Tfw Intel just destroyed Ryzen with one simple trick

>tfw Intel just destroyed Ryzen with one simple trick

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What if AMD demand them for dumping?

If they do that within 2 weeks of Ryzen release it will be confirmed everyone who bought a Skylate or Kaby lake has been ripped off

200 burgers for quad-core with no SMT? What a ripoff.

i don't get it

this, intel must carve off a limb from themselves either way

lol you think cores = speed?

No, combination of IPC, clocks and cores is. And 6core Zen is only 229 burgers which is filthy cheap.

Yep. Just two years ago you could get an i5-4690k or E3-1230v3 for less than 200. Right now they're about 250 dollars brand new on amazon (205 for the xeon, which I think is the better value).

Performance has stagnated, and prices are fucked.

I doubt it will be as fast as an i5-7600k.

ryzen still 50 dollars cheaper


I can OC it, and oh boy, it does not turn into housefire while OCing because it's fucking SOLDERED. FUCK YOU INTEL YOU GREEDY KIKES.


Enjoy your nano cracking every time you use it, basement boy.

OP here, how can I delete this post? I get an error saying I cannot delete?

Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Consumers benefit from price competition. That's why Intel prices have been steadily rising.

>tfw you bought a babylake

Dunno my 2600k still has the same temps it had years ago. Fuck you kiketel.

>intelcucks actually believe this

I bought Skylake a year ago and I'm happy. This just means my next upgrade will be cheaper. You should be happy too. There was no way you could have predicted Ryzen would be genuinely good, and you benefit from the competition next time you upgrade.

>Needing more cores
I mean....

Yes schlomo, more cores, cheap, for everyone.

What is expansion and contraction of dissimilar metals

Intlel shill detected
$0.02 has been deposited into your account

This, the human eye can only see 2 core. 4 cores is already overkill.

Here's some reviews of a highly overclocked Skylake Pentium. It loses pretty hard to a stock speed i5.

Why is it assumed that Ryzen will be genuinely good. Seems to me that they are hyping it up and exploiting that most people could never tell the difference between an i5 and i7 in the first place.

Games don't take advantage of anything more than 4 cores which is why having fast cores matter than MOARCORESmeme. Having 6-8 cores is stupid unless you are a content creator.

>you don't need it, goy
>also buy Intel and don't forget to delid it if you want acceptable temps

you'd need to halve that again to make up for mobo costs

Does anyone remember the massive nVidia Thinkpad fuckup that happened because of this? I can see a dark future for this.


Everyone will be pissed

Let's have a quick history lesson. Bulldozer was designed around the idea that programs would begin to be massively parallel, using many cores to perform integer math. It neglected single core performance and floating point performance, which hobbled it in most applications (because in 2012 nobody actually used more than 2 cores when programming).

Two things have changed that separate Ryzen from Bulldozer, relative to their contemporary competition:

1. Ryzen can keep up with Skylake in single-core performance.
2. Applications are starting to actually use moar cores, with certain games scaling well up to eight or more threads. DX12 will accelerate this.

you mean (((content creator)))

Is this 2012? GTAV scales well up to eight cores, and DX12 will allow scaling to an arbitrary core count.

Poorfags hate him, how?
'With this one simple trick: Watch!

>Ryzen can keep up with Skylake in single-core performance.

That's a pretty general statement that I won't even get into an argument about. I will be selling my shares the day of launch. I've seen this cinderella story before.


1. The benchmarks are wrong and we have no data
2. The benchmarks are right and the single thread performance is good

There isn't a scenario where you can logically infer poor single thread performance based on available data.

>Micro cracks occur after about 200 to 300 thermal cycles. A thermal cycle is performed by going from -55 °C to 125 °C while each temperature is hold for 15 minutes.
Nice try schlomo.

CPU scaling is a legit thing in the new APIs.

No amount of denial will change that.

I got my 4770k for that price at MC 3 goddamn years ago. It's not even that great a deal for MC standards. They also had a 2500k for $100 once.

Interesting read, thanks.

Not that user but wtf? Bad data is worse than no data.

They will. Expect entry level i7 for $230-250. Sad!
You'll still better off buying a $170 4 core 8 thread ryzen 1300 because the motherboards also cheaper.

is it really though?


>which is why having fast cores matter than MOARCORESmeme
Why do kike shills keep repeating this? Ryzen single core is on par with babbylake, maybe a couple % slower. In turn you get double the cores and threads for a LOWER PRICE than a fucking 4 core babby piece of shit processor.

And what evidence do we have the data is bad?

Anandtech and HardOCP forums

>Expect entry level i7 for $230-250.
They used to be 230-250 dollars two years ago.

They REALLY are on fire too.

I don't think so, kike. 4 core 8 thread unlocked (k) i7 have been $350 for years now.

And no one will buy them still because you can get an 6800k/6900k equivalent CPU from AMD for the same price.

>implying retailers will pass on the "savings"

Consider this:
A whole generation is experiencing fast AMD CPUs for their first time.
Most gamers are 13-17, after all.

Everyone should touch something designed by Keller at least once in their life.

The whole motherboard thing is bullshit tho

As much as I want to believe, this is a setup for disappointment lads.

What the heck are you talking about?

