Who here is brave enough to post their editor?

Who here is brave enough to post their editor?

Other urls found in this thread:


>meme triangles
>eye cancer theme
Are you retarded?

Is terminix any good?

I like it. It's like GNOME-terminal, but with more features.

lets see your editor (oh wait you won't post it because you're scared)

I use Sublime. Roast me.

>Not using 3

I use the best editor out there, Geany.

looks good



>not kwrite
kys desu senpai


why would i use the one that does less but is the same otherwise?

werks for me

Your code triggers me.

Wait. Can you kate some-dir/? Because kwrite complains about being given directories.

GNU Emacs

Nano/pico for me


>I enjoy eating human shit out of my bare hands
Y tho

>no int main()
kys faggot

Fight me, fgts

what the fuck is that syntax

Sublime Text with Greybeard theme, courier font and Dayle Rees' Keen colorscheme.

>tfw I use vim despite not knowing half the commands you need to work efficiently
It probably is a detriment to my efficiency but I got used to it. I guess it's another meme I fell for.

I'm used to vim too but its just to use in a work env. Normie-devs expect do be able to do ctrc-c and shit like this without breaking stuff


more .vimrc
:highlight Normal ctermfg=grey ctermbg=black

"-------------BOOLEAN OPTIONS---------------
:set number numberwidth=4
:set mouse=a
:set matchpairs+=

":inoremap - ddi


would be good if not for the window decorations and menu
you must hate your self
6/10 rice more
spend one hour learning some more vim. You only need to know like 3% of what vim has to offer to become as proficient at it as any other editor. and to make it like an IDE you need plugins.
editor is 8/10 but the DE UI brings it down to a 7

yes you can

best editor out there

>6/10 rice more
No. I don't have time to lose.

it makes you a cuckold to use microsoft products though.

how so?

Shit, that's shut me up.

Visual Studio Code is open sourced and is a fork of Atom.

because ms will fuck you like they have over and over

I spent weeks choosing an anime background, ricing my install, learning to use VIM, installing Gentoo and choosing a desktop enviroment so this better get hella replies


It has never been a fork of Atom. Its MS's own editor Monaco that runs on Electron, made by github. Thats the only thing related to Atom



it's a garbage OS that insults your intelligence and blatantly robs you of your privacy

Might seem strange but it's what I use for writing.

Actually looks simple and comfy. Does it strain your eyes?

I didn't ask why Microsoft is bad, but instead why VS Code will make you a "Microsoft cuck". You illiterate fuck

still, I wouldn't trust anything that microsoft had their dirty hands on and I would avoid everything they make out of principle

also ask yourself why a for profit company is releasing an IDE for free

VS Code is not really an IDE.
It is also completely free and open source software (MIT license).
Don't confuse VS with VS Code.

All major software companies do some open source stuff on the side. It's for publicity.

Not really but it changes color perception. If I close the window and look at other things it will have a blue tint.

what does VS in VS Code stand for?

I see. Why this colorscheme in particular btw? And is it really abiword?

visual studio

who made VS Code?

are you really this retarded?

no, i just wanted you to say it

I wonder if anyones compiled VS code and compared the MD5 to a precompiled binary microsoft gives out....


You don't seem to understand that it doesn't really matter who the original author of a project is as long as its code is licensed under a free software license. Even if Microsoft decided to start charging money for VS Code and/or make it closed source, you still have the MIT-licensed source code that you can compile yourself, or just fork and keep developing on your own.

"compiling" javascript

i learn vim shortcuts as i go
>there's probably a better way to do this
>google "how to do X"
>learn how to
>know forever

this is how ive learned 90% of my shortcuts

this is how I learn anything ever desu

didn't realize what language it was written in, you get the point I'm trying to make though

Here you go OOH PEE

You don't seem to understand that if something is free it doesn't mean it's good.

There is a difference between bravery and stupidity.

what a world we live in

and when did I say VS Code was good?


>Not using superior C#

what's the point then?

>See sharp
>Blurry font

why don't you just use the dot instruction?



Hi Yuliya.

please read Web Development with Go. Your structure is giving me eye cancer.

>std::string opcode
kek nice one faggot

nice font rendering

Hmm, how?

Probably because I'm using the "Hack" font instead of Consolas or whatever the default font is

All that blue can't be good for your eyes.

There's a VS extension called "Text Sharp" that allows you to configure/disable ClearType for the code editor. Most programming fonts look much better without smoothing.

Thanks, I'll try it

What structure would you have?

> being a run time jew

it's an interpreter

it deals with disassembled code

also I don't think it will have any issues getting muh 60 fps on space invaders


I just like it. And it really is abiword

I know everything. Wanna be my mommy gf?

Thanks. Is Web Development with Go any good? Ratings online aren't so great

It's pretty nice. The standard library is great for small web apps, and other libraries like Gorilla mux (for routers) and Negroni (http middleware) are really nice. Designing a RESTful API in Go is retardedly easy.

The book I mentioned is actually really good, even if it is written by a pajeet.

Probably not nearly as popular as Python/Django/Flask, PHP, or Rails, but it's gaining in popularity.

Yeah I'm using Gorilla but I'm still a beginner. I've read The Go Programming Language and going to read Go Blueprints next. Might check out Web Development with Go next then!

DO NOT bully!!
I am a STUDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!

>no one's posted geany yet
WTF posting mine. god tier editor

nice code blocks is classic

what IDE is better on Linux in 2016? code blocks may be old but it's still pretty good. windows has newer featured IDEs

not bad

It's free. If MS fucks it up I'll switch to a different editor.

the thing i don't like about material design is everything seems to blend together for me. no clear distinction between those tabs, and folder view on the left

pretty good for css syntax


I don't see anything wrong with it, other than that it's uncommented.

why do you imply code::blocks is deprecated

it still works with modern c++ and people still use ancient text editors