How did this piece of shit get such a fanbase?

How did this piece of shit get such a fanbase?

Reddit, and youtubers.

gaymer utoobers

I have one and honestly no problems with it

I wouldn't know, I got one of these instead.

Just bought one yesterday, should be here Tuesday. What's the problem? The reviews and audio examples I've heard are generally pretty good, especially for the price point.

there's nothing wrong with it, Sup Forums started hating it because it got popular

Its cheap, looks good, and sounds good.
It isn't amazing in any of those qualities, but stikes a nice balance.
Anyone have alternative reccomendations for a driverless usb microphone?

>How did this piece of shit get such a fanbase?

People. Are. Stupid.

So this board is about 93% Sup Forums right now, isn't it?

It's cheap and good enough for literally everyone.

Sup Forums is 90% Sup Forums, so technically you're right

I've only ever had $5 mics from walmart so I'm sure it would be amazing. I've never understood the "it's shit" meme because it seems like a ton of people use and enjoy it.

>Its cheap
Relatively, yes

>looks good

>sounds good
just no

You thought you could get away with that little lie there by starting out on a reasonable not but see, I caught you.

I honestly think it's a worth buy, I used to stream around 6hours a day and nobody complained about the audio. I even recommended it to my dad, we are both still using it. If you want a good mic it's worth

I just can't get over the look. Blue mics really are ugly, especially the yeti imo. AT mics look much nicer

ATAT2020 is a better choice than both the Yeti and Snowboall. Doesn't change the fact that it will pick up a lot of unwanted sounds though. In the end it comes down to what you want to do with it.

It's fine. This thread is just nuanced shitposting

Rode Podcaster or NT-USB ?
no parasite noise but a bit of reverb
I need a very clean sound but only a few hours a month

What do you use your microphone for that this isn't good enough for the job? I bet you don't even fucking talk to anyone who isn't bringing you food or taking your dirty dishes up to the sink.

On the topic of microphones, I want a fantastic one that I can use to record the sound of a random McDonald's toy being dropped into a tub of sweet & sour sauce in high enough fidelity that I can use a LFO filter to recreate the Star Spangled Banner out of the ripples. What do you recommend?


I thought it was a picture of a fan with a base and you were making a joke.

if it's USB it's pure shit

heh triggered
Anyway, this isn't about me. I've heard enough Snowball material to know that I think it does not sound very good. It's not complete garbage, but let's be honest, if you're going to set a set up a mic on your desk like that you should go for a certain level of quality. And this is not that. Not quite. Spend a little extra, get the AT2020. Much nicer sounding.

As and added bonus, it doesn't look... well... like that

I'm not even the guy you're autistically arguing with. I fucking hate people and therefore have no need for a microphone 99.9% of the time.

how is it better normal lavarlier microphone?

I'm not arguing with that guy. You posed a question remember? I answered it.

It's stupid to set up a big-ass mic and have it sound subpar.

>I fucking hate people and therefore have no need for a microphone 99.9% of the time.
But I'm the autist, got it.

it's good for the price and 99.99% of people have no need for a better microphone

If that's the Snowball ICE, it doesn't have a fanbase.
The ICE is garbage. The regular Snowball is pretty great though.

A PS3 eye is literally 5 bucks off of Amazon.

same reason why apple products have such a fanbase