Lmao, look at this little kike shill. AM4 motherboards ready for overclocking start at $50. A $100 AM4 motherboard is equivalent to a $170-200 Shilltel motherboard.

Obvious hype cycle. Kek's first mistake.

But Trump won. So will AMD.

You don't get it. Trump is Intel all day. You would rip the timeline and Trump will be impeached. Literally can't happen.

Stop hating on Intel. Intel has some of the best engineers in the world when it comes to metallurgy. They know exactly what they are doing.

Sorry but my dad who works undercover is the best blacksmith on the planet.

he's right, you know

Bullfuckingshit that manufactures are going to deliver the same level of quality at that drastically a lower price point. AMD boards have always been cheap shit that couldn't overclock unless you bought an expensive motherboard, aka just like Intel. AMD has always had cheap motherboards because they were always shit anyway, they were budget processors made for the budget market. Suck a dick you little blind fanboy.

you can overclock literally any skylake intel cpu. intel just does not want you to know.

Their real counterattack begins when coffee lake.

It wasn't because they soldered a heatspreader onto the die
In fact those GPUs had no heat spreader at all

>Bullfuckingshit that manufactures are going to deliver the same level of quality at that drastically a lower price point.
You're mindfucked, kike puppet. You've been getting jewed for so long, you're basically brainwashed. You realize the only reason kiketel motherboards are more expensive is because of licensing? $100-150 for a motherboard capable of overclocking (even a little) is ridiculous.
>same level of quality at that drastically a lower price point.
That's exactly what's happening, both with AMD's processors and the motherboards. It's sad seeing you kike puppets go crazy over this. Maybe you'll finally realize Intel has been ripping you off since 2010.

I'm twice your age, easily, you little dumbshit. There was never any expensive AMD motherboards because AMD is a budget brand selling weak budget parts for poor budget gamers. What's the point in a mobo thats twice as much as the cpu? You are so deluded to think independent companies like ASUS or MSI or whoever is in cahoots with Intel, and that they are not absolutely salivating at all the money they are going to make off you faggots with Ryzen mobos. Stupid shit really thinks mobo manufactures really charge 50% more "just because" Those cheap as shit $50 or $100 mobo's you were bragging about will be no better than the Intel competing product at the same price point. sage

Holyyyy shit this level of shitposting should not be possible.

How can you be so retarded to not realize regardless of what cpu you buy AMD releasing Ryzen has helped you??

>Lmao, look at this little kike shill. AM4 motherboards ready for overclocking start at $50. A $100 AM4 motherboard is equivalent to a $170-200 Shilltel motherboard.

lol no. the entry level am4 motherboards will only be for low end apus and the 65w summit ridge skus, just like the shitty am2/am3 boards were.

>tfw got 4790k for $250 in 2015 and ain't fucking upgrading for a while

Ryzen is the next big thing. It's apparently more powerful than Intel's $1000 offerings, and you really believe $50-100 mobo's will be the norm? These AMD boards will be just as feature-rich and price inflated as every other consumer product launched in the last 10 years.

Wow, that's fucking bad. Fuck nvidia

It's always been that price. What gives? Are you a faggot, Op?

Enjoy your dying CPU while I get an 8 core 16 thread for the same price.

His argument was that mobo manufacturers are 'in cahoots', it's that they have to recoup licensing fees Intel charges them. Can you even read?

No Microcenter, brand new muthafucka.

I aint buying a used CPU, guarantees its either been fucked or is a known bad OC'r

Your waitfagging cost you years of enjoyment, tho.

nano cracking is regarding DIY solder. The industrial process doesn't crack.

you should leave Sup Forums

>all these buyer's remorse intelkikefags lying and crying
Lmao keep it coming, cucks.

>I aint buying a used CPU, guarantees its either been fucked or is a known bad OC'r

i've never had a bad experience buying used, especially with CPUs, my $100 2600k has lasted me for 3 years now.

...most GPUs don't have a heatspreader because they don't really expect you to ever remove the cooler. Laptop CPUs don't have a heatspreader, either.

>he thinks it's brand new
Enjoy your "refurbished" trash, goy.
>4 cores
>in 2017

Show me these fees, and show me this supposed massive price disparity that exists. It's all in your head. No one would buy a pricey amd board historically because it wouldn't be worth it. I can go right now and find cheap motherboards all day long for Intel. You guys are really reaching with your delusions here.

You paid tax, so you didn't pay $250, amerifat

No could wait for 8 years for AMD to get their shit together you delusional faggot.

No it was new.

Also, enjoy your wasting money on ddr4 placebo prices for marginal performance gain.

It can be OK if you dont care about getting OC lottery chance. If you got a used chip that was a good overclocker then you were really lucky.

>Euro wanting to bring up taxes as if that'll make it as if he gets things cheaper

>implying i'm europeen

it only gets worse from there then

Tennessee isn't that bad

>No it was new.
Sure it was. Sellers are legally allowed to sell refurbished products as new.
>Also, enjoy your wasting money on ddr4 placebo prices for marginal performance gain.
Yes, marginal gains with an 8 core 16 thread CPU and 3000+ MHz RAM. Silly little 4 core babby.

t. nigger

Luckily for me I actually do