Daily reminder that Windows users are saving lives while linux users killing people

Daily reminder that Windows users are saving lives while linux users killing people.

Today is your first day to save the world, buy Windows and support Bill.


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why are you not linking to the original source

>Warren Buffet


Bill has nothing to do with Windows.

He is a shareholder faggot

gee i wonder how much bill had to pay them to write a pro article in favor of him
seeing as how the mainstream media only writes non-slanderous articles toward people that pay them and negative articles about everyone else it really makes me wonder why the fuck you'd bother posting this unless you're brain dead about how journalism works now a days

He's just doing it to lower his taxes.

who cares why he does it, he is saving lives.

it's almost like if he didn't hoard a significant portion of all the wealth in the world to himself billions of other people could afford to do it themselves

Roaches and monkeys. 1 life saved with 4700$. He could invest it in anti cancer research or something, not playing the white knight after being the worst capitalist pig under the sun.

he is better than richard stallfag

In what way?

Richard Stallman is a philosopher who very accurately described the natural progression of nonfree software and slavery.

All bill cuck did was perpetuate various failed third world nations that will collapse when the aid money disappears

he actually does, IIRC... but only because its profitable, of course. and they are not really giving a lot of money

India Kicks Out Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - #NewWorldNextWeek


Buying a stairway to heaven.
>Cunt will burn forever.

Its because Bill caught taking shit in the toilet

if only, desu

damn the faggot who made the infographic is really damn good at SEO i must say

only fags who know what im talking about will get it

Richard Stallman is a faggot

It says he gave vaccines away.
How is that "saving lifes"?
Surely he saved some, but did they account every person who got vaccinated a saved life?
I bet most of those wouldn't even have gotten the illness.

Who cares who got the vaccines, the idea is Bill giving away medicine for free

he's saving a ton of african niggers, and they're all moving to yurop

you're welcome yurop, kek

As an European, I already get free healthcare.

Yea but your government cant cure your autism, we are talking about africa and other poor countries here

Thank you, I will buy Windows 10 now

Instead of wasting money to corrupt governments, he could instead spend it on disease research to help not just our country, but third world countries indirectly.

Nice seeing all the haters playing it down.

He deserves an awful lot of credit, but charity and thirld-word aid (in massive scale) is not what your average internet manchild appreciates, basically. Good is not edgy and so on.

Fuck of to Sup Forums, kiddo.

>saving 6 million lives
>6 million
oy vey

spotted the mohammed