICH YOU ALREADY FUCKING MISSED IT
I want to upgrade in a few years, there better be cryptoshit containment hardware by then

my radeon 7870 died recently, will oven baking it really revive it? I can get into safe mode no problem but anything outside that is fucked up including the BIOS

>no value

Nice pic from the front page of Reddit

crypto is backed by the fact that it has to be maintained, and to do so requires processing power, a limited good
what's your point exactly? you can buy shit with bitcoin as well, that's the whole point of using that technology for a currency
the endgame of bitcoin is not the mining part

Here, it's not optimal by a long shot, I'd rather set you up with dual channel RAM, a newer CPU that won't have issues with the handful of CPU heavy titles on the market (BF1 and Forza Horizon 3 come to mind) but this is still a pretty capable PC that can run even the most modern AAA titles at 60 FPS with setting tweaks or at higher settings I'd you're okay with 30 FPS. Yeah it's not perfect but you can still build a good PC that can do everything you'll need for a relatively low entry point, then upgrade from there when you're ready.


And like I said, I know it's not a perfect build, but for the price this gets you most of the way towards what that money would've gotten you before the mining craze. You still get a good size SSD with a large HDD, and the CPU/GPU aren't the best but they're not slouches either

>dude it's a real currency
>it's just way more volatile than any other currency out there!
>trust me, it's a good investment

firstly, gold has little value in itself, secondly, today's currencies have nothing to do with gold whatsoever

reminder that electric bills for everyone in places are rising due to all the electricity mining crypto is pulling.

so not only are minerfags ruining gpu prices, but are also killing the planet.

You got nothing to lose, it makes sense.

Just read up on some guides and don't go all "LETS JUST UP THE TEMP MORE = BETTER" because everything will fall off.

I even baked my SSD

>got a R9 380X as a handmedown from my friend
Still holding up pretty nice

>top link on crypto subreddit is the fucking suicide hotline

Thank you

it makes no sense to be angry at cryptocurrencies or the people mining them or the people using them
you're mad because you can't buy gpu cheap, you should get mad at nvidia, amd and other micro-chip giants for not keeping up with the crypto trend by making dedicated units for them

>but are also killing the planet.

fuck off normie

>bitcoin is literally repeating house loan crisis step by step
>shit will take massive fucking deep in a few months and no one wants to admit it
>mfw soon cheap GTX1080 cause all these fuckers trying to make back some money

even my 280x runs everything pretty well

Processing power is not limited you fuckwad. Companies just don't want to spend a shit load of money doing what they're suppose to be doing and send you less than a 1 percent of what they already earn.

>processing power, a limited good
Except you can make more computers and produce more processing power.

give a link pls

>you can buy shit with bitcoin as well
>buying with bitcoin
It is basically the same as trying to buy stuff with gold bars. Ever since the transaction fee skyrocketed it became useless as a currency and people were just holding it it for its value.

The Bitcoin bubble is finally starting to burst, it dipped below 10k today and everybody is panic selling, just be patient.


as long as ps4 exists as the dominant console, games will always have a bare minimum of ps4's gpu specs which is around a radeon 7850

Enjoy your fried gpu. Just buy a new one when the retailers get desperate.


limited in the same sense that gold is
we can mine more gold, we don't know how much gold there is in the planet
the principle is sound enough. Processing power is not going to skyrocket a hundredfold within the year, it's limited enough to base a system on

It's a shame that bitcoin owners all live in basements because I was looking forward to people jumping out of windows

overclocked, used and burnt gtx1080

Of course
: God damn , when my friends(?) told me to buy a new computer while graphic cards were cheap, I didn't listen.
Instead I bought a switch with mario odessey. Damn you again friends(?) and my middleclass bachelor income.

Its okay if you don't know what it says, its a very deep dialect of fucking retarded.