Is there any reason why I shouldn't buy this NZXT H440 case?

Is there any reason why I shouldn't buy this NZXT H440 case?

Right now I have an Antec 900 that I bought a decade ago, it still does it's extremely dusty and dirty job but I've hated it since day one.

My main requirements for a case are that it should be silent, good cable management, and fucking dust filters.

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Fractal Design R5

Doesn't look as refined as the NZXT which seems to have better sound isolation and design, the price difference is just 20€ (130€ vs 110€). Any specific reason to get the Fractal Design R5 instead?

i have that one
its a good case but overpriced as hell
never pay more than $20 for a case

Patrician case confirmed.

do you really need a large case for children?
microATX or even ITX or fuck off

Good. Can you tell me about front panel audio quality? On my current Antec 900 case the front panel audio has always been full of interferecence. Is front panel audio clean on the H440?

Unfortunately I have a regular ATX motherboard and my GPU is also fuckhuge, so it wouldn't fit in a smaller case. If I had planned to replace my entire PC I would have gone miniATX most likely.

>Can you tell me about front panel audio quality?
no idea, i've got that disabled due to the same reasons with past cases
I use one of those usb thingamajigs to connect headphones and microphone
i havent even plugged the front panel audio to my mb

kek, didn't expect that

Could you please give it a try for me m8? It shouldn't take too long.

mATX are fuck huge anyway
good ITX cases are a meme
>m-m-m-muh scandinavian design
>i-i-i-it started full of good ideas
>y-y-y-you can even stuff an ATX PSU
>j-j-j-j-ust don't forget to buy a non modular one or a short silverstone puked out by inbred niggering monkeys

calm down there heeb
you seem like you hate everything

>seem like you hate everything
don't hate what tiny rigs could be
I'd actually very much enjoy one

but it would take a decent case to start with
and there's none
they're either fuck huge or designed by pajeeting monkeys

>I only hate things that exists

name one ITX case properly fit for a powerful rig

evolv mitx

fuck huge
you fail, pajeet

my bitfenix prodigy fits my 1060 just fine :)

grew taller and bigger manlet kike
and as before you retard
>hate things that exists

you seem very unhappy maybe you should end it all and jump under train?

>Antec 900
oh snap
I'm actually being given a Thermaltake Level 10 GT in about an hour. I think it looks fucking ugly and really heavy. I was told it's quiet, really expensive. But my friend didn't want it.

lol how about no.
that didn't take long at all

fortunately it does
would be a shame, seeing as it's fuck huge

>taller and bigger
realize you're talking about sff?
you're pajeeting like there's no loo to poo in
>seem very unhappy
at the shit state of sff cases, yes
could be worse, though
I could be one of those hopeless fucktards thinking fuck huge cases designed by dimwits are perfect
then, jumping under a train might indeed be an appropriate cure

It's not that big all. The handles make it seem bigger than it is, they can be removed.

Some people just want a tinier case that they can put on their desk. I slapped a few Noctua fans and a Noctua cooler in there and it literally can house everything I need while getting solid cooling and it's almost dead quiet.

I honestly don't see the issue with mITX cases like the Prodigy, Manta or Nano S. Yeah they're a bit bigger than the V1, SG series or M1 but they're made that way for people who want a small system that can watercool or house a lot of shit.

>Is there any reason why I shouldn't buy this NZXT H440 case?
The window makes you look like a child.

>makes you look

What the fuck? Who is going to judge me? Why should I even give a fuck if someone judges me? It's my fucking home and even if I had friends, they wouldn't be such cunts to comment on my PC.

No offense. It's your choice :)

housing a lot of shit goes against what sff stands for
watercooling has been of little interest for quite some time

also, without handles, it still has the wrong orientation
the smaller the case, the more it makes sense for it to be wider than it's tall, so to put it on a shelf

Small form factor could just mean smaller than the averge ATX case.

It doesn't have to mean a tiny little case that you'd only use if you lived in some 1B in Tokyo.

The taller case lets you fit a bigger cooler, you said it yourself that watercooling has been of little interest, even though I disagree with that.

AIOs are very popular and becoming more widely used, but the Prodigy is great because I think watercooling is a meme and it can fit a large cooler.

