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>muh solo MMO
your tears are delicious

As a FFXIV player, what is wrong about old content being still challenging?
Isn't that great?

Obligatory Git Gud

It’d be nice if they revamped old content so it’s meant to be solod but still provides an adequate challenge.

Then again, why bother with old shit

>Add a small challenge to the game

Everyone cries like bunch diaper babies. Wowfags arr beyond redemption at this point

People like to solo old content for transmog gear or old achievements.

WoW has been dead to me for a while and the most recent patches have only brought out the people who ruined it for me. People literally happy that Legendaries are easier to get, upset about not getting 'their loot' when the run something the first time, etc.

They constantly fuck with horizontal content in the wrong way, but also claim that the purpose of the game is only end game.

at least in ffxiv you can unsync old content.

in wow you can't do that.

yes you can't do that in wow because you don't ever sync your levels in wow. are you a bit mentally retarded? "unsyncing" would do nothing in wow

soloing old raids was actually fun before WoD fucked with numbers

Explain this change like I'm an idiot.
It sounds like they're enforcing level scaling. So why didn't they just make it a toggle like 14 did?

So wait, they added a level sync function, but it syncs up the dungeon to the party's level? lol

>phoneposter handling the twitter account


Fucking finally. Iv wanted shot to not be a faceroll for years

It's simply proper scaling instead of the improper scaling that was around in previous expansions.

it was a blanket buff to all low level content not level sync

they are years beyond redemption, the time to add any challenge back into the game was before they turned it into a facebook app.

>Sup Forums - Literally Whos on Twitter

>literally who

I see, I guess that make sense.
And I think I can understand your pain about the death of legendaries rarity.
As far as I know, back in vanilla/BC, people had to run 24(?) man raids to had the chance to get some and only the best of the best could have them and worked their ass off to get them?

But I imagine Blizzard preferred focusing to the casual community and shit out legendaries left and right for them and killing any level of worth they once had?

I guess it would be like being forced to run any extreme trial at their minimum ilvl?

>People literally happy that Legendaries are easier to get
Not they're fucking not. Legiondaries fucking suck and are widely hated which is why they're changing them.

Holy shit people still play WoW?

this shit is so stupid
make world content and leveling harder, fine, but old raids should remain a cakewalk.

>suggest the general forum
like they give a crap what anyone shares there.

>not having every single transmog you're interested in by now
It's like you're a baby. I've farmed those shitholes so many times that i simply do not care anymore.
It's a good move if you're worried that there's not enough content for the new crowd, although i wonder how many new players WoW even gets these days.

>played on Moon Guard a long time ago
>loved raiding and PvP during BC/WotLK
>quit playing
>resub in Legion
>holy shit this game is trash
>RP is going stronger than ever though
>literally just walk around Stormwind and RP with people
>have barely touched Legion content

People would farm old raids to get drops for legendary weapons that had a 1% drop rate for achievements and shit. I don't think you'll get a consistent raid group every week just so you can put together Thunderfury that does less damage then a level 110 gray weapon.

This. The only fucking saving grace of all that old, outdated content is that it was available for people to get transmogs and mounts. Making that a slog that's impossible to solo two whole expansions later is nothing but taking away content from players.

Casuals have no business on this board

Get fucked, single players

Blizzard always does what the braindead hordes of bads on the forums tell them.

if raids get harder, wouldn't that encourage people to you know...GROUP UP IN A MMO?

Why are people complaining they can't be a solo player in a MMO

because you do not pay my sub. I should be allowed to do all the things solo just as someone can be allowed to group.

>raids, meant to be taken on by large groups of people, have been modified to no longer be possible solo
>this is a bad thing.

I don't understand.

is that neru?

The only people who still play WoW are ultra casual soccer mom types who never speak to anyone and the severely addicted neckbeards who run these raids every week so they can get a mount they'll never use.
I'd consider this bait even on WoW forums, not worth a (You)

the old raids, for a long time they have been soloable content. many people farm drops there for enchanting or easy cash. now they can't do that.

Or they can use the group finder like people have been doing for WoD mythics.

So the only people who still play this game are autistic retards who sit and solo old raids all day?

