Dead Space

When is the new game coming around, how hyped are you?

I wish it would continue the coop kino 2bh. I don't care what Sup Forums says, deadspace 3 is the best coop game of all time. All time!

>Best coop game of all time

>B-but muh jumpscares :(
Dead Space was never scary. Dead Space 3 is fun. Shame about the microtransactions but I'm on my third run and only just noticed them lol

user... I got bad news for you...

Its dead user, and all the markers in the galaxy can't bring it back.

>Implying they won't just do a hard reboot with a tranny protag and white necromorphs

4 years ago

I would totally play as an autistic engineer chick though.

Don't know about the tranny part but would be genuinely interested in a legit autistic protag.

>implying there's any studio left that could do it
EA's studios are busy creating 50 Star Wars games

I worked for EA up until March of 2015. There was nothing going on at that point regarding Dead Space. Could be something happening now though. I dunno.

Honestly where else can this series go anyways? The first game came out what 10 years ago? You got kids on Sup Forums that were 10 when it came out that can post here now. It was 3 games of the same shit more a less except 3 ruined it supposedly. I think its done. No need to milk this franchise. It was good but it would need a serious shift in direction. No more Isaac and make it about survival on a planet or something with all new characters. I swear sometimes these companies just don't realize how to utilize these IPs they got.
White necromorphs seem like a good idea actually.

no u didn't
tell me what jade raymond is working on

yeah my dad works for nintendo too
my uncle is a valve employee

Nobody tell him.

>replying to yourself

Nice shilling.
Dead space is dead as of DS3. If you honestly think they'll make another one of these games without shitting it up like they did DS3 you're hopeless.


Fuck no. I even enjoyed RE6 coop. This game is fucking shit. I bought it at midnight because the first two were so great. Me and my buddy hooked up two tvs, two copies of the game, and played through the entire game in two days.

It's fucking shit. Every room is the same.

Don't fucking say so, these people hate money.

Why did you stop working at ea?

They even bought the domain for a new game

>tfw cucked out of Dead Space 2 & 3 on steam by German laws
>GoG only offers the first one

EA hates money

>tfw cucked out of Dead Space 2 & 3 on steam by German laws

Dead Space is dead, let it stay buried. Nothing EA can do at this point that'll be any good, its better to just move on.

Just be glad that it was able to be fluked into existence in the first place.

It was a good game.


for what dude

The first game was an awesome game to play.

>Just be glad that it was able to be fluked into existence in the first place.
Yeah, it's a bit like Mirror's Edge. EA can support developers making good games. But like always they take over and fuck everything up by trying to make more money.

Nah you're retarded

well for one 3 isn't on steam and 2 might be blocked because german law is retarded

3 is the only one that has a good co-op, but honestly, the first one is the only one I've enjoyed playing from start to the end.

I just want my HD remastered trilogy and I can die happy
No need for new games

Which is funny because first DS came out 100% uncut.
German """law""""

I still think DS1 looks gorgeous today. Something about it caught my eye way back when and I've maintained a love for it ever since.

It's a shame that they dropped the 4

For the best. DS2 was fucking garbage.

DS1 is the best one anyway
DS2 and DS3 are basically fanfiction
>I wish Isaac would talk and remove his helmet!

singleplayer games don't sell

>Genuinely wanting another Dead Space game from EA

You might be mentally retarded

>When is the new game coming around

Depression. I left the industry. It's too stressful. I went back to college to change career. I'm studying Medical Biology now to get a job working in a hospital lab testing patient blood samples and stuff. It's a low stress kinda job from talking to my housemate who does it.

Can't cancel something that doesn't exist.