Because once you build a computer, you learn the value of workspace, part of the reason i am getting a thermaltake x9 cube case is because its fuck huge and allows access to EVERYTHING very easily without squeezing my hands int tight areas.

It also allows for massive amounts of cooling and easily mountable coolers to hit every aspect of the case motherboard you could use cooled.

I would personally never build a mid tower pc again, that was a nightmare to fit everything inside of nicely.

I would also never get something without proper cable management area, none of this bullshit squish it behind the motherboard mounting plate shit,

If possible I would never get a case with a window, and never use leds inside (possibly a cold cathode tube that i could turn on and off for a checking the inner workings light) but the case I want doesn't come with a windowless design.

the essence of sff is that less is more, minimalism
the sheer presence of a 5.25" bay on the Prodigy is a disgrace, if visual only, for instance

the 25cm wide by 21cm tall Node 304 accomodates CPU coolers almost as big as the Prodigy, ie is enough for a NH-D15S, for instance
(though it still is dimwitted shit, eg the PSU clearance, proof it's been designed by idiots)
that for one is the kind of things I'd rather see done (but properly, through and through, instead of that particular northern goatfucker crap)

Literally no reason to get anything else just buy H440

If you like its design, then buy it.

don't they make them without a window?

all semi decent cases come with windows now, what the hell
Thinking about replacing 200R for something without so many vents on sides, but 70% of cases come with windows

>not lian li
I have this baby since 09 only problem it doesnt have usb 3.0

>My main requirements for a case are that it should be silent
Then here's a reason not to buy it: It doesn't have any sound dampening foam like you see on some of Fractal Design's cases.

Consider instead

Have you looked at Lian Li IO ports kits? Chances are there is a more up to date one to fit your case.

Well shit didnt know that existed thanks

sell it on ebay.

>Level 10 GT
No user, that's the shitty gaymer rice cheap plastic case. Pic related is the real Level 10.

Got one of these because dirt cheep. Payed $80 for mine delivered.

Auzzi dollars*

The hell is going on with those?
Who buys this shit with the clear intention to put it on his desk?

corsair have a model that looks exactly the same but with a full door on the side

dont be a retard. people buy whatever fits their style/needs
if you want a $0 case salvage some wood and foam

Raging homosexuals.


NO, as someone who owns a h440, DO NOT buy this case.

Don't get me wrong its a beautiful case, but for the price it has sacrificed form over function. It is common knowledge that that top panel is actually a heat trap and my CPU runs about 10c cooler with it off, it also has a small slit at the front for intake so overall I'd rate the airflow pretty damn poor.

honestly the cpu heat is what pisses me off the most granted I'm using a radiator at the top but yeah the heat has nowhere to go but a tiny slit at the top so it runs a lot hotter than it should.

Also generally its not too bad effort to install everything with that stupid cover in the way.

overall i'd rate this case 6.5/10, it's alright but for the price tag you can definitely do better

>tfw I have the same case as this guy
God dammit.

I have the windowless version. The airflow in this case is pretty bad. Also the top air intake on this case doesn't have a filter.

SonI have this case and one of the fans started rattling. I tried cleaning it out with compressed air but it's still doing it. Anyone have some ProTips?

>monster energy drink

>and fucking dust filters.
Can't take five minutes to put filters in your case?

how old is this fucking image?

bearings are fucked, replace it.

Ive had an H440 for over 2 years now, I like it a lot. I use the audio ports on my motherboard for my headphones, but I tried the front panel ones and they sound just about the same. I know the front panel comes with 3 fans installed and a dust filter for them, but the 3 top slots for fans are empty and don't include a dust filter. The case is pretty roomy too, I have a reference 1070 installed and still gave another inch or 2 of space. It's fairly quiet too, it never bothered me sitting on my desk with all 7 fan slots filled. The only downside is it's heavy as fuck, but it is all metal. The psu shroud is really nice too, way less effort to make your build look clean

>anonymous mask
explains it

does anyone have the silverstone tj08? How is it to build in? The inverted motherboard looks kind of cool but i'm not sure as to how cramped it is. 5.25inch bays i heard are kind of an issue and things might be be hard to keep organized and clean on the inside. Post pics of your build if you have any, thanks!

also forgot to ask what a good alternative to the tj08 would be in terms of clean/classic looking aesthetics and being small (as most mATX cases are fuck hueg)