>make leveling slower
>make raids longer, some mop and wod bosses are now impossible
>blizzcucks waste more time

they noticed their 500k base only cares about transmog and alts because there is nothing to do, they're just trying to keep autistic addicts longer

Why would anyone want to share loot they could have all to themselves

If I was one of those autistic mount farmers the last thing I’d want is someone to roll against me on it


how can they fuck up this bad ?


Vanilla Only player here. What the fuck is a transmog?

Garbage quests now reward current level experience. If you can find a hub of quests, you can gain levels fast.

Rares scale to level and give a ton of experience.

Random quest gear has upgrades for your leveling character

Enemies scale to your level. Those Goldshire creatures now are the same level as you.

At max level, enemies are annoying and still drop garbage

Old raids now have mandatory personal loot (one drop per boss for a 20 man mythic)

Old bosses had their health increased for no logical reason. Instead of burning down WoD bosses, you now have to buff like all hell and use trinkets with a lot of bursty mainstat.

Putting the skin of any armor piece on the one you want.
Basically, it stop you from looking like pic related.

your character becomes transgendered

Even that is a minority these days, it's mostly just people whose brains are so fried that they stand in some random location and stare at their character for 5 hours until they fall unconscious, occasionally accidentally pressing w and being amazed that something is happening.

>We suggest voicing your opinion on the public forums
>Go to forums and posts opinions
>Gets removed because toxicity

Come home, white man.


So glad you faggots won't be playing Classic.

BAWWWW all i do is grind gear. ive never played a good mmo like ultima online or swg bawwww

selling mythic carries pst discord

so glad you vanila queers will be gone
now shut the fuck up till 2019

>you can level entirely in outland or northrend from 58-70
>you can start pandaland at 80
>never have to deal with borean tundra or howling fjord again

thank christ

Can you really sell runs for real money without getting ban in wow?

We were already gone for years you dumb fucking cunt, anyone with two braincells to rub together saw the writing on the wall and bailed out in Wrath/Cata.

>not transmogging into pic
come on son

good that shut the fuck up and dont state your bullshit opinions

crawl back to your cage till 2019

it's been going on for years now. you can't mention paypal or real money in-game, but obviously every carry seller posts a discord so they can discuss paypal prices there.

older content is more tough my ass, here's what really is, from someone who is playing the closed alpha/beta and PTR

>mobs have a lot more health, but barely hit you
>the health difference only starts to really matter at level 40, you can still grab 80 mobs and kill them with AOES
>taking longer to level up /=/ harder

I'm not stating an opinion, OP is crying that he has to group up to do older content, I'm laughing at him.

shh back to the fuckin cave till 2019

>Pretend to have played vanilla
>Pretend he could beat more than 2 mobs at once
You're not fooling anyone, user. Go drink some coffee and rethink your life as to why you have to lie on a tibetan throat singing forum.

but this is the cave you retard

Maybe you should learn to read user. He didn't mention vanilla at all.

WoW is such a mess, I'm glad FFXIV is stealing its players. WoW general has just as much unique posters as FFXIV general.

mages were notorious for their ability to aoe farm in vanilla

>play MMORPG
>want to play it alone


Just fucking log in and blizz rewards you simply for being subscribed enough to buy next moth's sub, you don't even need to log in you can pretty much survive forever on the fucking mobile app as it is.

You sell Tokens/Gold in value of tokens

Shut the fuck up FFXIVcuck, you weebshits aren't even playing the game, you just AFK at your Sims 3 houses and ERP

>Isn't that great?
The only reason anyone gives a shit about old content is for solo farming transmog gear (same thing as glamour) and achievements.

wouldn't it just be so fucking terrible if it was like tbc/wotlk where you had to get 5 or 10 people together to clear an old 40 man raid, except now it's even easier with the group finder

How this this a bad thing? The power scaling was terrible. If you got an entire group of 70s you could do all the BC/WoTLK raids with like 5-7 people

>blanket buff
Why not just yoink the level sync option from XIV?

>Why not just yoink the level sync option from XIV?
Fuck that shit man. Level sync? Sure. Remove all my skills so it feels like I'm playing the shitty level 20 version of my class? Fuck off. Hate FFXIV for that.

That's why it's optional for older content.

King's Honor Friend